9 Silicone Pussy Plugs, Compared: G Squeeze, Sensi & MORE

"Dude, I'm so fuck­ing horny I came like instant­ly upon slip­ping in a pussy plug," I texted my friend.

Squarepegtoys G Squeeze and Uberrime Sensi soft silicone vaginal plugs

Ever since the icon­ic LuzArte Jollet — a single-​humped dil­do designed to fill the vagi­na and tes­se­late with the G‑spot's con­tours — start­ed run­ning low on stock (again), I've want­ed to rec­om­mend an alter­na­tive for my readers.

My top picks? Uberrime's Sensi and SquarePegToys' G Squeeze, though I'll share more than a few faves in addi­tion to that!

Squarepegtoys G Squeeze silicone vaginal plugs

Sensi was the studio's first vagi­nal plug design, inspired by my usage of a huge butt plug in my vagi­na and pre­lim­i­nary dis­sec­tion of ques­tions like:

  • Can a butt plug be used vagi­nal­ly? (Yes!)
  • What makes a plug great for vagi­nal use?
  • What pussy plugs would I recommend?

Based on my traf­fic from Google and the fact that the Sensi's first batch sold out with­in three days of release, there was clear demand for pussy plugs in 2018 and 2019. Users want­ed some­thing to clench their walls around. And now, years lat­er, we have more options than ever before!

Uberrime Festa Sentio Suavis Sensi silicone plugs for vaginal use

As always, your mileage may vary. I like short­er necks, but have includ­ed some options with longer necks and more grad­ual tapers toward the end. Some dil­dos dis­cussed here are also plug-​like in shape for sta­tion­ary play but too bulky to actu­al­ly wear while out and about. I trust that you know your pref­er­ences for G‑spot toys and plugs bet­ter than I do.

Here are nine pussy plugs for vagi­nal wear and three love­ly, fill­ing dil­dos for sta­tion­ary play — all ranked and compared.

Squarepegtoys G Squeeze and Uberrime Sensi silicone plugs for vaginal wear

S-Tier: My Favorite Silicone Pussy Plugs For Vaginal Use

This sec­tion is a must-​read for choos­ing from the best vagi­nal plugs!

Uberime Sensi

Yes, Sensi is the plug that made me cum the moment it locked in. I was just so fuck­ing horny that the Sensi's humps and con­tours meld­ed and yield­ed and pushed back against me in all the right ways.

I love keep­ing it tucked away while my walls push and pull against it.

I came. I clenched. I came again. I love it when it's all the way in, some­times squeez­ing it fur­ther up against my A‑spot. I love it when I put just the tip in, mash­ing it against my G‑spot while my pussy puls­es try­ing to eject it.

Uberrime Sensi super soft silicone pussy plug and G-spot dildo

I love thrust­ing it for the pop­ping sen­sa­tion along either hump.

My pen­e­tra­tion pro­cliv­i­ties used to be a lot more hard­core. Since then, I've become habit­u­at­ed to tip drilling* and crave to have the Sensi's bul­bous head con­form to my front wall while open­ing me up, play­ing a light tug-​of-​war between my cunt and my hand.

Once it's in, there's plen­ty of vul­va real estate to place a fin­ger or vibra­tor against my cli­toral glans, and we're back to the end­less cycle of cum­ming and clenching.

Every squeeze of my pelvic floor con­stricts and dis­places the sil­i­cone. With each con­trac­tion, I can feel the Sensi nar­row­ing and length­en­ing inside me, like a sub­tle kind of thrust­ing or nudging.

Uberrime Sensi Review, orig­i­nal­ly pub­lished in 2019

Though I can't guar­an­tee instant orgasms for you with the Uberrime Sensi, I know what it does for me, and my pas­sion for it has been sim­mer­ing for five years and boiled over. I'm thrilled to revis­it it as a writer and give it the spot­light it deserves.

Uberrime Sensi super soft silicone pussy plug and G-spot dildo in hand

*I can thank all the times I want­ed pen­e­tra­tion but was too lazy to wash my hands or a toy. So I tapped the entrance walls, cush­ioned by my labia, apply­ing pres­sure inside with­out actu­al­ly going in.

