Blush Novelties Neo Elite 7.5" affordable dual-density dildo review

I'm damned if I don't smack a tox­ic jel­ly dil­do out of someone's hands at some point in my life. Friends don't let friends set­tle for that shit.

[Image: Blush Neo Elite 7.5" top view of the veins. The surface is glossy, the outer layer squishy, and the head not very defined, so you won't feel much of the texture.]

That hypo­thet­i­cal "someone's" protests pre­emp­tive­ly buzz in my mind; I'm ready to strike every one of them down.

"But jel­ly dil­dos are cheap!" "Cheap, body-​safe plas­tic vibra­tors and glass dil­dos don't feel real enough!" "But there aren't many body-​safe dil­dos that are long enough for me!"

Admittedly, that last griev­ance is prob­a­bly a less com­mon one, but all too real for me. I have flex­i­ble walls and a rel­a­tive­ly high ceil­ing for some­one of my height. I'm acquaint­ed with Blush Novelties and their afford­able sil­i­cone dil­dos like the Temptasia Elvira or Avant Pride P1. However, those are around 5.5" insertable length. Most days, I want more. I crave deep­er pen­e­tra­tion and want more pres­sure against my cervix than what either of those dil­dos can offer.

And that's what real­ly caught my eye about the Blush Neo Elite dil­dos: there's a DUAL-​DENSITY SILICONE dil­do that's super cheap! WITH SEVEN! INCHES! OF INSERTABLE LENGTH! Plus, it's avail­able in elec­tric blue. Any one of those attrib­ut­es sounds basic, but there aren't many sex toys at the cen­ter of that 4‑way Venn dia­gram. PSA: if you're look­ing for a basic dil­do with a real­is­tic feel and afford­able price, you need to check out Blush's Neo Elite line.

How does the Blush Neo Elite 7.5" feel in use?


[Image: the Blush Novelties Neo Elite dildo heads are all squish.]

For those who don't know: a dual-​density dil­do's core is firm for thrust­ing, but the out­er lay­er and tip are squishy for a more com­fort­able and life­like feel. The firm­ness varies from brand to brand. Tantus O2 dil­dos' "squishy" out­er lay­er, for exam­ple, isn't near­ly as squishy as VixSkin. As far as the Blush Neo Elite dil­dos go, the main thing you need to know is that the out­er lay­er is suu­u­per squishy with a glossy fin­ish. It's only slight­ly firmer than Vixskin. The sil­i­cone of the inner core and suc­tion cup, in con­trast, is far firmer than Vixen Creations'.

As it should be, in my opin­ion. This dil­do is long and lean; the tip is 1" wide, taper­ing to 1.5" at the base. Despite the flex­i­bil­i­ty and rel­a­tive lack of girth (in com­par­i­son to the fat VixSkin dil­dos I've reviewed), the Neo Elite 7.5's core hard­ness still allows some maneu­ver­abil­i­ty and aiming.


As well, the rel­a­tive­ly nar­row tip makes this dil­do a poten­tial­ly com­fort­able option for explor­ing the spaces around the cervix. While I'm BFFs with my pos­te­ri­or fornix (the space behind my cervix), not many sex toys stim­u­late my cervix by going in front of it. The Neo Elite 7.5" can. Cue the heart-​eye emo­jis when I come, push it in place against my cervix, hold it there, come again, thrust, thrust, thrust, repeat.

[Image: the Blush Neo Elite 7.5" dildo is very flexible. I can easily bend it in half between my thumb and index finger.]

Sometimes, though, I do wish the Blush Neo Elite 7.5" was more… more. I pre­fer a more defined curve or even firmer core or more length to make make the cervix stim­u­la­tion more plea­sur­ably intense. With the Neo Elite 7.5", I do have to work a bit hard­er than with some­thing firmer and less realistic.

Check out the BS Atelier Max, Tantus Silk Large, and Chrystalino Champ if you're open to get­ting a more intense but less representational/​realistic dildo.

My verdict on the Blush Novelties Neo Elite 7.5" dual-density dildo

[Image: a look at the bottom of the Blush Neo Elite 7.5" and its suction cup]

Despite my quib­bles about the Blush Neo Elite 7.5", it gets the job done well. And for the price? I'm impressed. There are sex toy shop­pers who care more about a real­is­tic sen­sa­tion than absolute inten­si­ty, and for that, Blush Novelties' use of dual-​density sil­i­cone is a grand slam here.

Alongside the Silk Large, the Blush Novelties Neo Elite 7.5" is one of my favorites to rec­om­mend as an afford­able first sex toy. Both dil­dos are a man­age­able girth for some­one com­fort­able with pen­e­tra­tion, but with enough length to explore the cer­vi­cal for­nices.

Discovering my pos­te­ri­or fornix/​PFE zone was the best thing to ever hap­pen to my sex life. And I wish the same joy upon any­one read­ing this who has a vagi­na, even if you're where I was just a year before I start­ed my blog: in col­lege and broke AF with­out a fuck­ing clue what jel­ly dil­dos are.

Take 10% off your whole order at Peepshow Toys with code SUPERSMASHCACHE

Hey! I received this dil­do in exchange for my hon­est and freely-​given opin­ion. If I think a sex toy is shit, you'll know. I quite enjoy evis­cer­at­ing poorly-​designed prod­ucts.

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4 Responses

  1. C says:

    “Squishy with a glossy fin­ish” sounds like exact­ly what I need omg. I love how the Funkit NoFrillDos glide, but I also real­ly love squishy toys and the ones I’ve tried thus far have been a bit draggy.

  2. Ana says:

    Found the hard way these also come in pvc with the exact­ly same name and col­ors, man­aged to get the wrong one after read­ing your review and not check­ing it twice D: Such a trickery 🙁

    • Derek says:

      Just an FYI: Yes, they do come in PVC, but the name is not "exact­ly" the same. The PVC ones are called Blush Neo, and the sil­i­cone ones are called Blush Neo ELITE. Different part num­bers too. FWIW, it is all spelled out on Blush's website.

  3. Oreon says:

    Sounds love­ly. ^^ Glad to see more col­or options, espe­cial­ly blue.

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