Are Creampies a Kink? Why Are People Into Them?

On today’s episode of pas­sion­ate, play­ful seman­tics: are creamp­ies a kink?

Cue Carrie Bradshaw typ­ing at her Macbook with the voiceover, “And I couldn’t help but wonder…”

An orchid with a ring and simulated dripping along the bottom petal, set in front of a slightly psychedelic sunburst background

Some of my read­ers have said, “If you call them creamp­ies, they def­i­nite­ly are a kink.” Others sug­gest­ed that it depends on the intent. Meanwhile, I’m on the “They aren’t — at least, most of the time” side of the spectrum.

Considering that a pri­ma­ry pur­pose of inter­course is pro­cre­ation, how could semen depo­si­tion in the vagi­na — which results in new humans — be a para­phil­ia out­side the def­i­n­i­tion of “nor­mal” or “vanil­la” sex?

One answer: plen­ty of peo­ple fuck to cum, not to conceive.

As well, sex­u­al taboos are rel­a­tive. Gabrielle Kassel’s exam­ple in her Healthline arti­cle about kinks vs. fetish­es now occu­pies my mind rent-free:

[S]omeone who pri­mar­i­ly lis­tens to coun­try music (which doesn’t include much talk about anal) might con­sid­er their enjoy­ment of anal sex an anal kink, for exam­ple. On the oth­er hand, some­one whose favorite song is “Truffle Butter” might sim­ply con­sid­er their love of anal a preference.

Now I hope that exam­ple is stuck in your head, too.

Bringing it back to vagi­nal creamp­ies, con­sid­er the fol­low­ing. If plea­sure is the sole rea­son some­one is hav­ing sex, and their peer group pri­mar­i­ly doesn’t want to have kids, the chance of acci­den­tal preg­nan­cy can seem counter to their subculture.

In con­trast, oth­ers may see creamp­ies as just the “nat­ur­al” way to fin­ish. And that, right there, is just one of many rea­sons some­one might enjoy vagi­nal creampies.

1. The power dynamic of claiming or being claimed

To some creampie lovers, it’s about dom­i­nance and sub­mis­sion. “You’re mine. This womb and this body belong to me.”

2. A thrill from the risk of getting pregnant

I agree that this rea­son for enjoy­ing creamp­ies is more on the kinky side. They real­ly don’t want to have a kid and aren’t ready for one, but they like the fan­ta­sy of a poten­tial­ly scary thing hap­pen­ing due to being “bad.”

Also, it's well-​known that peo­ple in the ovu­la­tion phase of their fer­til­i­ty cycle are more will­ing to make "risky" decisions.

3. A fantasy reprieve from making complex life decisions

Do you know that trope of the high-​level exec­u­tive by day wants to sub­mit by night? That could mean role­play­ing a slave, a Little with frilly dress­es and bows, or a Pup with tail butt plugs.

The bed­room gives them a safe space to play a role that they’re oth­er­wise “not allowed to.” They can just let their mind go blank and relax while some­one else makes choic­es for them.

An insem­i­na­tion fan­ta­sy com­bined with 1950s house­wife role­play feels like that to me. Intellectually, I know that becom­ing a moth­er and home­mak­er is faceted and challenging.

However, my lizard brain thinks, “I want to pro­cre­ate and raise healthy off­spring and not have to think about any­thing beyond that.”

I’m get­ting clos­er to 30, and I want a break from my every­day thoughts of:

  • Forks on my career roadmap
  • Being a small busi­ness owner
  • Pondering my place in the world

Again, though, I do get that that’s just a fantasy.

4. Climaxing at the same time as one's partner

I orgasm eas­i­ly via deep pen­e­tra­tion, so I usu­al­ly have mul­ti­ple orgasms and then one last one simul­ta­ne­ous­ly with my part­ner. I like feel­ing them thrust hard­er, bring­ing me clos­er, and look­ing into their eyes while our bod­ies are in sync.

5. The sensory experience of having cum inside

For some creampie lovers, there isn’t much sub­text. It’s about the sen­so­ry smor­gas­bord of the:

  • Penis twitch­ing and puls­ing dur­ing the climax
  • Warmth inside of them
  • Smell of semen
  • Taste of it afterward
  • Look of it drip­ping out 
    • Possibly more lube for round 2?

6. Snuggling with the other person afterward

I love the after­glow when he’s still inside me after cum­ming, and I’m on top with my arms around him. I also love how sil­ly sex can be.

“Oh, gosh. It’s going to feel real­ly weird to pull out because my dick is super sen­si­tive now.”

I clenched my Kegel mus­cles to see how he would react.


“It prob­a­bly doesn’t help when I laugh, either,” I gig­gled. He wasn’t expect­ing to feel my laugh­ter rever­ber­ate from my diaphragm to my pelvic floor.

And that brings me to my favorite part of the pil­low talk after he pulls out: when he says some­thing that makes you laugh and push all the cum out at once.

It’s not exact­ly the pin­na­cle of romance, but there's no way a high-​capacity ejac­u­lat­ing dil­do could replace those lit­tle, very human moments of a partner's presence.

Further reading

This post con­tains a spon­sored link, but the writ­ing here is my own.

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3 Responses

  1. Gllama says:

    I love the look of my cum drip­ping out of the vagi­na. I love how warm it feels and I love to cli­max at the same time! If it’s some­one I love I will cum in their vagi­na because I feel like it’s mine! Even cud­dling after and stay­ing inside of her feels so good, no won­der why I have 4 kids lol

  2. D. Dyer says:

    For me, creamp­ies are def­i­nite­ly a kink but I would agree that is far from the case for most folks, even for me they are some­times more inci­den­tal and not nec­es­sar­i­ly kinky.

  3. For me, cream pies are off the table due to my sex­u­al part­ners gen­er­al­ly being casual- sex­u­al hygiene is front and cen­tre for me. However, I have been known to spon­ta­neous­ly orgasm when I allow thoughts of Sir fill­ing me to slip in. In real­i­ty I often achieve orgasm with­out warn­ing when he's on my mind, so is this a kink for cream pie, or for my Dominant in gen­er­al? Maybe I should think some more on this…

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