Uberrime Sensi Measurements

  • 5" total length
  • 4.5" insertable length
  • 1.6" head and mid-​shaft diameter
  • 1" neck diameter
  • 1.8" base diameter
  • Shore 0030 or 0050 firm­ness. It's your choice — do you want the soft­ness of warm gum­my can­dy or cool gum­my can­dy? Mine is the latter.

Different shops will stock dif­fer­ent col­or options, so check out many of my favorite shops — or choose your col­ors for a made-​to-​order Uberrime Sensi vagi­nal plug!

Squarepegtoys G Squeeze scooped and tapered vaginal plug

SquarePegToys G Squeeze

This vagi­nal plug comes in 8 sizes (!!!) and four col­ors, with a tapered bulb for slight cervix stim­u­la­tion and a "scoop" for curv­ing around the pubic bone. If you'd rather have more con­ven­tion­al­ly swelling sil­i­cone against your front wall and G‑spot, all you have to do is turn it around.

My first time test­ing the SquarePegToys G Squeeze Medium, I left a voice note for a friend say­ing, "Alright. Well, I just insert­ed the medi­um one back­ward, and I clenched, and I instant­ly came. So this is going to be a good review."

"I can hear it in your voice, lol," he respond­ed. "Fuck."

"I'm not even try­ing for a bed­room voice," I said, with my pussy still stuffed.

Squarepegtoys G Squeeze XXL in hand and XL L M plug sizes comparison

I tried half of the SquarePegToys G Squeeze sizes, and here's how they com­pared. (Yeah, the pat­tern is pre­dictable: I expe­ri­enced more abun­dant and effort­less orgasms the big­ger I went.)

G Squeeze Medium

The base isn't long enough to anchor firm­ly against my clit on its own. However, the G Squeeze Medium can push me over the edge if I'm already close to cum­ming by clench­ing, sway­ing my hips, and squeez­ing my thighs togeth­er like a crick­et to get that pres­sure along the center.

The "scoop" fac­ing front doesn't do much for me, but the scoop fac­ing my back wall—and there­fore the con­vex curve against my front wall—is lus­cious. It gen­tly fills, not as aggres­sive­ly as the oth­er (rel­a­tive­ly round) toys on this list.

Holding the Squarepegtoys G Squeeze Medium in my hand next to other pussy plug sizes

I find this size too squishy to twist and thrust as a dil­do. It's all-​around gen­tle on the walls and cervix, whis­per­ing its pres­ence, but it's proud­ly there. And it might be an incen­tive to do your Kegels! Work out your pelvic floor, have more intense orgasms because your mus­cles feel the sil­i­cone push­ing back hard­er, have fun, do it more, get stronger, have more intense orgasms, and so on.

G Squeeze Large

The front scoop made me cum even more quick­ly, pant­i­ng a lit­tle when I wasn't expect­ing it. The G Squeeze Large is a bit more sta­ble for twist­ing the edges and thrust­ing to nudge my cervix. When I turn it side­ways, it feels G‑spotty, with a slight knot­ting sen­sa­tion. I love anchor­ing the edge against the front wall for focused stimulation.

Squarepegtoys G Squeeze XXL XL L and M super soft silicone vaginal plug sizes

G Squeeze XL and XXL

Thanks to the soft sil­i­cone and hol­lowed design, the XL G Squeeze was sur­pris­ing­ly gen­tle going in for its size. (These pussy plugs are fill­ing but look more intim­i­dat­ing than they actu­al­ly are.)

The XL and XXL also made me cum instant­ly upon insert­ing and lock­ing in the G Squeeze vagi­nal plug — and not just an orgasm, but an expan­sive one. Like, last­ing longer than a minute with no effort on my part besides the ini­tial pen­e­tra­tion. Beyond that, the orgasms were hands-​free. No thrust­ing, no rock­ing. Nothing. Just clench­ing and cum­ming and more clench­ing and more cumming.

And, of course, the XL and XXL G Squeezes are even more intense against the G‑spot when you turn them around. At these sizes and the super soft firm­ness, the G Squeeze vagi­nal plug is defin­i­tive­ly a plug and not a dil­do. Forget about thrust­ing or twist­ing; just squeeze around it.

