Dee's Big Daddy Dallas Review: Dildo Bigger Than Soda Can

I slide my thumbs over the swollen coro­na, its “meat” yield­ing just a lit­tle under pressure.

Dee's Big Daddy Dallas XL soft silicone dildo with veins

Even just clean­ing Dee's Big Daddy Dallas — an act of devo­tion, wor­ship­ping the wind­ing vas­cu­la­ture wrap­ping the shaft — is enough to get me wet.

I'm pre­pared to be dickmatized.

I'm drool­ing at the drips of lube trail­ing the turgid, curv­ing veins.

I don't just take or con­sume this fat cock — I feel the urge to merge.

Dee's Big Daddy Dallas Extra Large dildo vein and head detail 1

It stretch­es and press­es but sur­ren­ders as I wrap around it. The super soft sil­i­cone feels like it's part of me. Every inch belongs inside.

Dee's Big Daddy Dallas Features

Dallas by Dee's Big Daddies is a huge, squishy dil­do big­ger than a soda can — putting it in the same size class as the Uberrime Uberous.

Dallas XL /​ Extra Large Measurements

  • 9" total height
  • 7" insertable length
  • 2.1” across the head (6.6” around)
  • 2.4” across the shaft (7.6” around)
Dee's Big Daddy Dallas Extra Large dildo vein and head detail 2

As a friend once said, “Thick doesn't begin to describe it. It's voluptuous.”

What Makes Dallas Distinct From My Uberous

  • Dallas has a longer, swoop­ing but still rather blunt head
  • More juicy, bulging veins — more car­toon­ish, bor­der­line rope­like in appearance
  • The soft­er Shore 0030 is even squishi­er than Uberrime's 0050 sil­i­cone. However, both sil­i­cone den­si­ty options are avail­able from Dee's Big Daddies and Uberrime Dildos!

If I saw the Uberous in green, I'd think, “That could plau­si­bly be The Incredible Hulk's dick.” If I saw Big Daddy Dallas in green, I'd think, “That is DEFINITELY The Incredible Hulk's Dick.”

Dee's Big Daddy Dallas Extra Large dildo in Peg Me Pink and Pound Me Pearl White gradient

(Though I love Dee's spir­it in call­ing the swatch “Gag Me Green,” there's no way I'm fit­ting much more than the tip in my mouth or get­ting any­where close to gag­ging. The more press­ing con­cern would be extend­ing my jaw like a snake.)

Customizations From Dee's Big Daddies

My par­tic­u­lar Dallas fad­ed from “Pound Me Pearl” white to “Peg Me Pink.”

  • Eleven oth­er col­or options are avail­able, includ­ing five skin tones.
  • Choose between Shore 0030 or Shore 0050 sil­i­cone — the hard­ness dif­fer­ence between warm gum­my can­dy and cool gum­my can­dy, respectively.
  • Five size options — 1 average-​sized “Wee Daddy” ver­sion and 4 “Big Daddies”
Dee's Big Daddy Dallas Extra Large dildo Shore 0030 silicone flexibility

How Dee's Big Daddy Dallas Felt in Use

Neither par­ty is the aggres­sor here. I'm not tak­ing nor con­sum­ing this cock, but a secret third thing: syn­er­giz­ing and merg­ing with it.

While there's a big stretch all the way in, the super squishy, shape-​shifting sil­i­cone also con­forms to my walls rather than the oth­er way. With ample lube, it auto­mat­i­cal­ly slips behind my cervix, fill­ing me up all the way, rely­ing on breadth for inten­si­ty. Something about the cur­va­ture and the tip's swoop­ing fits me just right.

Shore 0030 silicone dildo squishiness

The Big Daddy Dallas dildo's balls make it easy to direct, whether it's:

  • The bulging tip grab­bing my G‑spot
  • Bending and bump­ing the bot­tom of the shaft against my clit
  • Dicking myself deep behind my cervix

Why not all of the above, with every pound and press?

My eyes get glazed and out of focus, pout­ing, my cheeks and lips (both sets of lips) warm and flushed. I whis­per, “Oh my god,” under my breath over and over again. I wish there was a hand or someone's back I could grab onto, so I set­tle for grab­bing my thigh instead, bit­ing my hand as I whimper.

Make sure to use abun­dant water-​based lubri­cant with this dil­do. There's min­i­mal drag once the lube has spread, but I found myself reap­ply­ing before instinc­tive­ly pulling my legs up to my chest as if I could beck­on it like a part­ner to go deeper.

Dee's Big Daddy Dallas Extra Large dildo in  Shore 0030 super soft silicone

That head is ever-​present, nev­er let­ting its pres­ence go unno­ticed, even when I take a break.

Cum, big clench, lit­tle clench, lit­tle clench, lit­tle clench. And anoth­er big clench.

It's a snug fit whether I'm con­tract­ed or relaxed.

If a part­ner used it on me, I wouldn't think less of them. I'd give them all the cred­it because the soft­ness and shape feel sur­pris­ing­ly human, even though I know that's absurd at this size.

Dee's Big Daddy Dallas Extra Large realistic dildo in hand

My hasty phone notes for this review were rid­dled with typos, such as:

I total­ly under­stand the dter­rotype f guys on epocy chat sites get­ting less coher­ent in their tyljng as thry get hornier, bx that's me right now

Faster, hard­er, the last thrusts, writhing and bury­ing my face in a pil­low with the final clenx­h­es, as if “Dallas”and I just came at the same time

My frontal lobe and high­er fac­ul­ties sre just gone

Part of me is more whole, fer­al, and true to my ani­mal being.

My pussy snaps back quick­ly but feels so ready for more — after I take a breather, rehy­drate, and eat some­thing, of course.

Dee's Big Daddy Dallas Extra Large dildo next to Uberrime Aveo in pearl white to pink, gold, and blue gradients
Dee's Big Daddy Dallas XL next to Uberrime Aveo

Closing Thoughts

Dee's Big Daddy Dallas XL is a jour­ney for spelunk­ing size roy­al­ty. I've been day­dream­ing about it all day and con­tem­plat­ing using it every day. The soft­ness makes it sur­pris­ing­ly man­age­able for dai­ly use.

Could this be real life — an elec­tric reverse harem with Dallas, Dante, Johnny, Max, and more?

Get the gar­gan­tu­an Dee's Big Daddy Dallas or the average-​sized Dee's Wee Daddy Dallas. Or browse the shop for every­thing the bor­del­lo has to offer.

Dee's Big Daddy Dallas Review: Dildo Bigger Than Soda Can 1

Further Reading About Huge Dildos

This post was spon­sored! The writ­ing and opin­ions expressed here are my own.

Uberrime Happy Snowman dildo next to Dee's Big Daddy Dallas
Uberrime Happy Snowman dil­do — already quite thick near the base — next to the humon­gous Dee's Big Daddy Dallas XL

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3 Responses

  1. CD says:

    Thanks for the review! How this sil­i­cone com­pare with Uberrime's in terms of grip? I love Uberrime but I'd love some­thing more slick with less grip or stick­i­ness. I know this can be part­ly solved with lube, but I am not want to be dis­tract­ed in the mid­dle of the fun!

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