7 We-Vibe Tango X & Touch X super powerful vibrator upgrades!

We-Vibe's boldest and best bullet and external vibes, the Tango and Touch, are revamped and even better than before!

Meet the Tango X and Touch X.

We-Vibe Touch X and Tango X clitoral vibrator top view of buttons

For more than ten years, the We-​Vibe Tango was revered as one of the rum­bli­est cli­toral vibra­tors on the mar­ket. Its sib­ling, the We-​Vibe Touch, was slight­ly less pow­er­ful but boast­ed more ver­sa­til­i­ty in its shape.

Over the years, other bullets have popped up, but they've yet to dethrone the Tango:

The Hot Octopuss Amo was my per­son­al favorite of the We-​Vibe Tango alter­na­tives due to its speed range and three-​button inter­face. I could turn its inten­si­ty up and down as need­ed, like decreas­ing stim­u­la­tion when I'm super sen­si­tive after orgasm. The result: longer, stronger, more numer­ous orgasms back-to-back.

While the Tango reigned supreme in rumbly ric­o­chet­ing pow­er, the Hot Octopuss Amo was an all-​around bet­ter bul­let for most users — until the new We-​Vibe Tango X and Touch X arrived on the scene.

We-Vibe Tango X and Touch X bottom view of lipstick slant and clitoral lay-on nestling "spoon"

What's new with the We-Vibe Tango X and Touch X?

Some of these upgrades may seem sub­tle, but togeth­er, they make a big dif­fer­ence over the orig­i­nal models.

1 — Rumblier vibrations

Let's start with the one most of y'all care about: the We-​Vibe Tango X and Touch X are more rum­bli­er than their pre­de­ces­sors. Whereas We-Vibe's clas­sic cli­toral toys used sinu­soidal vibra­tions, the new mod­els fea­ture a lower-​pitched, flut­tery qual­i­ty. Think of the dif­fer­ence between a cat purring vs. a mosquito.

In oth­er words, the We-​Vibe Touch X and Tango X's type of pow­er is far more refined and less irri­tat­ing. You can still turn them way up if you wish, but you may not need to. The motors have more weight to them, pro­vid­ing deep­er stim­u­la­tion, rever­ber­at­ing through more of the inter­nal cli­toris.

Subjectively, I'd say the old Tango's high­est speed is com­pa­ra­ble about halfway through the Tango X's inten­si­ties.

Note: the Tango is rum­bli­er but not as pow­er­ful as the Exposed Nocturnal, so con­sid­er that one if you don't mind buzziness.

2 and 3 — A "decrease speed" button and improved speed range!

The Tango X has twice as many steady speeds as the pre­vi­ous We-​Vibe Tango. Whether you're in the mood for light cli­toral flit­ting or some­thing to bul­ly your junk, the We-​Vibe Tango X's 8 speeds can give you that. And again, you can tone the inten­si­ty up or down as you phase through dif­fer­ent lev­els of arousal.

It used to be that I'd fore­most rec­om­mend the Hot Octopuss Amo to those who care con­trol — and I'd still sug­gest that if they're on a bud­get. But if they want the crème de la crème of pow­er­ful bul­let vibra­tors, the Tango X now has the same fea­tures, more pow­er, and doesn't cost much more. It's 100% worth considering.

We-Vibe Touch X and Tango X control panel and magnetic charging contact

4 — Patterns are now quarantined

Speaking of speed set­tings, one of the many quib­bles about the orig­i­nal We-​Vibe Tango was that you only got four steady vibra­tion inten­si­ties and four pat­terns. Don't get me wrong — I think there's a right way to do fun thrum­ming rhythms, but only one of the orig­i­nal We-​Vibe Tango's pat­terns were worth a damn.

And to turn the speed down, you'd have to click one but­ton to cycle through aaaaal­ll of the high­er speeds and pesky pat­terns first.

Nowadays, you can pre­tend they don't exist, if you want. One but­ton turns the speed up, one turns it down, and one cycles through the rhythms.

7 We-Vibe Tango X & Touch X super powerful vibrator upgrades! 1

5 — Wider silicone handle for easy grip

This update is spe­cif­ic to the We-​Vibe Tango X. It's not one I notice much, but users who strug­gle to grip small objects will appre­ci­ate it.

Edit: Since mul­ti­ple read­ers asked, I just want­ed to clar­i­fy what the new design means for inser­tion in a bul­let cav­i­ty. Rest assured, the We-​Vibe Tango X is still slim enough to go in, say, the LuzArte Jollet and stay put!

The clas­sic Jollet is 100% fine with the Tango X. However, you may cov­er up the top but­ton a lit­tle bit with the extend­ed wand-​and-​harness-​compatible Jollet. That's the only down­side, and it doesn't get in the way of use much for me. Also, it sticks out a lit­tle at the end, but then again, so would the orig­i­nal Tango.

Your mileage may vary, depend­ing on the toy in ques­tion. As a gen­er­al rule of thumb, if a bul­let cav­i­ty is 2.75" or short­er — the dis­tance between the tip of the Tango X and the cen­ter of the top but­ton — it should be fine to use the Tango X inside it.

Many vibrat­ing dil­dos, like the Tantus Tsunami and Cute Little Fuckers Trinity, tend to have short bul­let cav­i­ties to accom­mo­date small­er mini-vibes.

