njoy Fun Wand stainless steel S-curved dildo review

I love every­thing I have ever tried by njoy.

[Image: holding the njoy Fun Wand stainless steel anal bead dildo in my hand]

I'd be con­tent if the njoy Eleven were the only sex toy I ever used for the rest of my life. The njoy Pure Wand remains an unde­feat­ed mar­vel of a G‑spotter, engi­neered for plea­sure. Their Pure Plug felt so good that it ruined oth­er butt plugs for me.

[Image: the njoy Fun Wand is less than a third of the volume of the Eleven and half that of the Pure Wand]

Their prod­ucts haven't changed for over a decade, and there's a rea­son for that. As far as hard mate­r­i­al toys go, njoy toys are thought­ful­ly designed and per­haps the clos­est to per­fec­tion in their categories.

No sin­gle toy can please every­one, but njoy toys are time­less and don't need to change. I love stain­less steel in my ori­fices. Its heft, its slick sur­face, its unyield­ing pres­sure. Everything about the mate­r­i­al is delicious.

UPDATE: I've com­piled a guide to and rank­ing of my favorite stain­less steel dil­dos!

Would it surprise anyone that, for me, the njoy Fun Wand lives up to its name? Maybe.

[Image: njoy Fun Wand next to beginner anal training plug and Self Delve Aubergine]

I'm per­haps most infa­mous for my black hole of a vagi­na— lover of fist­ing and able to con­sume the near­ly 3" thick VixSkin Gambler. That's why I'm head-​over-​heels for the njoy Eleven's 2" diam­e­ter end. The Fun Wand?

At 1" wide, even its biggest bulbs are dain­ty in com­par­i­son to the Eleven, and the same cir­cum­fer­ence as the small end of the njoy Pure Wand. So I'd rec­om­mend the Fun Wand as a com­pact, explorato­ry intro­duc­tion to penetration.

njoy Fun Wand vs. njoy Pure Wand

[Image: njoy Fun Wand stainless steel dildo next to Self Delve Fly Agaric mushroom]

A shal­low S‑curve is what defines the njoy Fun Wand, con­trast­ing with the Pure Wand's more intense C. It's also a mere half of the Pure Wand's weight (340g vs. 680g). As a result, the Fun Wand can­not mea­sure up to its big sib­ling when it comes to force­ful G‑spotting. It's still a high­ly effec­tive G‑spotting instru­ment, just not the most intense.

But that's okay— the design­ers sac­ri­ficed speci­fici­ty and vig­or for ver­sa­til­i­ty. The njoy Fun Wand is not only a G‑spotter but also serves as anal beads, an A‑spotter, and a cervix mas­sager.

The njoy Fun Wand: more than just G‑spotting

[Image: njoy Fun Wand stainless steel anal bead dildo on mirror]

When used anal­ly, its bumpy end's gen­tle curve can indi­rect­ly mas­sage my G‑spot while the beads pro­vide a rhyth­mic stretch. My ass is a plug ple­beian, and the Fun Wand's small­est bulb is 0.75", suit­ed for some­one who likes thin anal toys.

And its rigid and pre­cise 8" of length works well for my cervix and ante­ri­or fornix— a dil­do doesn't need to be excep­tion­al­ly long if I can aim it well at the right spot. S‑curves are per­fect for prob­ing around the cervix and mas­sag­ing it with­out actu­al­ly push­ing direct­ly into it.

My verdict on the njoy Fun Wand

[Image: njoy Fun Wand stainless steel dildo on flower pot]

If I had to choose between buy­ing the njoy Pure Wand and Fun Wand, I undoubt­ed­ly would have select­ed the lat­ter at the time this review was writ­ten. I know this sounds blas­phe­mous, but I sel­dom use the Pure Wand's 1.5" end, any­way. Its 1" bulb is more than enough for me to come in 20 sec­onds. But you might want the option of more intense G‑spotting. In that case, get the Pure Wand.

UPDATE: Nowadays, I just crave more, like with the Eleven or L'Acier Capo way more often. Check out my rank­ing of favorite stain­less steel dil­dos.

If you want a slen­der and ver­sa­tile all-​arounder for explor­ing all of your inter­nal hot spots, though, get the njoy Fun Wand. Just like every­thing else from njoy, the Fun Wand is an invest­ment in a life­time of plea­sure. Bury the Fun Wand with me in my tomb.

Take 10% off with coupon code SUPER when you get the njoy Fun Wand from The Pleasure Garden Shop UK. When you buy sex toys from my affil­i­ates, I receive a com­mis­sion at no extra cost to you.

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3 Responses

  1. Oana says:

    The coupon code SUPER does not work on pleasuregardenshop's page :((

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