BMS Factory Naked Addiction vibrating and spinning silicone dildo

Most of the BMS Naked Addiction Vibrating & Rotating Dildo's fea­tures are remark­ably aver­age. Not least, its name is akin to store brand white bread.

Image: another view of the Naked Addiction from the back/top

It's only avail­able in "Vanilla" col­or. And it mea­sures just under 6 inch­es insertable length and 1.5" diam­e­ter at its widest. If I were in a brick-​and-​mortar sex shop, I wouldn't have looked at this vibra­tor twice. I prob­a­bly wouldn't have looked at it once.

But I do most of my sex toy shop­ping online. So let's imag­ine swip­ing through a dat­ing app. I see a pic­ture of a Bradley or Connor from the sub­urbs in his shorts and New Balance shoes, hold­ing up a fish he caught. That's his only pro­file pic­ture. His Spotify account is linked, and his cho­sen anthem is by Nickelback.

But I swipe right because there's ONE excit­ing detail that I can't gloss over in his (brief) bio. It's kind of like that.

Image: the BMS Naked Addiction realistic vibrating and rotating dildo comes with not-too-pronounced veins, plus balls and a suction cup

When I felt the dil­do in per­son, I couldn't stop glid­ing my fin­gers along the coro­na or squish­ing the tip. BMS Factory has its mat­te sil­i­cone fin­ish on lock. I usu­al­ly eye-​roll at unnec­es­sary trade­marks such as "IncrediFeel™ plat­inum sil­i­cone" and gener­ic claims of "incred­i­bly life­like feel." No sex toy will ever feel EXACTLY like a penis, and cer­tain­ly not one with a stiff motor inside. But who­ev­er incor­po­rat­ed the sub­tle tex­ture of the balls and penile skin on this dil­do knows what they're doing. (I can't say I've encoun­tered many cocks as notice­ably veiny, though.)

I pre­fer the rigid core because it's eas­i­er to aim against my cervix. The BMS Naked Addiction Vibrating & Rotating Dildo has about 5.75" of insertable length, a straight shaft, and a head that isn't espe­cial­ly pro­nounced. Thanks to the core, deep thrust­ing and cer­vi­cal orgasms are doable for me. The dual-​density, non-​vibrating ver­sion of this toy would feel more real­is­tic but prob­a­bly wouldn't get me off.

Image: the stock graphic for the Naked Addiction vibrating & rotating dildo show a more substantial range of motion. I feel like I have been deceived.

So let's get to what drew me in: the spin­ning action. The BMS Naked Addiction Vibrating & Rotating Dildo doesn't rotate, unlike what its name would sug­gest. Instead, the tip revolves. A well-​designed (unlike the LELO Hula Beads) dil­do that traces cir­cles behind my cervix sounds like a dream.

The exe­cu­tion, how­ev­er, is hard­ly rev­o­lu­tion­ary. This BMS Naked Addiction Vibrating & Rotating Dildo's range of motion is nowhere near what the graph­ics would sug­gest. Its pro­mo­tion­al mate­ri­als should have includ­ed the word, "Dramatization". And I'm here to make sure you have very real­is­tic expec­ta­tions for this some­what real­is­tic vibrator.

When I turned it on for the first time, I def­i­nite­ly thought, "…that's … it???" The tip moves in cir­cles, yes. But the cir­cles are only one cen­time­ter in diam­e­ter. Combine that with my vagina's con­stric­tion, and the toy's motions feel like next to noth­ing. Though they feel good, all four of the spin­ning set­tings are far too sub­tle for me to jus­ti­fy buy­ing it.

BMS Factory Naked Addiction vibrating and spinning silicone dildo 1

The two but­tons allow inde­pen­dent con­trol of the motors. Unfortunately, the one for the spin­ning func­tion allows less space for the vibrat­ing motor. The result: vibra­tions that epit­o­mize "meh". I under­stand that, with such soft sil­i­cone, vibra­tion damp­en­ing comes with the territory.

If the BMS Swan Wand's rum­ble is any indi­ca­tion, BMS Factory can do far bet­ter than the Naked Addiction Vibrating & Rotating Dildo. By all means, I think they should expand the Naked Addiction line to include more sizes and skin tones. And give them more inter­est­ing names to do jus­tice to the flaw­less, squishy sil­i­cone and metic­u­lous­ly skin-​like detail­ing they've demon­strat­ed with the non-​vibrating ver­sion. That's what should be in the lime­light— not this gim­mick. I fell for it so that you wouldn't have to.

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1 Response

  1. Oreon says:

    BMS Factory cer­tain­ly has some nice stuff. Might have to try this one.

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