Y2K Rainbows: An Iridescent Glass Plug & Curved Pastel Dildo

This gleam­ing glass dil­do turned my friend on to hard­er mas­sagers for years to come.

Iridescent glass anal plug and pastel rainbow silicone dildo

And equal­ly aes­thet­i­cal­ly allur­ing is this dil­do with a stri­at­ed, rainbow-​sunset pas­tel palette.

What’s a girl to do with such a beau­ti­ful prostate mas­sager when she doesn’t have the anato­my for it? Stick it in a guy friend’s bum, obvi­ous­ly. He want­ed in, both lit­er­al­ly and figuratively.

Bestvibe Color-Shifting Glass Anal Plug & Prostate Massager

He was a cum-​frazzled con­vert to glass sex toys — “con­vinced, essen­tial­ly, that those are fan­tas­tic. As soon as it was in, it was just non-​stop” awe­some, he said. His repeat­ed “oh, fuck” and “wow” and gasps and sheer shock told me all I need­ed to know.

Iridescent glass anal plug and pastel rainbow silicone dildo  portrait

Every move­ment I made was a kalei­do­scop­ic expe­ri­ence for him. “The main bulge, once you found my prostate, was always there, hit­ting it and keep­ing every­thing feel­ing full. Normally, I’m pret­ty tight, but it wasn’t intru­sive; it felt real­ly good.”

Bestvibe’s col­ored glass plug mea­sured a man­age­able 1.2” diam­e­ter across the first bulb, fol­lowed by a dip down to 0.82”, then back up to 1.3” — com­ple­men­tary to the con­tours of his rec­tum. “And then the sec­ondary bulge keeps teas­ing the entrance. That com­bi­na­tion was intense in the best way possible.”

The hook on the out­side — osten­si­bly meant for per­ineal mas­sage — didn’t do much for him, though. “It felt more like a pinch and high pres­sure than any­thing else. It just wasn’t for me.”

Color-shifting glass anal plug and prostate massager

Apart from that? “There was nev­er any down­time with the inter­nal sen­sa­tions,” he added. “Any change in ori­en­ta­tion or depth was plea­sur­able.” He “almost imme­di­ate­ly came from the ini­tial inser­tion” alone — and if he was already stroking his penis, the glass toy def­i­nite­ly would have fin­ished him then and there.

“And the pulling out of the toy on the prostate — the out stroke’s stretch — felt good as well … it was a song where every note belonged. Everything — every­thing hit. I’ve nev­er felt any­thing like it. No mat­ter what we exper­i­ment­ed with, it just kept hitting.”

Color-shifting blue butt plug with finger loop

As far as we were con­cerned, there were only a few down­sides to this iri­des­cent glass plug:

  1. The hook didn’t add much to it — and that’s fine. If you don’t like it, don’t use it. My friend saw stars even with­out insert­ing the toy all the way or feel­ing the exter­nal prong’s pres­sure. While there are 4.2” of insertable length, you’ll prob­a­bly be using less.
  2. I nev­er use fin­ger loops on cheap glass toys, since they can break at the thinnest portion.
  3. Aiming the straight shaft wasn’t exact­ly easy on my wrists. However, ele­vat­ing his hips on a sex cush­ion would have made that far more manageable.

For him, though? The con­tin­u­ous push­ing of the tip on his prostate and pulling of the sec­ond bulb against his anal open­ing took pen­e­tra­tion to the next lev­el, both dur­ing and after orgasm. And he was already on cloud nine there — try­ing the Pure Wand next was too much after that.

While he knew the glo­ry of glass dil­dos sec­ond­hand, hear­ing about my expe­ri­ences before, this plug from Bestvibe was his first time feel­ing how intense prostate mas­sage could be.

“I don’t remem­ber much because it was … white-​hot, like every­thing com­ing togeth­er. This was def­i­nite­ly one of my more intense orgasms. It took me a long time to come down to prop­er consciousness.”

Iridescent multicolor glass dildo and prostate massager plug

Get this glass dil­do and use code CY20 for 20% off your order at Bestvibe.

  • 4.2” insertable length
  • 1.2” diam­e­ter across the first bulb
  • 0.82” across the first dip
  • 1.3” across the sec­ond bulge
  • 0.78” across the sec­ond dip

Further read­ing: my com­par­i­son of 6 also-​beautiful cobalt blue Chrystalino glass dil­dos.

Bestvibe Rainbow Curved Dildo With Suction Cup Base

This eye-​catching dil­do, how­ev­er beau­ti­ful, can’t top the pre­vi­ous one’s pomp and cir­cum­stance. Its visu­al appeal is deriv­a­tive of the Dildolls line by Lovely Planet (“each more fun and kawaii than the last”) but places the del­i­cate pink, yel­low, and blue hues hor­i­zon­tal­ly instead of vertically.

Mid-sized, gently curved dildo with pastel rainbow clouds

Functionality still counts here, though, with 6 flex­i­ble inch­es insertable length and a gen­tle cur­va­ture for com­fort­able depth play. As such, don’t plan for a wham-​bam with it — this medium-​firm dil­do is more suit­ed for:

  • A slow and rel­a­tive­ly gen­tle build-up
  • Frill-​free for­ni­cal and cer­vi­cal stimulation
  • Easy strap-​on play, with a very aver­age 1.4” diameter

One of the cus­tomer reviews on Bestvibe’s web­site called this mod­el a “Wonderful con­cealed car­ry dil­do,” — which raised an eye­brow for me, but I got what she was saying:

  • It’s not too bulky
  • It fits in a normal-​sized purse
  • You can eas­i­ly and dis­creet­ly strap it on under clothes (with­in rea­son and depend­ing on what you're wear­ing, obviously)

This curved rain­bow sil­i­cone dil­do makes a good gen­er­al­ist for those who want an insertable that’s real­is­ti­cal­ly aver­age human size — but don’t want to keep some­thing dis­em­bod­ied or veiny-​looking on their night­stand. It's cute AF and easy on the eyes.

And did I men­tion I can cum with it against my cervix, thanks to the curve and length? It’s a fun basic, like the first sil­i­cone dil­do I used and had fond mem­o­ries of.

Use code CY20 for 20% off this pas­tel rain­bow dil­do.

Pastel rainbow gradient dildo

This review was spon­sored! The writ­ing and opin­ions expressed here are my own.

Bonus Content: A Flame Test Demonstration Video!

A quick way to tell if a soft mate­r­i­al is body-​safe and can be san­i­tized is to set it on fire. Light up a part that you don’t care about burn­ing, like the base, of course.

Porous mate­ri­als like TPE, TPR, and jel­ly will quick­ly melt, warp, and spread the flame.

Silicone can melt or burn, but the flame will stay in an iso­lat­ed area. Its ash­es tend to flake off eas­i­ly once the fire has died down. So it’s con­firmed: this afford­able dil­do is silicone!

And what makes sil­i­cone great is that it can be stur­dy or squishy, depend­ing on the for­mu­la used — while still being boil­able and easy to dis­in­fect! It's the best of both worlds.

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