19 Remote Control Panty Vibrators, Compared & Ranked!

Remote con­trol wear­able vibra­tors unique­ly play with thrill, antic­i­pa­tion, and sur­prise — at least, on paper. In prac­tice, only a few are small but actu­al­ly mighty.

A collection of remote control panty vibrators arranged on holographic background

Which Bluetooth panty vibra­tors are pow­er­ful enough for me per­son­al­ly to enjoy using? I'll show you.

Some are stronger, some are more focused, some are bet­ter for cli­toral use, and some give you just enough bang for your buck. You don’t have to go into lux­u­ry ter­ri­to­ry to have pub­lic con­trol of your partner’s orgasms at your lit­er­al fingertips.

Summary of My Favorite Panty Vibrators

Here’s the state of Toyland’s vibrat­ing panty selec­tion, in a nut­shell, from bougie to basic.

OhMiBod Esca 2 and other Bluetooth panty vibrators in a colorful basket
What I’d recommend in the luxury camp
What I’d recommend for affordable panty vibrators
We-Vibe Moxie Plus clitoral panty vibrator with Bluetooth remote and magnet to stay in underwear gusset
What I wouldn’t recommend

My less-​favored panty vibra­tors I've tried includ­ed the following.

  • The We-​Vibe Moxie and Moxie Plus were fit­ting for their time — qui­et, mild­ly rumbly, and enough to make me cum, but not strong. I wasn't a fan of the price tag.
  • Likewise for We-Vibe’s Chorus and Sync — and they don’t fit my anato­my well
  • Svakom’s Ella and Phoenix Neo are too weak to be worth the lux­u­ry price.
  • Satisfyer panty vibra­tors are too weak to be worth it for the bud­get price.
Svakom Bluetooth remote control vibrating love eggs

Read on for more details, plus some links to more com­pre­hen­sive reviews.

As always, take 10% off when you use my dis­count code, SUPERSMASHCACHE at Peepshow Toys.

Why Good Vibrating Panties Are So Few & Far Between

Since wear­able remote con­trol vibra­tors are made for dis­creet wear while also con­tain­ing con­trap­tion com­po­nents like anten­nae and sen­sors, their motors tend to be dainty. 

Assorted Bluetooth remote control panty vibrators in a basket

They tend to rely on high­er fre­quen­cy for sur­face zing. It’s hard­er to find a rumbly and pow­er­ful panty vibra­tor that stays at a low pitch and has depth in move­ment — a trade-​off of fea­tures at odds with one another.

You’ll be bal­anc­ing inten­si­ty, rum­bli­ness, dis­cre­tion, com­pre­hen­sive fea­tures, and, of course, price.

As such, I’ve com­pared these vibes’ app fea­tures and pow­er and includ­ed notes about whether I’d enjoy these vibes pure­ly based on the shape and strength alone.

Lovense Lush 3 vs. Lush 4 vs. We-Vibe Jive 2 wearable panty vibrators with Bluetooth connectivity

Bluetooth Panty Vibrators for Vaginal Stimulation

We-​Vibe Jive 2

Best All-​Around Rumbly Remote Control Vibrator

OMG OMG OMG the We-​Vibe Jive 2 is here, and its low pitch and deep rum­ble makes it stand out as my favorite wear­able egg-​style vibrator!

We-​Vibe Jive 2 in a Nutshell

  • Intensity: soooo delightful
  • Vibration qual­i­ty: purrrrrrr (🤤🤤 drool­ing face emoji)
  • Speed range: 50 to 114 Hz
  • IPX7 water­proof — sub­mersible for up to 3 feet at 30 minutes
  • 1 but­ton gives you access to 4 steady speeds and 6 pat­terns out of the box
  • Bluetooth app-​compatible (more on that in a bit)
  • 90 min­utes of charg­ing gets you up to 4 hours of con­tin­u­ous play
Curved We-Vibe Jive 2 Bluetooth-enabled personal massager with smartphone remote control app

