Category: Sex Ed

Review: b-Vibe Anal Training & Education plug kit 1

Review: b-Vibe Anal Training & Education plug kit

Butt stuff is one of the great equal­iz­ers— every­one has a butt. But I didn't write a guide to it for so long because the folx at b‑Vibe can (and do) present anal play far more cohe­sive­ly and with more justice…

5 Ways I've Made My Orgasms Longer and More Intense 2

5 Ways I've Made My Orgasms Longer and More Intense

The sec­ond time I ever got stoned, I had orgasms for 20 min­utes straight. It hap­pened about five years ago— at the time, I thought it was an unusu­al occur­rence for my body. However, I've since cul­ti­vat­ed my orgasms to…

5 Easy Ways to Have Better Sex 9

5 Easy Ways to Have Better Sex

Partnered sex is one of the most com­pli­cat­ed things we're expect­ed to teach our­selves. Some parts come nat­u­ral­ly, while oth­ers are less intu­itive at first. Here are some small adjust­ments in the bed­room that can have an explo­sive impact. 1.…

STIs & What I Wish More People Knew About Them 10

STIs & What I Wish More People Knew About Them

[Content warn­ing: this post con­tains rec­ol­lec­tion of sex­u­al assault. If that's a hard top­ic for you, skip #5.] I wish we talked about chlamy­dia the way we talk about strep throat. It's not the infec­tion that ter­ri­fies peo­ple — a…

Top 10 Sex Toys & Products for Partner Play 11

Top 10 Sex Toys & Products for Partner Play

ANY SEX TOY CAN BE A COUPLE'S TOY IF YOU USE IT WITH A PARTNER. Some toys, though, are more con­ve­nient to com­bine with par­tic­u­lar part­nered activ­i­ties than oth­ers. These are my top picks, from a most­ly vanil­la stand­point (kinki­er…

A guide to organizing your sex tools for easy access and fun presentation!

5 Ways to Optimize Sex Toy Storage & Organization!

Back in 2018, I had the free­dom to dis­play what I (at the time thought) was a met­ric fuck­ton of toys. Times have changed a lot: I have way more now! But I have fond mem­o­ries of the built-​​in bookshelf…

Fun with foreskin: tips, techniques, and .GIFs! 12

Fun with foreskin: tips, techniques, and .GIFs!

American cock vs. European cock: have you ever won­dered the dif­fer­ence? Or had aspi­ra­tions to trav­el the world and, maybe in the process, hook up with lovers of dif­fer­ent cul­tur­al back­grounds? If you're an in the U.S., you might (depend­ing on the…

Vaginal Weightlifting & Ways to Make Kegels Fun 13

Vaginal Weightlifting & Ways to Make Kegels Fun

Vaginal weightlift­ing is so much more than just a fetish par­ty trick! It's also one of many fun ways to cul­ti­vate increased sex­u­al sen­si­tiv­i­ty or stronger, longer orgasms. Orgasms aren't every­thing, but who wouldn't want to max­i­mize their enjoy­ment? For peo­ple with…

Cervical Orgasms & Stimulation: a BS-Free Guide to Deep Erogenous Zones 14

Cervical Orgasms & Stimulation: a BS-Free Guide to Deep Erogenous Zones

Cervical orgasms are per­haps the most polar­iz­ing type of orgasms. Some peo­ple feel like their cervix and the sur­round­ing areas (the vagi­nal for­nices) are divine white light. Others can't fath­om that play­ing around a body part asso­ci­at­ed with deep OB-GYN…