Review: We-Vibe Nova 2 rabbit vibrator with rumbly clit stimulator

Review: We-Vibe Nova 2 rabbit vibrator with rumbly clit stimulator 1

Oh, my — the Nova has changed, but is it for the bet­ter? Let's com­pare the We-​Vibe Nova 2 to the original.

How I felt about the We-Vibe Nova before

The orig­i­nal We-​Vibe Nova was, hands down, the best rab­bit vibra­tor I had ever tried. It was hon­est­ly ridicu­lous how fast and hard and long it made me come.

Both the Nova and Nova 2 bring us the best of both worlds (simul­ta­ne­ous G‑spot and cli­toral stim­u­la­tion) for breath­tak­ing blend­ed orgasms.

We-​Vibe Nova 2 review table of contents

What makes the We-Vibe Nova's shape different from other brands' rabbit vibrators?

Review: We-Vibe Nova 2 rabbit vibrator with rumbly clit stimulator 2

For starters, it tack­led the inher­ent prob­lems with find­ing a dual stim­u­la­tor that fits.

Before the We-​Vibe Nova, I'd tried rabbit vibrators that:

Moreover, the over­whelm­ing major­i­ty of them pull away from my clit as I thrust.

That's the rab­bit vibrator's dilem­ma: it sounds good on paper, but in prac­tice, the design­ers have to find ways to stim­u­late vagi­nal­ly and cli­toral­ly with­out break­ing con­tact. That may involve a self-​thrusting inter­nal prong or a flex­i­ble out­er portion.

We-Vibe's Nova rab­bit vibra­tor opt­ed for the lat­ter: the clit arm bends as you thrust. So, as you slide the G‑spotter along your front wall, your clit can enjoy vibra­tions through­out the experience.

The .GIF below shows how that's super helpful.

Review: We-Vibe Nova 2 rabbit vibrator with rumbly clit stimulator 3

Its flex­i­bil­i­ty also allows the Nova to accom­mo­date a broad­er range of anatomies. Compared to oth­er peo­ple with vul­vas and vagi­nas, my clit-​vag dis­tance is very aver­age — about 1 inch long — and my G‑spot isn't super far in.

The We-​Vibe Nova's design works well for me, but I could see it expand­ing to work for some­one with a clit-​vag gap of 3 inch­es, as well. There's a bii­i­ig range of users who would enjoy it.

We-Vibe Nova 2 measurements & specifications

  • 4.25 inch­es insertable length
  • 8.5 inch­es total length
  • 1.3 inch­es max­i­mum shaft diameter
  • USB recharge­able
  • Submersible
  • 5‑button con­trol panel
  • 2 inde­pen­dent­ly con­trol­lable motors
  • 13 inten­si­ties and 9 includ­ed patterns
  • Smartphone option for cus­tom control
  • Long-​distance play via app

And the We-​Vibe Nova is super rumbly on the outside!

The oth­er prob­lem with most rab­bit vibra­tors is that the exter­nal stimulator's motor is often tiny and buzzy. That's not the case with the We-​Vibe Nova or Nova 2! Both ren­di­tions start with a low, deep purr and splash fan­tas­ti­cal­ly when dipped in water.

I'd expect noth­ing less from the We-​Vibe Nova, con­sid­er­ing that We-Vibe's com­pact Tango bul­let is the gold stan­dard of rum­ble. It packs a seri­ous punch in a small package.

Where I’m ambivalent about the newer We-Vibe Nova 2

Ah, this We-​Vibe Nova 2 review isn’t all good news. If you’re some­one like me, with closely-​spaced anato­my, I rec­om­mend you get the old mod­el while you still can. It’s on clear­ance (yay!) and set to be dis­con­tin­ued (not yay). I’m mourn­ing the loss.

Here’s the thing: the original Nova has a shorter distance between its prongs and grips far more tightly than its successor.

That trans­lates to firmer and more effort­less cli­toral pres­sure, no mat­ter what I did. Swiveling the G‑spotter and let­ting the We-​Vibe Nova’s rumbly vibra­tions shake my cli­toris from all angles. Fuck, yeah. It was heav­en for my aver­age clit-​vag gap and shal­low G‑spot.

I respect that the revamped We-​Vibe Nova 2‘s mea­sure­ments are prob­a­bly the result of cus­tomer feed­back. Most like­ly, plen­ty of oth­er peo­ple found that the orig­i­nal Nova clamped too hard.

I under­stand that the new mod­el has a broad­er mass-​market appeal. I appre­ci­ate that WOW-Tech’s design­ers decid­ed that man­u­fac­tur­ing the Nova 2 alone would have a greater return on investment.

However, the rea­son I didn't notice the shaft adjusta­bil­i­ty at first is because, when I clench, I can bend the We-​Vibe Nova 2's shaft out of place. It doesn't stay in the opti­mal posi­tion for dual stim­u­la­tion for me.