We-​Connect App Features

  • On-​screen bat­tery indicator
  • Sliding con­trol for steady vibra­tions and patterns
  • Customize a "playlist" of vibra­tion settings
  • Beat Mode syncs vibra­tions to audio files in your phone's library
  • Ambient mode sens­es sound around you and vibrates faster when your're in a loud­er set­ting (e.g. the song drop!)
  • Long-​distance part­ner play

How the We-​Vibe Jive 2 Feels

The vibra­tions thrum like a deep, wob­bling base. If I had to choose just one best panty vibra­tor, it would be the We-​Vibe Jive 2. Sure, it might not have as many flashy fea­tures as the Lush 3 or 4, but a love egg's joie de vivre is in its vibra­tion quality.

The Jive 2 is rumbly, reli­able, strong, fits my bits, and has plen­ty of inter­ac­tiv­i­ty for wear­ing to the club or the gun range. I'm in love. If you're debat­ing which inter­nal wear­able vibra­tor to get, the We-​Vibe Jive 2 is top-​tier.

Lovense Lush 3 and Lush 4

Powerful and Packed With App Features
Lovense Lush 3 powerful remote control Bluetooth panty vibrator

It’s decent­ly strong, its con­trols are reli­able, and cam mod­els love sync­ing the Lovense Lush 3’s inten­si­ty to how much view­ers tip.

It was love at first charge for me and imme­di­ate­ly blew away much of the com­pe­ti­tion. Lovense's Lush 3 is my top pick for shop­pers who want a pow­er­ful, wear­able “love egg”-style vibra­tor with a Bluetooth remote con­trol and long-​range play!

Would I enjoy the Lovense Lush 3 pure­ly based on its vibra­tions and shape alone? Fuck, yeah!

And the Lush 4 is sim­i­lar power-​wise, but comes with an LED indi­ca­tor and faster charging.

Lovense Lush 3 vs. Lush 4 panty vibrator charging contact and LED indicator

Lovense Lush 3 and Lush 4 Remote Vibrators in a Nutshell

  • Intensity: packs a punch for the size
  • Vibration qual­i­ty: zingy with mod­er­ate depth and rel­a­tive­ly high pitch
  • Speed range: 105 to 130 Hz
  • IPX7 water­proof — sub­mersible for up to 3 feet at 30 minutes
  • 1 but­ton gives you access to 3 steady speeds and 4 pat­terns out of the box
  • Bluetooth app-​compatible (SO MANY fea­tures! Read on for more.)
  • Up to 5 hours of con­tin­u­ous use 
    • Lush 4 has a faster charge option: 5 min­utes of charg­ing can get you 1 hour of use, and 50 min­utes of charg­ing can get 6 hours of use
  • Downside: might not have enough sub­tle­ty for some users

Lovense Lush 3 & Lush 4 Bluetooth Remote App

Are Bluetooth apps avail­able for the Lush 3 and Lush 4? YES, con­nect­ing to iPhone, Android, Windows PC (needs a Bluetooth adapter), and Mac!

There’s an option for solo and part­ner play, one for adult social media, and one spe­cial­ized for cam mod­els doing live nude chats.

Lovense Lush 3, Dolce, and Pink Punch Sunset Mushroom remote love egg vibrators

I’ll main­ly dis­cuss the first one.

Lovense remote control app features include
  • Slider con­trol to increase intensity
  • Short-​range and long-​range play
  • Record pat­tern loops
  • Ambient sound sen­sor with sen­si­tiv­i­ty adjustment
  • Speed mode sens­es acceleration
  • Music mode con­nects to Apple Music, Youtube Music, Amazon Music, Lark Player 
    • Plus, pre-​syncs to select music videos on YouTube
  • Alarm mode (solo set and part­ner down­load options available)

How the Lovense Lush 3 and 4 Feel in Use

The Lush 3’s shape is best for deliv­er­ing inter­nal vibra­tions — and they’re cer­tain­ly strong enough for me to fin­ish suu­u­per easily.

