Clandestine Mimic+ Plus Review: A Versatile AF Vibrator!

How this Clandestine Devices redeemed itself in the eyes of independent sex toy reviewers
Clandestine Devices Mimic+ Plus vibrator packaging

The Mimic+ Plus cups my clit and its cru­ra, con­tours on my cunt, its sharp edges and point push­ing me to orgasm faster than many wands do. It’s been on my bed­side, par­al­lel to my pow­er tool-​level Doxy Die Cast — despite very much being "mini" and nowhere near a wand's power.

Clandestine Devices Mimic+ Plus vibrator unboxing

Clandestine Devices’ Mimic+ Plus works smarter, not hard­er. This vibrator’s Venn dia­gram com­piles fea­tures of sex toys I’ve loved:

  • Its swoop­ing S‑curve hugs my cunt like the Fun Factory Laya III
  • Its edges are acute—eyeliner application-​worthily sharp like the Dame Kip—all the bet­ter for con­cen­trat­ing cli­toral vibra­tion like a laser cutter.
  • You can use the tip, side, or broad body — with more com­plex con­tours than the Cal Exotics Marvelous Flicker. (That was the vibe that induced lit­er­al­ly breath­tak­ing orgasms — an asth­ma attack in a fel­low review­er. It’s okay; she had her inhaler.)
Clandestine Devices Mimic+ Plus vibrator side view edges

I’d give its vibra­tions a B; they're strong but noth­ing too wild. The Mimic+ Plus’s shape and size hit that sweet spot for me, ele­vat­ing its sta­tus to dai­ly use, purse car­ry, and night­stand privileges.

I keep cum­ming and cum­ming for as long as I want. Then I get up to hydrate, maybe grab my phone to pull up a pic­ture of my crush, cycle through orgasms for anoth­er cou­ple min­utes, and repeat until I fall asleep.

Cupping the Clandestine Devices Mimic+ Plus vibrator in my hand

Despite first hold­ing a Mimic+ Plus five years ago, I’m glad I wait­ed to write a review — I can do it more jus­tice now.

Clandestine Devices Mimic+ Plus vibrator packaging and side view standing

Clandestine Mimic+ Plus Shape

Its edges are acute—eyeliner application-​worthily sharp like the Dame Kip—all the bet­ter for con­cen­trat­ing cli­toral vibra­tion like a laser cutter.

This pin­point princess has already waxed poet­ic about the pre­ci­sion tip and edges — and how they focus the sen­sa­tion, yeah? Here’s what else I love about the shape:

  • My fin­gers cup it so easily
  • Both sides’ humps are raised to apply more pres­sure between the lips
  • I can ride the more promi­nent hump. Its cen­tral hill fits along my slit while man­ta ray-​like “fins” flut­ter against my labia
  • The small­er one applies juu­u­ust a bit more direct pres­sure to my cli­toral glans.
  • It cups my pubic mons’ curve and makes a plea­sur­able pair­ing with pen­e­tra­tion. The com­pact body doesn’t take up too much space. 
    • Yeah, it’s thick­er (and sub­stan­tial­ly stronger) than the orig­i­nal Mimic but still quite compact.
Clandestine Devices Mimic+ Plus vibrator pointy tip

Clandestine Mimic+ Plus Measurements

  • 4.1" long
  • 3.4" wide across the fins
  • 1.6" wide across the base
  • 1.3" max­i­mum depth
  • 1" deep near the base
  • 0.2" deep near the tip

Clandestine Mimic+ Plus Vibration & Settings

To elab­o­rate on the new­er Mimic+ Plus vibra­tion quality:

  • Fuck yeah, it’s leagues ahead of its pre­de­ces­sor, the orig­i­nal Mimic
  • Moderately rumbly and strong
  • About 47 to 73 Hz in use, stay­ing low-pitched
  • Will def­i­nite­ly splash when dipped in water
  • It’s about what you’d expect for either: 
    • The high end of mid-​tier OR
    • A lux­u­ry vibra­tor that lever­ages its assets well

And it cer­tain­ly meets the cri­te­ria for the latter:

  • Waterproof and submersible
  • 5 speeds and 7 patterns 
    • 40 options total, includ­ing the steady vibration
  • A 3‑button con­trol pan­el with options to increase and decrease speed 
    • Increase inten­si­ty; pow­er on/​off or cycle pat­terns; decrease

How I Use the Mimic+ Plus Vibrator

I love the option to turn it up and down as need­ed! I fre­quent­ly barge straight for the high­est or second-​highest speed — a sign that this toy is not for diehard pow­er queens — and then swiv­el and sway it to savor all the shapes.

