Review: Cloud 9 Novelties G-Spot Slim 7 Inch Flexible A-spot Vibrator

I wish I had this vibra­tor when I start­ed explor­ing sex toys! It would have saved me so much time — and mon­ey — find­ing and mas­sag­ing all the eroge­nous zones that mat­ter to me.

[Image: plum purple Cloud 9 7 Inch G-Spot Vibrator next to white Desirables Dalia]

My G‑spot, ante­ri­or fornix, cervix, and cli­toris are all pleased! And the price tag makes it both budget-​friendly and beginner-friendly.

The Cloud 9 Novelties G‑Spot Slim 7 Inch recharge­able vibra­tor fea­tures two insertable ends with inde­pen­dent­ly con­trolled motors. Both heads volup­tuous­ly swell with a slight­ly for­ward tilt to mas­sage the front wall.

The rounder G‑spotty end espe­cial­ly has a steep curve for dip­ping behind the pubic bone and press­ing against the inter­nal cli­toris and ure­thral sponge.

UPDATE: This par­tic­u­lar vibra­tor has been dis­con­tin­ued, but Spectrum Essentials makes some­thing sim­i­lar with a begin­ner exploration-​friendly shape. <3

In this review of the Cloud 9 Novelties Slim 7 Inch flexible silicone vibrator:

  1. About the G‑Spot Slim 7 Inch's head and neck
  2. Using a G‑spot vibra­tor for deep pen­e­tra­tion — as an A‑spot vibrator
  3. A sex toy espe­cial­ly great for beginners
  4. Cloud 9 G‑Spot Slim 7 Inch vibra­tions and controls
  5. Verdict: fan­tas­tic G‑Spot and A‑spot vibra­tor for cheap
[Image: plum Cloud 9 G-Spot Slim 7 Inch vibrator, white Desirables Dalia dildo, NS Novelties Firefly Glow Glass G-Spot Wand among faux succulents and lilies]
Desirables Dalia /​ NS Novelties G‑Spot Glass Glow Wand /​ Cloud 9 G‑Spot 7 Inch Vibrator

About the Cloud 9 G-Spot Slim 7 Inch's head shape and neck

My G‑spot has been picky in the past, but it gets along well with the Cloud 9 G‑Spot Slim 7 Inch's flex­i­ble neck. Affordable G‑spot toys are often rigid and short, mean­ing that for some users, they may not be super easy to aim.

Pubic bone shape and G‑spot sen­si­tiv­i­ty vary a lot. Maybe, for exam­ple, your G‑spot is shal­low­er and on your pubic bone instead of just slight­ly past it. That's some­what the case with me. My G‑spot gets noth­ing from toys that are rigid and too steep, like the NS Novelties Glass G‑Spot Wand. It's bet­ter suit­ed as an A‑spot dil­do for me.

In con­trast, the Cloud 9 G‑Spot Slim 7 Inch sil­i­cone vibrator's flex­i­bil­i­ty can bend or straight­en out a lit­tle. It fits a broad­er range of bod­ies and eroge­nous zones.

Review: Cloud 9 Novelties G-Spot Slim 7 Inch Flexible A-spot Vibrator 1
[Image: Cloud 9 Novelties G-Spot 7 Inch silicone vibrator with flexible neck]

Using a G-spot vibrator for deep penetration — as an A-spot vibrator

[Image: NS Novelties G-Spot 7 Inch vibrator next to NS Novelties firefly glass G-spot wand for A-spot head comparison]

It's not often that I see bul­bous insertable vibra­tors with ample insertable length — usu­al­ly, the sil­i­cone stops at the delin­eat­ed han­dle. That's not the case with this toy.

Because you can insert the Cloud 9 G‑Spot Slim 7 Inch farther in than many other G‑spot vibrators, it makes a delicious A‑spot vibrator, too.

If you want to dive deep, you can use the front-​loaded end to press on the front wall in front of the cervix — an eroge­nous zone called the A‑Spot.

The oth­er, more tapered end, in con­trast, is bet­ter suit­ed for slid­ing behind the cervix to mas­sage it. Pressure in this space, called the pos­te­ri­or fornix, gives me some of the most intense orgasms. Many review­ers have emailed me, say­ing that deep pen­e­tra­tion has ele­vat­ed their sex­u­al satisfaction.