Its one down­side is that not only is it suu­u­u­u­per intense with some buzzi­er fre­quen­cies, and not every­one is into that. Lush 3 and Lush 4 starts strong and peaks at an even high­er pitch.

Try the We-​Vibe Jive 2 instead if you pre­fer a deep­er vibra­tion pitch. 

Your mileage may vary, but it’s hard to go wrong with the Lush 3 or Lush 4. I used to say “Yes, but…” when rec­om­mend­ing a wear­able remote con­trol vibra­tor. Not any­more — Lovense’s Lush 3 and Lush 4 are among the few “FUCK YEAH”s for me.

Pink Punch Sunset Mushroom inside inductive charging and storage case with packaging

Pink Punch Sunset Mushroom


It’s hard to ignore how frig­gin’ cute the Pink Punch Sunset Mushroom is — the clamshell charg­ing pod, the Y2K-​style graph­ics with neon lights on anoth­er plan­et, and of course, the fact that it’s shaped like a volup­tuous mushroom.

And? It has not just style but also sub­stance! It’s buzzy but strong for its size, splash­ing when dipped in water — and focused enough for my clit.

  • Intensity: mod­er­ate
  • Vibration qual­i­ty: buzzy
  • Speed range: 73 to 141 Hz
  • 3 steady speeds and 5 pat­terns out of the box
  • Bluetooth app for iPhone and Android 
    • Controls speed and pre­set patterns
    • See my full Sunset Mushroom review for rhythm details
  • Inductive charg­ing case 
    • 2 hours to charge the case, which charges Sunset Mushroom 3 times
    • 30 min­utes of toy charg­ing gives 1 hour of con­tin­u­ous playtime
  • Downsides: pow­er def­i­nite­ly relies on buzz, expen­sive at full price
Pink Punch Sunset Mushroom y2k aesthetic remote control vibrator with Bluetooth

Definitely, def­i­nite­ly use my coupon code, CY30 for 30% off at Pink Punch Toys — or wait for a sale. Sometimes, the Pink Punch web­site will show a code for 40% off.

You won’t get a thrum­ming, basslike rum­ble with the Sunset Mushroom, but that’s fine for the dis­count­ed price. It out­per­forms some more expen­sive panty vibes I used to love, feel­ing good while look­ing fuck­ing good.

Clitoral Stimulation-Focused Panty Vibrators

Lovense Ferri

A simple shape and strong external-​only panty vibrator
Lovense Ferri magnetic panty vibe with Bluetooth control

Maybe a wear­able love egg-​style panty vibe isn’t your thing. The Lovense Ferri is some­what strong for its size but focused on cli­toral stim­u­la­tion, rely­ing on a stur­dy mag­net to fit into the user’s under­wear gusset.

Its cen­ter is sub­tly raised with grooves for focused pres­sure on the cli­toris — firm and pin­point com­pared to the competition.

  • Intensity: mod­er­ate
  • Vibration qual­i­ty: buzzy but good
  • Speed range: 80 to 115 Hz
  • IPX7 water­proof
  • Settings: 3 steady speeds and 4 pat­terns out of the box + Bluetooth remote control 
    • Bluetooth app: Same as Lovense Lush 3! Scroll up for details.
  • Up to 3 hours of play­time and 1.5 of stand­by time
  • Downside: relies on an exter­nal gar­ment or grind­ing for enough pressure
Lovense Ferri magnetic panty vibe in lace thong

Once you have some stur­dy panties or jeans (or jorts) sta­bi­liz­ing Ferri, it’s one of the more robust cli­toral panty vibra­tors I’ve tried, out­shin­ing even the We-​Vibe Moxie Plus.

Would I like the Lovense Ferri pure­ly based on its vibra­tions and shape alone? Ehh, they’re fine — but the whole package’s fea­tures real­ly “wow” me.

OhMiBod Foxy

Textured, cushioned clitoral hump for a luxe feel

Like the Lovense Ferri, OhMiBod’s Foxy uses a mag­net to stay in place.

