Category: Sex Ed

[Image: Cy Smash / the writer, a woman with red hair and pink lipstick wearing a blue bra and holding a Doxy Die Cast against her cheek]

9 Ways to Use a Wand Massager with a Partner

"I'm jeal­ous! Women get so many sex toys to choose from," lament­ed some guys in my life. But when I ask whether they've used a vibra­tor with a part­ner or for penile mas­tur­ba­tion, crick­ets chirp. Here's the thing: sex toys aren't…

Exploring the A-Spot (Anterior Fornix Erogenous Zone) 1

Exploring the A-Spot (Anterior Fornix Erogenous Zone)

The A‑spot — or AFE zone — is one of the most under­rat­ed eroge­nous zones in exis­tence. It’s an area on the front vagi­nal wall, all the way in and far­ther inside than the (osten­si­bly also mys­te­ri­ous) G‑spot. Due to…

How to Have Clean Anal Sex: 4 Considerations 3

How to Have Clean Anal Sex: 4 Considerations

Shit hap­pens. We all know that the anus's pri­ma­ry pur­pose is that of an exit. Understandably, clean­li­ness is among the biggest con­cerns about anal sex. It's only sec­ond to per­haps pick­ing the best begin­ner butt toys for com­fort. When doing anal…

5 Tips for Discreet & Conveniently Travel-Friendly Sex Toys 4

5 Tips for Discreet & Conveniently Travel-Friendly Sex Toys

“Go big or go home” often doesn’t apply when vis­it­ing fam­i­ly for the hol­i­days or trav­el­ing to cer­tain coun­tries. Sometimes, trav­el­ing with sex toys is a has­sle, thanks to nosy and neu­rot­ic par­ents or lim­it­ed lug­gage space. (Sorry, dear VixSkin…

A Super Smashing Sex Toy Gift Guide: Find the Best Sex Giftable Toys! 7

A Super Smashing Sex Toy Gift Guide: Find the Best Sex Giftable Toys!

Sex toys are the clos­est thing to giv­ing some­one on-​​demand orgasms. But the options can get over­whelm­ing, even with­in Spectrum Boutique’s care­ful­ly curat­ed selec­tion. Here’s a list of my favorite plea­sur­able gifta­bles, to help nar­row down your choic­es. Some characteristics…

How to Cast a DIY Silicone Dildo at Home 8

How to Cast a DIY Silicone Dildo at Home

If you're a reg­u­lar read­er of my blog, you prob­a­bly already agree that dil­dos can be high­ly col­lectible pieces of art. They're func­tion­al tools, but it sure as hell helps me get excit­ed when I find a dil­do aes­thet­i­cal­ly pleasing.…

Top 10 Best Sex Toys of 2019 & Year-End Recap 9

Top 10 Best Sex Toys of 2019 & Year-End Recap

My 2019 read like the premise for a Netflix Original sit­com: the tri­als and tribu­la­tions of a nomadic sex toy review blog­ger. For extra spice, throw in: The insta­bil­i­ty of my liv­ing sit­u­a­tion gave some busi­ness part­ners a chuck­le. "Oh,…

Choosing the Best Anal Toys (for Beginner & Intermediate Play) 10

Choosing the Best Anal Toys (for Beginner & Intermediate Play)

My vagi­na is size roy­al­ty, but my butt is a plug ple­beian. Even if I hadn't men­tioned that before in a review, you might have noticed my rel­a­tive lack of posts about anal play. It's not because I haven't put toys…

25+ Deep Penetration Dildos For A-Spotting and Cervix Massage 11

25+ Deep Penetration Dildos For A-Spotting and Cervix Massage

Sex Toys That Target the Anterior and Posterior Fornices Discovering cer­vi­cal orgasms changed my sex life. For myself, the orgasms from deep pen­e­tra­tion feel like potent hits of oxy­tocin — heart-​​eyes emo­jis and implo­sions far more full-​​bodied than cli­toral or…

Review: b-Vibe Anal Training & Education plug kit 12

Review: b-Vibe Anal Training & Education plug kit

Butt stuff is one of the great equal­iz­ers— every­one has a butt. But I didn't write a guide to it for so long because the folx at b‑Vibe can (and do) present anal play far more cohe­sive­ly and with more justice…

5 Ways I've Made My Orgasms Longer and More Intense 13

5 Ways I've Made My Orgasms Longer and More Intense

The sec­ond time I ever got stoned, I had orgasms for 20 min­utes straight. It hap­pened about five years ago— at the time, I thought it was an unusu­al occur­rence for my body. However, I've since cul­ti­vat­ed my orgasms to…