Category: Dildos

Uberrime Praesto, Tantus Sport, & Silc Arts Renaissance dildo reviews 5

Uberrime Praesto, Tantus Sport, & Silc Arts Renaissance dildo reviews

3 BEAUTIFUL, beginner-​​friendly G‑spot dil­dos In this fast-​​blast round-​​up, there's a lit­tle something-​​something old (the Tantus Sport), some­thing new (the Silc Arts Renaissance), noth­ing bor­rowed (I wouldn't be com­fort­able with…

Uberrime A-Spot Avenger Girthy Superhero Silicone Dildo Review 8

Uberrime A-Spot Avenger Girthy Superhero Silicone Dildo Review

Marvel at the maker's metal­lic mar­bling. Let the (Captain America-​​inspired) Patriot span­gle you until you see stars. Marco Uberrime's lat­est cre­ation, the A‑Spot Avenger, strik­ing­ly resem­bles the Aqua-​​King, which I…

New Sensations: 8 Unique Sex Toys to Try 10

New Sensations: 8 Unique Sex Toys to Try

Dildos have been around for prac­ti­cal­ly for­ev­er — at least 28,000 years. Early vibra­tors orig­i­nat­ed as med­ical devices in the 1700s. Since then, new sex toys have come a long…