OhMiBod Foxy textured panty vibrator

Its main mas­sag­ing hump is slight­ly squishy, dis­pers­ing the buzzy vibra­tions as you move. It also has light hon­ey­comb tex­tur­ing, which doesn’t make a huge dif­fer­ence for me (yay, lip­py cli­toral hood!), but it might be for you. Add a drop of lube or arousal gel.

  • Intensity: mod­er­ate
  • Vibration qual­i­ty: buzzy but good
  • Speed range: 73 to 129 Hz
  • IPX7 water­proof
  • Settings: 3 steady speeds and 2 pat­terns out of the box + Bluetooth remote control
  • Bluetooth app for iPhone and Android
  • 90 min­utes of charg­ing gets up to 1 hour of con­tin­u­ous use
OhMiBod Foxy panty vibrator with honeycomb texture and vulva tickler

Ohmibod Bluetooth App Features Include

  • Control of vibra­tion inten­si­ty and thrum­ming speed
  • Short-​range and long-​range play
  • Recording pat­tern loops and increas­ing or decreas­ing intensity
  • Ambient sound sen­sor with sen­si­tiv­i­ty adjustment
  • Music mode con­nects to Spotify Premium
OhMiBod Foxy panty vibrator secured with magnet in light pink lace thong

Closing Thoughts on the OhMiBod Foxy

Would I like the OhMiBod Foxy pure­ly based on its vibra­tions and shape alone? Yes, buzz and all. Vibrating, focused, squishy grind­ing toys might be exact­ly up your alley!

Best Budget-Friendly Options

These wear­able panty vibra­tors get the job done at a fair price. They might cut cor­ners some­where — com­pre­hen­sive con­trols, reli­a­bil­i­ty, inten­si­ty, or bat­tery life — but maybe you don’t want frills. The Esca 2, Oly, and Temptasia are strong enough for me.

Honey Play Box Oly dual stimulating Bluetooth remote control vibrating plug

Oly by Honey Play Box

Honey Play Box’s Oly deliv­ers zing at two zones: the G‑spot and the cli­toris (or prostate and testes, depend­ing on who’s wear­ing it). The out­side notch­es hug the cli­toris, while the inner bulb has a for­ward tilt to tick­le your inter­nal hot spot.

I don't often find a remote con­trol vibra­tor this strong at this price, mak­ing Oly an out­stand­ing con­tender that won't break the bank.

  • Dual stim­u­la­tor with one motor in bulb and one in base
  • Intensity: mod­er­ate inner motor, stronger cli­toral stimulator
  • Vibration qual­i­ty: mod­er­ate­ly rumbly inside, buzzy outside 
    • 80 to 110 Hz on the inter­nal motor
    • 110 to 230 Hz on the exter­nal motor
  • IPX7 water­proof — sub­mersible for up to 3 feet at 30 minutes
  • 1 but­ton gives you access to 3 steady speeds and 6 pat­terns out of the box
  • Yes, it’s Bluetooth app-compatible!
  • 120 min­utes of charge time get up to 90 min­utes of play
  • Downsides:
    • Connection is not the most reli­able, but works well enough.
    • Doesn’t align super well with the spac­ing of my G‑spot and clit — but might align with yours.
    • See my full Honey Play Box Oly review for details
Honey Play Box Oly Bluetooth vibrating plug base with clitoral stimulation motor

Personally, I found it best as a cou­ples’ toy for grind­ing and dry-​humping on my part­ner. Every body is dif­fer­ent, and your mileage may vary!

Honey Play Box Bluetooth App Functions

The app’s fea­tures allow you to do way more than the oth­er budget-​friendly wear­able remote-​control vibra­tors in this section.

  • Access a con­tin­u­ous speed range
  • Adjust motor speeds inde­pen­dent­ly of one another
  • Sound-​activate the vibrations
  • Turn on long-​range play when you and your part­ner are apart

Its shape isn’t pre­cise­ly bang-​on for me, and its app isn’t the most reli­able. However, the Honey Play Box Oly’s price makes it a steal for every­thing you get — two motors, ambi­ent sound sen­sors, and strong cli­toral stim­u­la­tion in a small package.