Ultimately, I wish We-​Vibe would have kept both their Nova and Nova 2 to fit an even more com­pre­hen­sive range of users. It’s pret­ty hard to ignore the most rel­e­vant data point to me: my own body!

Review: We-Vibe Nova 2 rabbit vibrator with rumbly clit stimulator 4

What I like about the We-Vibe Nova 2

(Nova 2 vs. original Nova improvements!)

For one, the new Nova 2 is rum­bli­er. Its pow­er lev­el is about the same, but its tim­bre is a far more bass-​like and rich­er pitch.

The We-​Vibe Nova 2 also has cushi­er and silki­er sil­i­cone for a more lux­u­ri­ous feel. If you like squish, you'll prob­a­bly like the Nova 2 more than its pre­de­ces­sor. I much appre­ci­ate it when man­u­fac­tur­ers can keep up with the times. Sex tech has changed a lot, and upgrad­ing the fin­ish of their toys to seam­less per­fec­tion is the least that We-​Vibe could do.

Review: We-Vibe Nova 2 rabbit vibrator with rumbly clit stimulator 5

Finally, I appre­ci­ate the We-​Vibe Nova 2's newly-​rearranged con­trol pan­el. It's far­ther up on the han­dle for easy reach. They also moved the pow­er but­ton a bit out of the way; focus on adjust­ing set­tings dur­ing your ses­sion. As well, the charg­er is in the back of the han­dle, instead of close to the buttons.

These mod­i­fi­ca­tions are small, but they're present.

Plus, you can still con­nect to the We-​Vibe Nova 2 via Bluetooth. That now includes long-​distance remote con­trol play and a built-​in voice and video chat option, which may be espe­cial­ly help­ful if you're social dis­tanc­ing! Though the new We-​Connect app isn't as intu­itive as it could be, I much enjoy the new features.

Review: We-Vibe Nova 2 rabbit vibrator with rumbly clit stimulator 6

My verdict on the We-Vibe Nova 2

The new­er We-​Vibe Nova 2 mod­el is still in the run­ning for the best dual stim­u­la­tion vibra­tor, even if I don’t as whole­heart­ed­ly rec­om­mend it as the orig­i­nal Nova.

I rec­om­mend­ed the orig­i­nal 90% of times peo­ple want­ed rab­bit vibes. The new one? I’d prob­a­bly sug­gest it 75% of the time while sug­gest­ing that the oth­er 25% of peo­ple get a toy with a tighter fit.

As always, when shopping for a rabbit vibrator, consider your anatomy.
If you have either of the following:
  • A G‑spot that’s 2 inch­es inside or deeper
  • A clit-​vag gap that’s longer than 1 inch and short­er than 3 inches

…then you’ll like the Nova 2 more than I do. It’s high­ly adapt­able, fit­ting most users. And you’ll find its thrusta­bil­i­ty and rum­ble far out­shine oth­er dual stim­u­la­tors on the market.

However, it's not com­pat­i­ble with my pelvic floor. It might work for you if you pre­fer a loos­er grip or your anato­my is spaced out more than mine is, but my shal­low G‑spot and short clit-​vag gap don't get along with it.

I hope We-​Vibe will bring back the orig­i­nal mod­el. In the mean­time, I’m still zero per­cent sur­prised that hard­ly any oth­er man­u­fac­tur­er has topped We-​Vibe in mak­ing the best rab­bit vibrator.

Where to get a We-Vibe Nova 2

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8 Responses

  1. Lia says:

    You talk about G‑spot depth, but is there an accu­rate way of fig­ur­ing that out? I'm pret­ty sure mine is over 2" in because I've always strug­gled with only just bare­ly able to graze it with my own fin­ger (I have small hands but still def­i­nite­ly over 2" fin­gers) but if there's a bet­ter way to mea­sure I'm all ears.

    P.S. One of the rea­sons I enjoy read­ing your blog despite hav­ing very dif­fer­ent tastes in sex toys — I don't care much for vagi­nal pen­e­tra­tion — is because I love the con­sid­er­a­tion you give to how stuff would work on dif­fer­ent bod­ies. Relying on tri­al and error before has left me with a stack of aban­doned toys in the past and this helps me know before I purchase.

    • Not real­ly; it's tis­sue that's always adjust­ing with arousal, so the best we can do is use fin­gers and get a range rather than any set num­ber. Btw, a G‑spot that's as deep as your fin­gers go is total­ly nor­mal. <3

  2. G says:

    ty for anoth­er love­ly review!!

  3. Jimena says:

    If I ever get myself a rab­bit vibra­tor it will def­i­nite­ly be this one

  4. Kat says:

    I'm not sure which one of these lit­tle guys would work nest for me. Decisions deci­sions! Thanks for the deets!

  5. Prudence says:

    I'm so excit­ed that you're giv­ing one of these away!

  6. Jeff says:

    I showed this to my wife and she just said ‘oooooohh.’

  7. Sylvan says:

    I’m so hap­py that we vibe lis­tens to cus­tomer feed­back. I may actu­al­ly try and snag an orig­i­nal too.

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