Bestvibe Little Fox Remote Panty Vibrator Review

A little foxy fan service?
Remote control panty vibrator with removable lace and pearl thong

This remote con­trol panty vibe comes with a strap­py black lace G‑string har­ness. Three faux pearls thread through the sil­i­cone slots to keep the whole unit together.

Lucky for both of us, it hap­pens to fit me!

Strappy pearl crotchless panties with lace

And if it didn't, I could take it apart to slip into the gus­set of anoth­er pair of panties.

Vibration Quality

The actu­al mas­sager por­tion is quite firm, with about a quarter-​inch high hump for extra pres­sure against the cli­toris. You get okay vibra­tions — accept­able if you either:

  1. Want to wear vibrat­ing panties for a tease
  2. Can orgasm eas­i­ly via vibration

It's enough for me to fin­ish, but it won't be for you if you need sub­stan­tial or pin­point­ed rum­ble. Check out my round-​up of favorite panty vibra­tors to see your oth­er, more robust options. I rec­om­mend Blush's Temptasia panty vibra­tor for some­thing bare-​bones with the biggest bang-​to-​buck ratio.

Nevertheless, BestVibe's Little Fox vibra­tions are slight­ly bet­ter than expect­ed for the price and cat­e­go­ry. Remote con­trol panty vibra­tors aren't exact­ly known for their strength (think of all the com­po­nents you'd have to fit for remote recep­tiv­i­ty and a decent motor while keep­ing it dis­creet).

While the Little Fox's vibra­tions are on the gen­tle side, they have some rum­ble, and the clit-​caressing shape and firm­ness car­ry the move­ment well.

Bestvibe Little Fox Remote Panty Vibrator Review 1

How to Wear This Vibrator

As with all external-​only panty vibra­tors, you'll want either:

  1. A tight pair of undies or short shorts to hold the BestVibe Little Fox against you when out and about, OR
  2. To sit down while using this vibra­tor to low­er your weight onto it

The includ­ed elas­tic G‑string-​style straps can help with the for­mer — if you're straight-sized.

We already know the ridicu­lous­ness of women's cloth­ing sizes, let alone “one size fits all,” or even “one size fits most,” and don't get me start­ed on the dif­fer­ence between Asian and American labels.

The BestVibe Little Fox vibrat­ing panties are veeeeery stretchy — but take that state­ment with a grain of salt, know­ing that:

  1. I can be a size 0 or a size 6 in American women's clothes, or any­thing in between, depend­ing on the brand
  2. It's per­son­al pref­er­ence how high up you want to keep your elas­tics (and stretch the waistband)
  3. They can fit some­one a bit big­ger than me
  4. And that's still not enough size range for most American women

Pick your own panties and be pre­pared in case the includ­ed ones don't fit.

Bestvibe Little Fox Remote Panty Vibrator Review 2

Controls & Settings

Once the Little Fox is popped in and strapped on, here's how you work the remote con­trol function:

  • Turn the vibra­tor and remote on — hold their respec­tive pow­er but­tons for 3 seconds.
  • Change the mas­sage func­tion by press­ing the vibrator's pow­er but­ton or the remote's oth­er button.
  • Stay with­in 10 meters to main­tain con­nec­tiv­i­ty to your panty vibrator.

You get up to an hour of play­time and 9 settings—3 steady speeds and 6 pat­terns. The pat­terns’ puls­es are quite short, mean­ing I can stay tit­il­lat­ed and teased throughout.

That said, it's not easy to use a one-​button inter­face and sin­gle cycle of set­tings tac­ti­cal­ly for part­nered pub­lic play. Why? There's no quick way for the wield­er to know the vibra­tion inten­si­ty — unless the unit was fresh­ly turned on.

And if you wait to see your panty-​wearing partner's reac­tion between the steady speed incre­ments, there's less of a shock since they know what set­ting is next.

Remote control panty vibrator with lace thong and pearls

Making the Most of a Cheap Panty Vibrator

Here's how I'd sug­gest a remote-​wielding part­ner use such a set­up for panty vibra­tor play:

  1. Start with your part­ner wear­ing the vibe on stand­by or at the low­est speed. Let the gen­tlest vibra­tions tease them, or start with none.
  2. Know the num­ber of clicks you'd need to get to the high­est steady setting.
  3. Stay as close as pos­si­ble for max­i­mum con­nec­tiv­i­ty and remote reli­a­bil­i­ty. You don't want to press the but­ton, think­ing you clicked to the fol­low­ing set­ting, with­out the sig­nal going through.
  4. Click hard and very quick­ly for the best con­trast and surprise.
  5. Then 7 times to go back to standby.

Why did I empha­size “click hard” in the fourth step? The remote con­trol isn't 100% reli­able, but at least if you get to the high­est steady speed quick­ly, you'll know.

Another alter­na­tive is to play togeth­er in pri­vate, in an oth­er­wise suu­u­u­u­u­u­per qui­et set­ting where you can hear which vibra­tion set­ting is on. You like­ly won't hear it over music playing.

Panty vibrator with removable lace thong

Should You Get the Little Fox?

In short, keep your expec­ta­tions real­is­tic with the BestVibe Little Fox:

  1. It's hard to use a cheap panty vibra­tor tactically
  2. You get what you pay for in terms of controls
  3. Panty vibra­tors tend to be on the weak side due to how dain­ty they are
  4. But the Little Fox's vibra­tion qual­i­ty is good for the price and for what it is

Remote con­trol panty vibra­tors with Bluetooth smart­phone app con­nec­tiv­i­ty — where you can see the set­ting and bat­tery lev­el on your phone — tend to:

  1. Cost about the same but have real­ly buzzy vibra­tions, like the Satisfyer panty vibes
  2. Cost just a bit more, have decent vibes, and be way eas­i­er to con­trol (albeit still not 100% reli­able) — like the Honey Play Box Oly
  3. Be a lot more expen­sive with all the bells and whistles
  4. Be some­where in-​between cost-​wise with a sub­scrip­tion ser­vice (more on that in an upcom­ing post)

So the Little Fox might be for you if you know what you can and can't do with the settings.

Panty vibrator with removable lace thong

Pros and Cons of the BestVibe Little Fox

  • Decently strong vibra­tions for the price and size
  • Firmness and cli­toral mas­sage hump trans­fer move­ment well
  • Strappy pearl G‑string included!
  • Stretchy
  • Quiet vibra­tions
  • The remote isn't 100% reliable
  • It won't give a part­ner super tight con­trol of the settings
  • One size excludes more than half of US adults 
    • Take it with a grain of salt since Chinese-​made prod­ucts tend to cater to more petite people

The BestVibe Little Fox is a remote-​controlled panty vibra­tor with decent per­for­mance, giv­en its price and size. While it's far from the most pow­er­ful on the mar­ket, it offers some rumble.

Those who require stronger vibra­tions or more reli­able con­trols should spend more on qual­i­ty. Overall, though, this cute clit-​hugger is fine for casu­al users.

Bestvibe Little Fox Remote Panty Vibrator Review 3

Would I buy it with my own mon­ey? No. Am I excit­ed for the pearl G‑string? I sure am!

Further Reading

This post was spon­sored. Opinions expressed are writ­ten by me.

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