Blush Temptasia clitoral panty vibrator with magnet

Blush Temptasia Panty Vibe

Finally, some­thing ready to rum­ble on this list! There’s one but­ton on the remote con­trol cycling through the menu and no fan­cy app — good luck know­ing exact­ly when you’ll sneak­i­ly turn on the high­est inten­si­ty in pub­lic — but you know what?

The Blush Temptasia panty vibra­tor is arguably the most like­ly to actu­al­ly make a part­ner cum — assum­ing they’re wear­ing tight enough pants to keep the cli­toral stim­u­la­tor anchored, of course. 

  • Nice and rumbly rel­a­tive to oth­er panty vibes!
  • External-​only with a super strong magnet!
  • 70 to 90 Hz
  • 3 steady speeds and 7 patterns
  • IPX7 water­proof
  • Bare-​bones single-​button remote control
  • Control your panty vibe up to 32 feet away
  • Up to 60 min­utes of con­tin­u­ous playtime
  • Downsides: bulki­er and nois­i­er. Also, the short­er stand­by time is not always predictable.

Blush Novelties’ Temptasia remote con­trol vibra­tor is super sim­ple and doesn’t over-​promise any­thing. Even though it’s not always reli­able, and you can’t exact­ly check up on the bat­tery per­cent­age or con­nec­tion (or, you know, vibra­tion set­ting…), it’s my favorite pure­ly power-wise.

Blush Temptasia remote control panty vibrator security magnet strength

This afford­able panty vibra­tor might make a good enough fit for solo play or when your part­ner is doing quick errands or house­hold chores.

Blush Wellness Imara

  • 5 zingy speeds and 5 patterns
  • Internal wear­able with retrieval loop
  • Same motor as the Blush Realm and Limited Addiction bullets
  • IPX7 water­proof
  • Vibe and remote charge with the same cord
  • 5‑button remote con­trol — speed, pat­terns, on-and-off
  • Comprehensive con­trols make it great for stealth play

These Vibes Were Good for Their Time

We-Vibe Moxie and Moxie Plus

Moxie, BlueMotion, and Chorus

the old best of the rest

We-​Vibe Moxie & Moxie Plus — Great con­trols, rel­a­tive­ly rumbly and dis­creet. It stays low-​pitched, but I’m just not thrilled about the power.

OhMiBod blueMotion NEX|1 Gen 2 - Once upon a time, panty vibra­tors that sensed sound were new. Not any­more. The blueMotion club vibe could step up its game for the price.

We-​Vibe Chorus and Sync — Same deal as with the Moxie power-​wise, but they also don’t align with my anato­my — yes, even with the adjustable hinges — and are even more expen­sive. I wouldn’t want a read­er risk­ing it.


syncs to audio erotica for teasing

If you don’t mind some­thing buzzi­er but with a pointier tip for firm­ly pin­point focus, con­sid­er the Vibease wear­able Bluetooth vibra­tor. I’ve come around to respect­ing its inno­va­tion, despite ini­tial­ly not being a fan 4 years ago.

Vibease Bluetooth app remote control panty vibrator

(My expec­ta­tions for vibrat­ing panties were unre­al­is­tic back then. We have bet­ter options now, though.)

The Vibease wasn’t wham-​bam as a stand­alone vibra­tor — it was weak and buzzy — but it could make me cum, and it was great for every­thing it did: vibrate with Bluetooth con­trols, video chat, and sync to audio­book sto­ries. If that last cat­e­go­ry super appeals to you, have at it. Plenty of women get off to sto­ries and sce­nar­ios. It’s not quite my thing, though.