Squarepegtoys G Squeeze XXL vaginal plug in glass dish

Take 10% off a G Squeeze (or any­thing else) from Peepshow Toys when you use code SUPERSMASHCACHE

A-Tier: Deliciously, Uniquely Filling & G-Spotty

These vagi­nal plugs are more bul­bous for firmer pres­sure against the G‑spot.

Oxballs Honcho

I reviewed the Oxballs Honcho after my writ­ing style went fer­al — there­by doing plen­ty of jus­tice to these plugs in my pussy.

Oxballs Honcho plug sizes 2 and 3 in hand for size comparison

Here's what my past self (in 2022) said about the super soft Oxballs Honcho Size 2:

It smooshed right inside me with a sat­is­fy­ing pop since there was such a con­trast between the head and neck. I came quick­ly once it was in, start­ing a feed­back loop where, with every orgasm, my vagi­na would reflex­ive­ly push it out, and my hand would push it back in, and the bulging girth against my inter­nal cli­toris would make me cum, and my vagi­na would push it out, and so on.

And here's what I said about the Size 3:

The Oxballs Honcho Size 2 doesn't reach my cervix, but the Size 3 does. Its girth took some more effort. I sat on it ini­tial­ly, with my hand sta­bi­liz­ing the neck. Rather than thrust­ing and bulging against my G‑spot, it locked in place, usu­al­ly stay­ing steady even when I came. Which I did, again, near­ly non-stop.

There was cen­tered ten­sion against my cervix, blur­ring the line between plea­sure and pain — maybe a 70%-30% break­down, respec­tive­ly. The sil­i­cone is soooooo soft that each clench pulled the Honcho in and elon­gat­ed it slight­ly, press­ing hard­er against the ceil­ing … I came by squeez­ing it vagi­nal­ly alone, but rub­bing my clit made it even more intoxicating.

Oxballs Honcho plug sizes 2 and 3

Oxballs Honcho Measurements

Size 1
  • 4.8" total length
  • 4.2" insertable length
  • 1.9" max­i­mum diameter
  • 1.2" min­i­mum diameter
Size 2
  • 5.4" total length
  • 4.8" insertable length
  • 2.4" max­i­mum diameter
  • 1.4" min­i­mum diameter
Size 3
  • 5.6" total length
  • 5" insertable length
  • 2.8" max­i­mum diameter
  • 1.6" min­i­mum diameter

And yes, they're all huge, but the pli­a­bil­i­ty makes them more man­age­able. Oxballs' super-​soft sil­i­cone is "so squishy that it doesn't even reg­is­ter on my Shore A durom­e­ter. It's like, 'be care­ful with long nails' lev­el soft­ness," I wrote in the past.

Oxballs Ergo

As with the Honcho, Oxballs' Ergo is "a delight to clench and squeeze around, feel­ing it get longer and nar­row­er as it con­forms to my walls. And, of course, when I relax, it springs back to its orig­i­nal width."

Oxballs Ergo G-spot and prostate-stimulating super soft silicone plug

It will stuff you up for a full feel­ing — and not just for size roy­al­ty. Peepshow Toys stocks five sizes and five sil­i­cone den­si­ties to choose from!

The most appar­ent shape dif­fer­ences between Ergo and Honcho plugs for vagi­nal use are:

  1. Ergo has a slight for­ward tilt for more G‑spot stim­u­la­tion — while stay­ing sta­tion­ary and hands-free!
  2. It's not meant to rep­re­sent a cock in any way (though the Honcho's inflat­ed shape and dimen­sions ren­der the phal­lic sub­ject mat­ter near­ly unrecognizable)
  3. Its round­ed, off-​center tip can be worn tilt­ed for­ward to evade my cervix, even at larg­er sizes.

Pair it with your favorite wand or strong bul­let to bring on the bold, brash intensity.

Browse Oxballs Ergo plug options at Peepshow Toys.

Honey Play Box Oly 2

So you want a mid-​sized vibrat­ing pussy plug. I gotchu. Honey Play Box's Oly is a firmer (and rumbly!) Bluetooth panty vibra­tor with a round inner bulb and notch­es for sur­round­ing the cli­toris on the out­side. Control it with a smart­phone app for dis­creet sen­sa­tions inside and out.

Honey Play Box Oly and Oly 2 2 dual motor vibrating plugs with Bluetooth remote control app

The inner motor is mod­er­ate­ly strong, and the out­side is a bit on the high-​pitched side but still sub­stan­tial by my tastes. (Yes, the vibra­tions will splash when dipped in water.)

