4 Great Reasons to Consider Hiring an Escort

4 Great Reasons to Consider Hiring an Escort 1

An escort's job is to make fan­tasies hap­pen, immers­ing clients in the expe­ri­ence. It often goes beyond phys­i­cal grat­i­fi­ca­tion to include psy­cho­log­i­cal cap­ti­va­tion and emo­tion­al com­fort. And for that, I have mad respect for their skill sets. Here are four times to con­sid­er hir­ing one.

1. When you want to explore an unfamiliar kink

I get it— it's not always easy to express to a part­ner your inter­est in a kink, out of fear of judg­ment. Maybe you want to try water­sports or spank­ing or fist­ing or mum­mi­fi­ca­tion with pink plas­tic wrap. If you wish to expe­ri­ence a fan­ta­sy or have some­one teach you some hands-​on skills to take home, a pro­fes­sion­al can help.

Of course, there's a mat­ter of find­ing the right sex work­er for your spe­cif­ic kink. But as long as you ask respect­ful­ly and nego­ti­ate before­hand, you can relax know­ing that they've prob­a­bly heard (and enter­tained) weird­er requests before.

2. When you want to try group sex without drama

Three-​ways (and beyond) are a com­mon fan­ta­sy. But there are so many fac­tors to con­sid­er when mak­ing one hap­pen for a pre-​existing cou­ple. For starters, it's hard enough find­ing some­one mutu­al­ly attract­ed to both par­ties. And cast­ing some­one for the role pos­es the same issues as hook­ing up in gen­er­al but to a greater extent. What's more, the third par­ty can find the propo­si­tion objec­ti­fy­ing or unwel­com­ing. Their needs will like­ly be sec­ond to the "pri­ma­ry" couple's.

So rather than deal­ing with poten­tial­ly messy logis­tics and feels, I'd rec­om­mend hir­ing a spicy work­er for a three-way.

3. When you're tired of the dating scene but want to have the dating experience

I've often heard that dick is abun­dant and low in val­ue. And yes, I can go out and get laid when­ev­er I want to. That doesn't mean that I always have the ener­gy to fil­ter who's going to be a suit­able date or lay. Sometimes a fuck­able friend is broke and can't take me out the way he'd like to. Sometimes anoth­er one has to recov­er from a torn ACL.

Sometimes I'm just fuck­ing exhaust­ed. And I know I'm not alone in find­ing swipe cul­ture drain­ing. Many sex work­ers' ser­vices go beyond sex. So hir­ing one for a roman­tic night out is an option when I don't want to oth­er­wise put in the men­tal and emo­tion­al labor.

4. When you want to be a pillow princess with no obligations

I am a self-​proclaimed pil­low princess of prodi­gious pro­por­tions. I like it when it's all about me. And for that rea­son, I own many pow­er tools and hand­held fuck­ing machines. But a fuck­ing machine can't replace the human expe­ri­ence. I still like kiss­ing and chok­ing peo­ple and wrap­ping my arms around some­one and run­ning my hands through their hair. A clit toy can have a "tongue" that flicks back and forth or a "kiss­ing" Pulse Plate™, but it's not going to dig its hands into my thighs to pull me closer.

With a bit of nego­ti­a­tion, an escort can give me mind-​blowing plea­sure with no com­plaints or expec­ta­tion of rec­i­p­ro­ca­tion (beyond mon­ey). And even though that might sound basic AF, it's a valid rea­son to con­sid­er hir­ing an escort.

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1 Response

  1. D. Dyer says:

    These are all quite excel­lent rea­sons. And as some­one who has exist­ed on both sides of this inter­ac­tion I appre­ci­ate your talk­ing about want­i­ng com­pan­ion­ship in a clear and non-​judge men­tal fashion.

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