Don’t Waste Your Money on These

Don't say I didn't warn you
Maia Remi remote control suction vibrator with magnet for securing in panties

Maia Remi - It’s the bulki­est of any vibra­tor on this list, which you wouldn’t want weigh­ing down your panties. The vibra­tions don’t do much for me, and the only nice thing I have to say is that it latch­es on quite nice­ly as a hands-​free cli­toral suc­tion toy.

VeDO Niki - The vibra­tions are accept­ably rumbly but not with enough con­trast for stealth play to be use­ful (read: fun), and the mag­net is rel­a­tive­ly weak and comes off eas­i­ly. It’s bet­ter for hands-​free solo use than part­ner play.

Svakom Ella and Phoenix Neo — Too weak to be worth the lux­u­ry price.

Satisfyer remote control panty vibrator

And basi­cal­ly, any Satisfyer panty vibra­tor is too weak to be worth the bud­get price.

Places to Use a Remote Control Vibrator

On prin­ci­ple, par­tic­i­pa­tion in some­one else’s sexy times only hap­pens with enthu­si­as­tic con­sent — I wouldn’t want some­one wear­ing a panty vibe to a restau­rant while talk­ing to a wait­er, who is a stranger try­ing to do their damn job.

(Ever heard that food ser­vice is jump-​scare hor­ror, while retail is psy­cho­log­i­cal horror?)

Even with that in mind, you can have plen­ty of plea­sure in pub­lic with a vibrat­ing plug or panty vibrator.

Remote control panty vibrator with Bluetooth capability assortment in cabbage bowl

Great set­tings for wear­able Bluetooth con­trol vibra­tors can include:

  • A night­club — with ample vari­a­tion, heav­i­ness, and crescen­dos while your vibe is in music-​controlled mode
  • A some­what packed bar or art gallery with a base­line of ambi­ent sound
  • A hus­tling, bustling shop­ping mall
  • A long bus or train ride
  • A play par­ty with will­ing spectators
  • On a hike through the woods
  • In the movie theater
  • While you’re alone togeth­er, duh — maybe with a lap dance?

A remote con­trol vibra­tor can also be help­ful for solo play — like, alone alone, because it allows con­trol of plea­sure with­out reach­ing down to your coochie or bum hole. Panty vibra­tors with Bluetooth remote con­trols can have a unique role in acces­si­bil­i­ty, con­ve­nience, and risque part­ner play.

Remote control panty vibrator with Bluetooth capability assortment in basket

Closing Thoughts on My Favorite Panty Vibes

It used to be that you’d have to go into lux­u­ry price ter­ri­to­ry to get an even (no pun intend­ed) remote­ly decent wear­able vibra­tor with wire­less con­trols. Not any­more! Nowadays, we have more sub­stan­tial options —some with full frills and some rel­a­tive­ly minimal.

Here’s a recap of my per­son­al favorites:

  • We-Vibe's Jive 2 has super rumbly vibra­tion qual­i­ty, reli­a­bil­i­ty, and remote con­trol capa­bil­i­ty, mak­ing it my top pick.
  • The Lovense Lush 3 and Lush 4 aren't as pow­er­ful, but they're the most ver­sa­tile when it comes to Bluetooth app features.
  • OhMiBod’s Foxy gives lux­u­ri­ous cli­toral cush­ion­ing and tex­tur­ing, but Lovense’s Ferri is the firmer and more fine­ly focused mag­net­ic wearable.
  • Oly by Honey Play Box is a lit­tle less reli­able but comes chock full of fea­tures and is super afford­able for every­thing you get
  • Blush’s Temptasia remote con­trol panty vibe is the rumbly bare-​bones ver­sion — no Bluetooth app, but nicer vibra­tions — and with enough vari­a­tion for chaot­ic cavort­ing at home
  • Pink Punch Toys’ Sunset Mushroom is by far the cutest. Its app is super sim­ple, and the vibra­tions pack a punch in a petite package.

This post includes affil­i­ate links and a spon­sored link. Opinions expressed are my own.

OhMiBod dainty discreet remote control vibrator with magnet and clitoral stimulator

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