Category: Dating & Hookups

Q&A: What's it like to be a male escort? 2

Q&A: What's it like to be a male escort?

For me per­son­al­ly, [being a good man] means fac­ing and resolv­ing bias­es that I may have regard­ing the idea of gen­der equal­i­ty and help­ing oth­er men resolve them, too. Guest…

7 Questions to Unfuck Your Love Life & Yourself 3

7 Questions to Unfuck Your Love Life & Yourself

Can you jour­nal your way to a more ful­fill­ing, bet­ter love life? I cer­tain­ly think so. It takes a degree of intro­spec­tion to dis­cern one's own: … along with their partners'…

I'm Ready to Start Dating. Now What? 4

I'm Ready to Start Dating. Now What?

I went on dates with 22 peo­ple with­in 13 months between rela­tion­ships. People get exhaust­ed, just hear­ing that sta­tis­tic. While meet­ing peo­ple to date is often sim­ple, it’s not nec­es­sar­i­ly easy —…

The Polite Way to Break Up (With Your Therapist) 13

The Polite Way to Break Up (With Your Therapist)

It's not easy to share your dark­est thoughts with some­one and trust that they'll under­stand — let alone advise with a har­mo­nious bal­ance between accep­tance and growth. And when a…

How to "Date Yourself" 14

How to "Date Yourself"

After British Vogue inter­viewed Emma Watson, the media fix­at­ed on the 20 sec­onds where she talked about being sin­gle and "self-​​partnered." It was a con­ver­sa­tion where she spoke about mental…

4 Common Misconceptions About Sex-Positive Bloggers 15

4 Common Misconceptions About Sex-Positive Bloggers

When I reveal that I'm a sex toy review­er, I some­times hear vari­a­tions of "Really?! But you're so quiet/wholesome/[insert anoth­er syn­onym for demure]!" On a bad day, I might clap…

My Past Sexy Side Hustles & Free Stuff (Beyond Reviews!) 16

My Past Sexy Side Hustles & Free Stuff (Beyond Reviews!)

In the cur­rent gig econ­o­my, you've prob­a­bly heard Millennial femme friends joke about sug­ar baby­ing, finan­cial dom­i­na­tion, or sell­ing used panties to pay off stu­dent loans. Or just for extra…

4 Great Reasons to Consider Hiring an Escort 17

4 Great Reasons to Consider Hiring an Escort

An escort's job is to make fan­tasies hap­pen, immers­ing clients in the expe­ri­ence. It often goes beyond phys­i­cal grat­i­fi­ca­tion to include psy­cho­log­i­cal cap­ti­va­tion and emo­tion­al com­fort. And for that, I…

Why I Don't Hunt For "Unicorns" / FFM Threesomes 19

Why I Don't Hunt For "Unicorns" / FFM Threesomes

Given a long enough time­line, prac­ti­cal­ly every straight dude I've been with has asked me for: an FFM three­some, espe­cial­ly with one of my (unspec­i­fied) cis female friends butt stuff, but…