Depending on where you're shop­ping, you may have noticed an Oly and Oly 2. The shape is the same, but the upgrad­ed Oly 2 has:

  • Pressure sen­sors for vibrat­ing more intense­ly when you squeeze around the bulb
  • A deci­bel mon­i­tor for pick­ing up ambi­ent sound, like when at a con­cert or club
Honey Play Box Oly 2 dual motor vibrating plug with Bluetooth remote control app

Honey Play Box's Oly and Oly 2 are my top mid-​budget picks for panty vibra­tors — get great sen­sa­tion with­out break­ing the bank or going into lux­u­ry price territory.

As always, with dual stim­u­la­tors, check the mea­sure­ments before you buy. The Honey Play Box Oly's exter­nal prong is a bit far from my clit for my taste, but it can eas­i­ly be pressed up against me by wear­ing a tight pair of under­wear, or jean shorts or just using the toy while sit­ting down or hump­ing someone.

Honey Play Box Oly 2 Measurements

  • 1.3" max­i­mum diameter
  • 0.4" min­i­mum diam­e­ter neck
  • 3.4" insertable length
  • 4.4" total length
  • 1.6" by 3.5" T‑bar base
  • 1.6" long stem
  • 1.4" between the stem and apex of the exter­nal stimulator

Use dis­count code SUPERSMASH10 for 10% off your first Spectrum Boutique order or when you check out as a guest.

Uberrime Sentio and Suavis silicone plugs for vaginal wear

B-Tier: Not Perfect For Me, But May Work Better For You

Defining a great pussy plug can be sub­jec­tive since even our inner bits come in dif­fer­ent shapes. Here are some plugs with longer necks and more tapered bod­ies that I'm not that into, but you might adore!

Uberrime Festa

This plug is more top-​heavy than the oth­er Uberrime designs and comes in three sizes.

What I appre­ci­ate about the large one is how its oblong base is thick with a pro­nounced curve that press­es my clit. For that rea­son, Uberrime's large Festa pussy plug is a can­di­date for cross­ing my legs and rub­bing them togeth­er like a crick­et for hands-​free exter­nal stim­u­la­tion while I clench.

Uberrime Festa large silicone pussy plug

If you're the type to put some­thing squishy over a wand to soft­en the sen­sa­tions, Festa is a good fit. And, of course, the oblong base makes it butt-safe!

Uberrime Festa Large Measurements

  • 5.5" total length
  • 4.5" insertable length
  • 2" head and mid-​shaft diameter
  • 1.2" neck diameter
  • 3.2" x 1.7" base 
    • Up to 1.3" clit-​vag distance
  • Choice of Shore 0030, 0050, or 8A

Hole Punch Toys Fluke

I had a Hole Punch Fluke a loooong time ago and end­ed up giv­ing it to a friend. It's anoth­er vagi­nal plug that fans adore because:

  1. It's fill­ing, with a max­i­mum diam­e­ter of 2"
  2. It has a sharp coro­na for press­ing up against a wall
  3. It's flex­i­ble at the neck but firmer than many of the oth­er pussy plugs on this list, which for some users trans­lates to an eas­i­er time hold­ing it in place
  4. The firm­ness also means an eas­i­er time thrust­ing as a prop­er dil­do, includ­ing poten­tial­ly for the G‑spot
9 Silicone Pussy Plugs, Compared: G Squeeze, Sensi & MORE 1

However, I'm not a Fluke fan because, like many oth­er toys on this list, this one's taper is grad­ual. Its apex doesn't line up with my G‑spot quite the way I'd like, even when thrust­ing it as a dildo.

However, the Hole Punch Toys Fluke vagi­nal plug has got­ten rave reviews on SheVibe because, of course, every body is dif­fer­ent — and some users think it's perfection!

Hole Punch Toys Fluke Measurements

  • 5.75" total length
  • 5.25" insertable length
  • 2" max­i­mum diameter

Uberrime Sentio

The Uberrime Sentio plug is rounder, straighter, and less defined than the Sensi, as if some­one took a bal­loon of the Sensi and engorged it to make it plumper at the top. The coro­na is slight­ly more defined, in the sense that it has a tighter edge, though it doesn't jut out near­ly as much.

