Category: Reviews

Zolo Twist Anaconda penis masturbator cup review 2

Zolo Twist Anaconda penis masturbator cup review

"Best orgasm I've had in a while just now using the stro­ker," my boyfriend texted me on Christmas morn­ing. "It last­ed a while and was intense. Maybe part­ly because I'm still a bit stoned… I think it was how…

We-Vibe Nova review: rabbit vibrator with rumbly clitoral stimulator 3

We-Vibe Nova review: rabbit vibrator with rumbly clitoral stimulator

The We-​​Vibe Nova address­es some of the most glar­ing short­com­ings in the most over­rat­ed group of sex toys: rab­bit vibra­tors. For one, the cli­toral stim­u­la­tion motor on the Nova is thud­dy as all heck, with a rich tim­bre. If…

Uberrime Xenuphora silicone tentacle dildo review featured image banner

Uberrime Xenuphora Tentacle Fantasy Dildo Review

It's one thing to say that I enjoy ver­ti­cal tex­tures. It's anoth­er to come via the twist­ing motion alone or to feel like I'd go insane if I stopped twist­ing the Uberrime Xenuphora's addic­tive angles left-​​and-​​right inside me. What's more, I…

Uberrime Helios Sun God dildo featured image banner

Uberrime Helios Sun God textured dildo review

My first dil­do from Uberrime wasn't the Helios, but the sto­ry begins the same way: it almost too pret­ty to use. Almost. I oohed and aahed the delec­tably tight mar­bling of the col­ors. I com­mand­ed my boyfriend to hold a…

BS Atelier Max Poly Pride striped silicone dildo review 6

BS Atelier Max Poly Pride striped silicone dildo review

How I wish I could gift my 2012 self a BS Atelier Max dil­do! Back when I was pop­u­lar on FetLife and inter­net cucks show­ered me with gifts and wor­ship, I prob­a­bly could have request­ed any sex toy I…

Maia Jessi & Pillow Talk Racy Mini-Reviews: Budget-Friendly Bullets 7

Maia Jessi & Pillow Talk Racy Mini-Reviews: Budget-Friendly Bullets

Bullet vibra­tors are clas­sics in many sex toy col­lec­tions, with a fan­tas­tic fun-​​to-​​size ratio. There are so many to choose from that it can be over­whelm­ing, espe­cial­ly for begin­ners, so I'm group­ing these afford­able bul­lets into one review. At…

Hot Octopuss Atom Vibrating Cock Ring Review 11

Hot Octopuss Atom Vibrating Cock Ring Review

The soon­er I review the Hot Octopuss Atom cock ring, the soon­er I am free from the mis­ery of test­ing it. My boyfriend's and my griev­ances toward it prob­a­bly peaked when I glared at him, and he respond­ed, "I…