Category: Reviews

Lora DiCarlo Sway G-spot vibrator & Tilt plug review 1

Lora DiCarlo Sway G-spot vibrator & Tilt plug review

A short sum­ma­ry of my thoughts on the Sway: !!!!!! ljglfjgld­fgjld­fg hhhnnngggggg AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. And the Lora DiCarlo Sway has been my default "go-​​to" vibra­tor in my review pile. What does that tell you? Their vibra­tions are on the rumbly side.…

Review: Squeeze-It silicone & Silexpan dildos 3

Review: Squeeze-It silicone & Silexpan dildos

Are these prices legit for body-​​safe sil­i­cone dil­dos? And what the heck is SILEXPAN®? "Made with a patent­ed rev­o­lu­tion­ary for­mu­la for a real­is­tic feel," boasts one of the Squeeze-​​It dil­do prod­uct pages. The line con­sists of inex­pen­sive sil­i­cone and…

Review & FAQ: Tantaly Cecilia Sex Doll Torso 6

Review & FAQ: Tantaly Cecilia Sex Doll Torso

Imagine a sitcom-​​like laugh track in the back­ground as my boyfriend and I unboxed Tantaly's Cecilia sex doll. Rather, I lift­ed the box flaps, peeked inside, and imme­di­ate­ly closed it, look­ing away. "Is that the…?" "Yeah." "Okay, cool. Cool, cool, cool,…

Review: Leather Riding Crop from Passion Craft Store 7

Review: Leather Riding Crop from Passion Craft Store

Hit me, baby, one more time. Kinksters have co-​​opted rid­ing crops for per­cus­sive main­te­nance of humans, but many of the old design prin­ci­ples still stand. Riding crops are like a hybrid of whips, canes, and pad­dles. You could call them…

Review: Pris Toys Gemini silicone dual stimulation dildo 13

Review: Pris Toys Gemini silicone dual stimulation dildo

More adven­tures in rabbit-​​style insertable per­vert­ibles! Gemini by Pris Toys is the fifth dou­ble pen­e­tra­tion dil­do I've test­ed this past month. That's my horni­ness lev­el as I approach com­plete COVID immu­ni­ty. Dual stim­u­la­tion dil­dos like the Pris Toys Gemini…

California Dreaming Santa Cruz Coaster thruster review 15

California Dreaming Santa Cruz Coaster thruster review

BIG NEWS: I've found The One. No, I'm not get­ting mar­ried, but I'm just as star-​​crossed to have dis­cov­ered my rab­bit vibra­tor soul­mate. The Santa Cruz Coaster thrust­ing dual stim­u­la­tor fits my anato­my like no oth­er cur­rent­ly on the market.…

4 SILICONE Double Dildos For Body-Safe DP Play, Compared! 16

4 SILICONE Double Dildos For Body-Safe DP Play, Compared!

Horny lev­el: "Show me all your dou­ble pen­e­tra­tion dil­dos." Yep! All of my picks from SheVibe for the quar­ter were sil­i­cone dou­ble dil­dos — and my vagi­na eager­ly engulfed them. In order from the small­est to biggest double-​​ended dildos…

Strap-On-Me vanilla silicone squirting dildo and vagina-friendly cum lube

Review: Strap-On-Me Large silicone ejaculating dildo

I can't wait to get double-​​stuffed once the COVID-​​19 pan­dem­ic is under con­trol. In the mean­time, I can use an ejac­u­lat­ing dil­do with my boyfriend. Romantic, right? The Strap-​​On-​​Me squirt­ing dil­do's syringe bar­rel holds 30 cc of fluid —…

Maia Destiny, Elegance Dreamy, Twitch Innovation suction vibe review 18

Maia Destiny, Elegance Dreamy, Twitch Innovation suction vibe review

"A new kind" of sex toy, or just hype? The Her Ultimate Pleasure's all-​​in-​​one lick­ing and suck­ing con­trap­tion became a viral sen­sa­tion — and oth­er mak­ers want­ed to cap­i­tal­ize on the trend. Fluttery and flick­ery vibra­tors are grow­ing in variety.…

Review: Sohimi Clitoral Suction & Pulsing Rabbit Vibrator 28

Review: Sohimi Clitoral Suction & Pulsing Rabbit Vibrator

This toy sounds like a dream on paper, with a puls­ing, pen­e­tra­tive por­tion and an exter­nal pres­sure wave motor — why wouldn't you want more, more, moar, MOAR, MOAR sen­sa­tion? Pressure wave stim­u­la­tors used to be lav­ish­ly priced and…