Uberrime Sentio vaginal plug and semi-realistic dildo hybrid

Other dif­fer­ences include the Sentio's longer neck and thick­er base. What does that mean in practice?

  • Sentio is more for lock­ing in for sta­tion­ary use, while Sensi can be used for that and for thrusting
  • Sensi is for vagi­nal use only, while Sentio is safe for either hole
  • Sensi is more G‑spotty for me, but oth­er users might find that Sentio stays in place more eas­i­ly. Again, every body is different.

Uberrime Sentio Measurements

  • 5.2" total length
  • 4.5" insertable length
  • 1.8" head diameter
  • 1.7" mid-​shaft diameter
  • 1" neck diameter
  • Choice of Shore 0030 or Shore 0050

Uberrime Suavis Large

On paper, this pussy plug seemed the most promis­ing as a Jollet alter­na­tive due to the swelling body and taper, but in prac­tice, it was one of my less pre­ferred Uberrime pussy plugs.

Uberrime Suavis sloped vaginal plug

Yes, it's fill­ing, but it's not as G‑spotty for me as the Jollet because of the hump's slope and apex. Of course, every body is a bit dif­fer­ent, but for my per­son­al tastes, the Suavis increas­es in girth too grad­u­al­ly, and the big bump is a bit past my G‑spot.

Also, the Jollet's G‑spottiness when thrust­ing could be attrib­uted to its firm neck, which allows me to angle and apply more pres­sure where I want it.

Suavis also has a more pro­nounced base than the Sensi. My body tends to clench and pull the Suavis way in, press­ing the base up against the out­side, which I find quite uncomfortable.

On the plus side, it evades the cervix while being super fill­ing — at least, with the large size option.

Ultimately, the Suavis is a pret­ty pussy plug that many users will looove to squish inside them, but it just wasn't for me.

Uberrime Suavis Large Measurements

  • 5" total length
  • 4.5" insertable length
  • 2" max­i­mum diameter

Fun Factory Ryde, Uberrime Flora, Uberrime Anurian, and Uberrime Festa

Bonus: Huge, Plug-Like Dildos For Stationary Stimulation

These dil­dos feature:

  • A defined hump or bulb to fill the user up
  • A nar­row neck to wrap the mouth of the vagi­na around
  • Plenty of girth!

You prob­a­bly wouldn't walk around with one insert­ed, but they can stuff you up dur­ing play while leav­ing a hand rel­a­tive­ly free for oth­er forms of stimulation.

Uberrime Anurian huge fantasy dildo

Uberrime Anurian

"It looks like it's going to kill me, and I'll thank it," a friend com­ment­ed when I showed him.

Once I could get the Uberrime Anurian dil­do tip in, the short, sharp breaths com­menced. It was over­whelm­ing at first; I remind­ed myself to breathe more slow­ly to pro­long the orgasm, as if that would mat­ter that much. I'd cum again in a few sec­onds, anyway.

The coro­na stark­ly con­trasts with the notch/​sulcus under it — 2.7" diam­e­ter vs. 2.4", respec­tive­ly. This head shape gives a sat­is­fy­ing "pop" at the bot­tom­most (read: tight­est) third of my vagi­na. Using the Uberrime Anurian isn't quite AAAAAAAA like with the Je Joue G‑Kii, but more like a full-​bodied fuu­u­u­u­u­u­u­u­u­u­u­u­u­u­u­u­u­uck­kkkk or aaaaaAaaAaaahhhhh. I'd rather go in deep­er with it.

THEN start­ed the slow, starry-​eyed gasp­ing. Every nudge made me cum hard­er. Riding it with quick, short strokes. I've nev­er thought, "Ooh na na, what's my name?" after an orgasm, main­ly because the post-​fuck come-​down nev­er neces­si­tat­ed names. But I did pon­der in a daze, "Fuck, can I turn the com­bi­na­tion lock to my return to my review queue vault (i.e., bed­room) right now?

Uberrime Anurian measurements

  • Total length — 8"
  • Insertable length — 6.5"
  • Maximum head diam­e­ter — 2.7"
  • Base neck diam­e­ter — 1.8"
  • Base diam­e­ter — 3.18"
Fun Factory Ryde textured double dildo for grinding

Fun Factory Ryde

It starts at a some­what "normal"-feeling size, ramps up to "woooaaaaaah," then dips back down to a moderately-​sized neck to clench around.