Versatility for exploration: especially great for beginners!

[Image: close-up of the bulbous head of the Cloud 9 Novelties G-Spot 7 inch vibrator]

If you're some­one new to sex toys, you can start with some­thing afford­able, gen­er­al, and ver­sa­tile to explore your anato­my first. Then upgrade lat­er, when you're famil­iar with your preferences.

As far as afford­able but rumbly vibra­tors for exter­nal and shal­low G‑spot stim­u­la­tion, my top pick is still the BMS Factory Pillow Talk Sassy. If you want deep­er pen­e­tra­tion for your A‑spot, con­sid­er the Cloud 9 G‑Spot Slim 7 Inch recharge­able vibra­tor. It's mod­er­ate in size, at 1.25" max­i­mum diam­e­ter, but expert­ly curved.

Cloud 9 G-Spot Slim 7 Inch vibrations and controls

A vibra­tor is, of course, incom­plete with­out its vibra­tions! The Cloud 9 G‑Spot Slim can't par­al­lel the BMS Pillow Talk Sassy's deep purr, but I still have noth­ing neg­a­tive to say about its bul­bous end. Yes, it's on the high-​pitched side, some­where between the VeDO Bam Mini and full-​sized BAM in vibra­tion qual­i­ty, but again, quite cheap and insertable.

In terms of power, it comes close to the LELO Mona 2.

There's plen­ty of jump­ing and clack­ing and tap­ping when I set the Cloud 9 G‑Spot Slim 7 Inch against a hard sur­face. And when I dip its head in water, it splash­es a lit­tle and makes waves almost as big as the Mona does. If the LELO Mona 2's high­est speed were a 10, the Cloud 9 G‑Spot Slim 7 Inch's would prob­a­bly be a 7.

[Image: Cloud 9 Novelties G-Spot Slim 7 Inch vibrator side view]

There are three steady speeds and five pat­terns in each motor, inde­pen­dent­ly con­trolled by the but­tons on the shaft. The vibra­tions in the tapered end suck, but that's alright — if I'm using that side, it's for deep pres­sure and cervix mas­sage.

If you don't mind a lit­tle buzz — and many peo­ple don't, espe­cial­ly for G‑spot and A‑spot stim­u­la­tion — the vibrator's more volup­tuous end is per­fect for you. I've felt plen­ty of "lux­u­ry" toys with weak­er vibra­tion motors (I'm look­ing at you, Le Wand Chrome Point. And any­thing b‑Vibe.)

My verdict: a fantastic rechargeable G-spot and A-spot vibrator for soooo cheap

For less than a quarter of the LELO Mona 2's price, the Cloud 9 G‑Spot Slim is thoroughly respectable.

It com­bines the A‑spot shape of the NS Novelties G‑Spot Glass Glow Wand with some flex­i­bil­i­ty and mod­er­ate­ly zingy vibra­tions. It's not super pow­er­ful, but it's fair.

[Image: holding the Cloud 9 Novelties G-Spot Slim 7 Inch in my hand]

The sex toy indus­try has changed a lot since I post­ed my list of best budget-​friendly sex toys in 2015. Nowadays, qual­i­ty sex toys under $50 are easy to come by, but this vibrator's price brack­et is a whole oth­er sto­ry. The Cloud 9 G‑Spot Slim 7 tops my 2020 list of best bud­get toys.

With price and versatility in mind, this rechargeable vibrator is an ideal first sex toy for those who enjoy or want to try vaginal penetration.

Or maybe you're BFFs with straight-​shafted inserta­bles, but want to find your G‑spot or A‑spot. It's one of my favorite rec­om­men­da­tions for that, too.

It could show you the light and convert you.

Feel first­hand what I mean when I say that deep pen­e­tra­tion and A‑spot orgasms seem­ing­ly answer every ques­tion I've had about love. The Cloud 9 G‑Spot Slim could make you come violently.

At the least, it would like­ly add to cli­toral orgasms and take them to the next lev­el. Either way, it's a small price for more pro­found spelunk­ing of one's body.

[Image: Cloud 9 Novelties G-Spot Slim 7 Inch next to Desirables Dalia and NS Novelties Firefly G-Spot Glass Glow Wand A-spot dildo]

Thank you to Cloud 9 Novelties for send­ing me this vibra­tor for the review!

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