7 We-Vibe Tango X & Touch X super powerful vibrator upgrades! 2

7 We-Vibe Tango X & Touch X super powerful vibrator upgrades! 3

6 — The chargers now match the other, newer We-​Vibe stuff

I love when a com­pa­ny con­sol­i­dates its charg­ing con­nec­tors. It's eas­i­ly rec­og­niz­able, I don't have to label all of them, and if I'm declut­ter­ing, I can keep just one or two and dis­card the rest.

Plus, We-Vibe's old­er mag­net­ic charg­ers had a his­to­ry of being fid­dly and some­times acci­den­tal­ly dis­con­nect­ing. The new­er ones are impres­sive­ly strong and stable.

7 — Less "girly" colors

Finally, I have some great news for those who missed the (now-​discontinued) We-​Vibe Salsa's fire engine hue. The We-​Vibe Tango X comes in mid­night blue and cher­ry red! No more sad pur­ple here. As for the We-​Vibe Touch X, they've swapped out the egg­plant for coral orange and a rich green vel­vet swatch.

Should you get a We-Vibe Tango X, Touch X, or something else entirely?

While the We-​Vibe Tango X and Touch X's motors don't dif­fer much, some users may pre­fer one shape over the oth­er. Here's a quick sum­ma­ry of each one's ide­al audience:

We-​Vibe Tango X

We-​Vibe Touch X

  • Enjoys the slight drag of mat­te silicone
  • Wants some­thing slim that eas­i­ly fits between bod­ies dur­ing ventro-​ventro sex posi­tions (mis­sion­ary, cowgirl)
  • Likes options for stim­u­la­tion over a rel­a­tive­ly broad area

Overall, I pre­fer the Tango X for solo use since its pow­er is more eas­i­ly trans­mit­ted through the naked hard plas­tic shell. If I'm grind­ing against a part­ner, though, I may reach for the more maneu­ver­able We-​Vibe Touch X. I also think you get more bang for your buck with the Tango X.

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What's more, We-​Vibe is offer­ing a steep dis­count on their old We-​Vibe Tango — it's now under $60! I per­son­al­ly think it's worth shelling out a bit more for the new fea­tures since I'm pick­i­er about my vibra­tor but­tons. However, if it's the rum­ble you're after, don't miss this chance.

My verdict on the We-Vibe Tango X and Touch X

There's no such thing as a per­fect sex toy for every­one, but the We-​Vibe cli­toral vibra­tor mod­els keep mov­ing clos­er to the ide­al. With the new Tango X, We-​Vibe has added a new quirk but also prac­ti­cal­ly oblit­er­at­ed the glar­ing design flaws of the orig­i­nal Tango.

Whatever they've been dis­cussing at WOW Tech HQ, they're keep­ing up with the times and con­tin­u­ous­ly improv­ing their prod­ucts. We-​Vibe lis­tens to con­sumer feed­back to bring us some­thing even more beau­ti­ful every time — epit­o­miz­ing what a sex toy man­u­fac­tur­er should do.

Shop the We-Vibe Tango X and Touch X powerful compact clitoral vibrators at SheVibe!

7 We-Vibe Tango X & Touch X super powerful vibrator upgrades! 5

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18 Responses

  1. B R says:

    Thanks for the com­plete review. I may have to get one for my wife.

  2. Erika says:

    Hi! I own the Wevibe Melt and can find that it’s a bit too high for me on the low­est set­ting. Would you say that these have sim­i­lar start­ing points in inten­si­ty, or do they start a bit more calm?

    • It's hard to com­pare because they're in dif­fer­ent cat­e­gories. The Touch X's broad face would help dis­perse the vibra­tions, but tbh I think these both might be too strong for you.

  3. Brittany Potter says:

    Thank you for the infor­ma­tive review. I was ini­tial­ly torn between the Tango X and Touch X but after doing exten­sive research, I think I'll go with the Tango X.

  4. G says:

    thank you for the very thor­ough review!

  5. Trix says:

    I had a bit of a learn­ing curve with the Tango X…I’m used to more drag, so the glidy plas­tic felt sur­face buzzy at first. More pres­sure made the rum­ble come through!

  6. Pol says:

    The Touch X is ter­ri­ble, even buzzy, and does noth­ing. Wish I had bought Tango X instead.

  7. Victoria says:

    Wow! This was informative

  8. Jimena says:

    I’m craaav­ing the Touch X

  9. Trix says:

    I'm so hap­py that the X can still fit in a toy's bul­let vibe cavity!

  10. shellback says:

    Thank you for the great info and review. We have the Tango and Touch with my wife pre­fer­ring the soft­er Touch the major­i­ty of the time. In your opin­ion is the Touch X a worth­while upgrade based on being more rumbly/​more powerful?

  11. Prudence says:

    It's great when a com­pa­ny actu­al­ly lis­tens to their cus­tomers. We-​Vibe has seems to have fixed the prob­lems of the pre­vi­ous mod­els. Also, I love the new col­or options!

  12. J says:

    Could it still fit in the LuzArte Jollet?

  13. Citrine says:

    Thank you for get­ting such a fast review of these out there! I'm inter­est­ed in you men­tion­ing the Tango X as good for putting in dil­do bul­let cavities- I assumed that because of that larg­er hand grip, it would only be able to be insert­ed halfway into one of those holes and fall out. Have you had a chance to use it insert­ed in a vibrat­ing dildo?

  14. Jeff says:

    Love the addi­tion of the sil­i­cone grip to the Tango X. Things get get all lubed up and slippery.

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