That much con­trast gives a pro­nounced pop­ping sen­sa­tion against my G‑spot. My cunt stretch­es and relax­es and clench­es and stretch­es and relax­es and clench­es again and again around it — it instinc­tive­ly wants to close around the nar­row­est por­tion. Then, with anoth­er thrust, I'm pried open again. My whole front wall gets a per­sis­tent press while the tip of the longer prong slips behind my cervix.

I'm filled up and stretched out; my pos­te­ri­or fornix gets a nice pound. I'm writhing and gasp­ing — because once the Fun Factory Ryde locks in like a pussy plug, there is no escape, even when I'm not touch­ing it with my hands anymore.

(It would be prime for pry­ing my walls apart while my hands are tied behind my back and my legs are opened with a spread­er bar.)

Every lit­tle clench and release rages against my walls. Squeeze. Cum. Relax. Feeling the pres­sure build from inside as Ryde push­es me apart a lit­tle. Shaking, maybe kick­ing, because I just can't con­tain the cum­ming and cry­ing. It almost feels like too much.

But it can't be.

Because there's more.

I don't have to choose between orgas­mic tor­ture with a wand or the Fun Factory Ryde.

Because I can use both at the same time.

And it's divine.

LuzArte Jollet G-spot dildo with rainbow pom poms in clear silicone

LuzArte Jollet

Some of the most intense orgasms of my life have come from using the LuzArte Jollet.

The Jollet is the dil­do whose dis­ap­pear­ance inspired this post. I first bought one in 2014, and it was one of my heavy hit­ters due to its girthy hump lock­ing onto my G‑spot and its off-​center, tapered tip slip­ping behind my cervix.

I loved ram­ming it deep inside me for blend­ed orgasms from stim­u­lat­ing my shal­low and deep hot spots at the same time — a reli­able recipe for altered states of consciousness.

Also? It was the dil­do that start­ed the trend of rain­bow "con­fet­ti" embed­ded in near-​clear silicone.

FAQ: All About Pussy Plugs!

Squarepegtoys G squeeze and Uberrime Sensi soft silicone pussy plugs

What's the purpose of vaginal plugs?

Simply put, users want some­thing they can insert and clench around. Vaginal con­trac­tions accom­pa­ny orgasms, and the feel­ing can be inten­si­fied when there's pres­sure and resis­tance against the vagi­nal walls, stim­u­lat­ing the legs of the cli­toris and the G‑spot.

Can a butt plug be used vaginally?

Yes, but some stan­dard fea­tures of butt plugs aren't great for vagi­nal use, such as:

  • Too firm and pointy, slow­ly tapered, or cen­tered, thus jab­bing the cervix
  • The neck is too short to accom­mo­date the pubic bone comfortably.
  • Some users would pre­fer to have a small­er pussy plug base, while butt plug bases have to be wider to stop the toy from get­ting sucked in and trapped in the rec­tum. Meanwhile, vagi­nas are much short­er, so that's not as much of a concern.
Oxballs Ergo rounded silicone plugs suitable for vaginal use

What makes a plug great for vaginal use?

You may have a bet­ter expe­ri­ence with a vagi­nal plug that:

  • Is round­ed, off-​center, and squishy to accom­mo­date the cervix
  • Makes cli­toral stim­u­la­tion easy — whether with a min­i­mal base that leaves room open for an exter­nal vibra­tor or pro­vides built-​in stimulation
  • Is bul­bous for pas­sive­ly press­ing against the G‑spot, though this point is a mat­ter of per­son­al preference!
Squarepegtoys G Squeeze super soft silicone vaginal plug

Can a vaginal plug be worn comfortably while sitting?

Yes, but you'll want to pay atten­tion to how dif­fer­ent parts of the pussy plug line up with your anato­my. For exam­ple, the Suavis wasn't a great fit for me due to the bulky base, long bulb, and short neck.

Uberrime's Sensi, mean­while, has a thin­ner, less pro­nounced base and is more gen­tle along my out­er bits. And Festa, despite the thick exter­nal por­tion, has a long neck for a more relaxed fit internally.

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