Clandestine Devices Mimic+ Plus vibrator in hand side view 1

When I orgasm — which hap­pens quite quick­ly with the Clandestine Mimic+ Plus — I tend to either:

  • Keep it on the top speed
  • Turn it way down in my post-​nut clarity

Either way, I keep cum­ming and cum­ming for as long as I want. Then I get up to hydrate, maybe grab my phone to pull up a pic­ture of my crush, cycle through orgasms for anoth­er cou­ple of min­utes, and repeat until I fall asleep.

A hand holding a pink Clandestine Devices Mimic+ Plus vibrator 1

How Do I Feel About the Mimic+ Plus?


It was love at first touch, but more in the sense of, “OhHhhhhh, the design­er gets me.” It was the recog­ni­tion that a toy could be my Ol' Reliable, but cer­tain­ly not for everyone.

A hand holding a pink Clandestine Devices Mimic+ Plus vibrator 2

Yes, it’s very much mini. Yes, some pow­er queens love it but hes­i­tate to rec­om­mend it to the inten­si­ty aficionados.

But it fits me just right. It does more for me, faster than some stronger vibes, because I have more con­trol over where and how much the vibra­tion is tar­get­ed. Because of that, it’s unique­ly efficient.

I real­ized how easy it can be to get into a rut with a high RPM wand by "default" — and how, some­times, my body isn't actu­al­ly crav­ing the Doxy Die Cast's pow­er. Sometimes, I'm crav­ing the less intense but rum­bli­er Fun Factory Vim. Or the sharp­er Clandestine Mimic+ Plus.

I frig­gin’ love this thing. It would be cool to see a Mimic+ Plus 2 with a broad­er range of speeds and more pow­er on the high end, but Clandestine Devices doesn’t need it — yet.

A hand holding a pink Clandestine Devices Mimic+ Plus vibrator 3

The com­pe­ti­tion could get more crowd­ed soon, though. And, in all fair­ness, the Mimic+ Plus is expen­sive — a bit over­priced for some read­ers' palates.

Clandestine Mimic+ Plus vs. Other Vibrators

Here’s how the Mimic+ Plus mea­sures up to oth­er mini-​vibe options I’ve tried.

Clandestine Devices’ Mimic+ Plus…

  • …is stronger but slight­ly less sharp than the Dame Kip’s edges
  • …is sub­stan­tial­ly more potent than the Dame Pom, even with its point­ed “beak.”
  • …swoops like the Fun Factory Laya III, has more options for focused stim­u­la­tion, but is a lit­tle less rumbly.
  • …is much less rumbly than the We-​Vibe Tango X and Touch X
  • …is sim­i­lar in inten­si­ty to the Marvelous Flicker but with a far more ver­sa­tile shape and com­pre­hen­sive con­trol panel.
Je Joue Amour heart-shaped and Vita spoon-shaped bullet vibrators

The trade-​off is, of course, that the Mimic+ Plus costs a pret­ty pen­ny in comparison.

Alternatives to the Clandestine Mimic+ Plus

What else would I rec­om­mend, depend­ing on what a user is look­ing for?

  • We-​Vibe Tango X or BMS Swan Maximum bul­let — bul­lets with hard plas­tic shells — for those who need the best power-​to-​size ratio
  • Fun Factory Volta, if they want to keep the sharp edges have some ver­sa­til­i­ty with deep­er vibrations
  • Je Joue Amour for those who want a budget-​friendly option — also with rumbly vibra­tions, a cylin­dri­cal bul­let bar­rel, and sharp points along the edges

(At one point, I would have rec­om­mend­ed the Marvelous Flicker, but between infla­tion and a chang­ing mar­ket, I can­not sug­gest it in good faith when the Je Joue Amour costs less and has bet­ter controls)

A hand holding a pink Clandestine Devices Mimic+ Plus vibrator 4

Closing Thoughts on the Mimic+ Plus Vibrator

In short, yes, the Clandestine Mimic+ Plus has aged quite well in my book — for now:

  • Its com­pact, swoop­ing S‑curve hugs the user's body
  • The sharp edges and tip con­cen­trate cli­toral vibration
  • Use the tip, side, or broad body, pro­vid­ing a vari­ety of sensations
  • Its vibra­tions are mod­er­ate­ly rumbly and strong
  • Its 3‑button con­trol pan­el and 5 steady speeds add to the versatility
  • The shape and size are com­fort­able and effi­cient, suit­able for dai­ly use and travel
  • It's water­proof and submersible
  • I can keep cum­ming with it for as long as I want!

These rea­sons com­bined make the Mimic+ Plus a now-​essential part of my dai­ly rou­tine and purse stash.

Clandestine Devices may need to step up their game soon, but in the mean­time, I'll lose count of how many times I cum on the Mimic+ Plus in one session.

Pink Clandestine Devices Mimic+ Plus manta ray-shaped lay-on vibrator for full vulva massage

Could you imag­ine how many hun­dreds, thou­sands of times I’ll cum on it in its lifetime?

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