Review: L'Acier Capo and Slide stainless steel vibrators

I ordered under­wear that reads, “This machine does not know the dif­fer­ence between met­al and flesh, nor does it care.” That’s how much I love stain­less steel sex toys.

L'Acier Slide and Capo Stainless Steel Dildo Review

"L'acier" means "the steel" in French, in case you were won­der­ing. And this review of the L’Acier Capo and Slide might as well be summed up, “AAAAAAAAAAAA.”

UPDATE: I didn't do jus­tice to the L'Acier Capo in my orig­i­nal review. It's bonkers how quick­ly I cum with it. And what can I say? I have a type. Capo is the unyield­ing ana­log to my beloved Uberrime Aptus:

  • Semi-​representational of a long penis
  • Juicy, swoop­ing head with a defined, clear corona
  • Shallow upward arc
  • Plenty of met­al to fill me up

Your mileage will vary, but I always insta-​cum with the L'Acier Capo:

  • ✓ Insta-​cumming via G‑spotting
  • ✓ Insta-​cumming via A‑spotting
  • ✓ Insta-​cumming via cervix massage
L'Acier Capo and Slide stainless steel dildo head details

I’ve reviewed plen­ty of met­al and glass toys before, but the L’Acier line was my first expe­ri­ence with stain­less steel vibra­tors. The L’Acier Capo, Slide, and Reverb dil­dos all come with bul­let cav­i­ties to slip a recharge­able bul­let inside — or not.

Also includ­ed are two han­dles. If the posi­tion­ing aids look famil­iar, it’s because the same par­ent com­pa­ny makes L’Acier as The Thruster. One of the han­dles is angled for eas­i­er reach when mas­tur­bat­ing while lying on your back.

You don’t need super long arms to use these toys. And that’s notable when the L’Acier Slide is a loooooong­boi — about a foot long. I don’t know why it’s so lengthy, but I like going deep with it vagi­nal­ly against my A‑spot. The han­dles make these steel dil­dos safe to use anal­ly, too.

L’Acier stainless steel dildo measurements


The “real­is­tic” /​ rep­re­sen­ta­tion­al one

  • 8.25” total length
  • 7.25” insertable
  • 1.3” head width
  • 1.5” head depth
  • 1.2” under corona
  • 1.5” near the base
  • 916 g with bul­let and handle


The long, bead­ed one

  • 12” total length
  • 11” insertable length
  • 1.1” first bulb diameter
  • 1” sec­ond and third bulbs
  • 0.5” min­i­mum diameter
  • 1.25” near base
  • 658 g with bul­let and handle

Take 20% off L'Acier met­al dil­dos with code SUPER20

L'Acier Capo and Slide stainless steel dildo packaging

How the steel dildo shapes feel in use

The L’Acier Capo dildo’s head is semi-​realistic — designed after a penis but styl­ized for extra impact. There’s a sub­stan­tial con­trast between the glans and the sulcus/​dip underneath.

The result? Intense hook­ing. Its flat­tened head kneads just past the pubic bone, while the curved coro­na can press onto the ure­thral sponge a bit more. For G‑spotting with this dil­do, I pre­fer to use short­er thrusts, pulling the head on the “out” stroke. The front-​loaded and forward-​facing tilt also fits the for­mu­la for best toys for A‑spotting and cervix stim­u­la­tion.

L’Acier’s Capo fea­tures ample insertable length, is firm, and comes with a han­dle — all fea­tures that fur­ther make it ide­al for deep penetration.

L'Acier Capo and Slide stainless steel dildos with bullet cavities, removable bullets, and handles

UPDATE: I've writ­ten a rank­ing of my favorite steel dil­dos just to gush more about the L'Acier Capo:

The com­bi­na­tion of cur­va­ture and slope slips in my for­nices eas­i­ly, whether I want to mas­sage the cervix itself, the A‑spot, or the G‑spot. I have no choice; I'm cum­ming with­in sec­onds. It's just so per­fect­ly shaped for me. Long, fill­ing, goes in deep, warms up to body heat? Hell, yeah.

I couldn't have asked for a bet­ter mid-​sized, semi-​realistic steel dil­do shape. That's not an exag­ger­a­tion; the Uberrime Aptus was made for my body, and the L’Acier’s Capo fits sim­i­lar specs while also being cast in my favorite material.

The only down­side is that the bul­let includ­ed is def­i­nite­ly on the weak and buzzy side, but I don't give three fucks about four fucks. The dil­do shape fits me like a puz­zle piece.

L'Acier Slide stainless steel anal beads

To com­pare and con­trast, the L’Acier Slide is slen­der and mod­er­ate­ly curved. Its first bulb is slight­ly more volup­tuous than the rest, and you can use the bend to push against your prostate or A‑spot if you wish.

The L’Acier Slide was made to be rigid anal beads to stretch and con­tract around, though I like using them vagi­nal­ly. Just look at that length and cur­va­ture. Mmmmph, delight­ful for depth play. Cue drool emo­ji. (In con­trast, the njoy Fun Wand and Pure Wand are more for shal­low pen­e­tra­tion.) It’s decid­ed­ly pin­point, though, which isn’t ide­al for mas­sag­ing the cer­vi­cal os.

L’Acier’s stain­less steel dil­do line also includes the Reverb: a vibrat­ing steel plug with a tapered tip and bent shaft to make it very butt-​safe. I have yet to use that one, though.

L’Acier vibrator settings and controls

Additionally, pop­ping on the fin­ger loop base makes nav­i­gat­ing the vibrat­ing bullet’s con­trol eas­i­er. One but­ton cycles through the ten set­tings. There are three steady speeds and sev­en pat­terns, one of which is a fast-​pulsing stac­ca­to rhythm.

L'Acier Capo and Slide rechargeable bullet bases and button control panels

As for whether the motors add to the pen­e­tra­tion sen­sa­tion, I could take them or leave them. The vibra­tions have mod­er­ate strength but are very buzzy.

Hypothetically, you could swap the Slide’s bul­let for an Exposed Nocturnal or Realm Silver Bullet with rub­ber bands wrapped around for cushioning.

Perks of stainless steel dildos

It’s a good thing that L’Acier’s stain­less steel dil­dos pack a punch with or with­out vibra­tion. You can cred­it how heavy these toys are.

As with all steel toys, the mass allows them more force and momen­tum, press­ing hard­er against your walls. They’re also unyield­ing, mak­ing them eas­i­er to aim against high­ly focused hot spots. (I’m look­ing at the Slide.) Moreover, you can put stain­less steel dil­dos in hot or cold water for tem­per­a­ture play sensations.

It’s a double-​edged sword, though. What makes stain­less steel dreamy to me as a dil­do mate­r­i­al makes it a night­mare for oth­ers. It’s heavy! It’s slip­pery! The unfor­giv­ing nature of steel can be uncom­fort­able for some users!

Medical grade stainless steel dildos: njoy Eleven, L'Acier Slide, L'Acier Capo with handle
Left to right: njoy Eleven, L'Acier Slide, L'Acier Capo

Your mileage may vary. I think hard-​material dil­dos are under­rat­ed. Their slick sur­faces mean lit­tle to no need for lube. The heft is intense, and the rigid­i­ty allows for more precision.

If you’re in doubt, exper­i­ment with some glass toys before try­ing stain­less steel dil­dos. I know what I like, though, and I think met­al sex toys are so, so under­rat­ed. I love the depth, for­ti­tude, and gus­to when I get stuffed — all things the L’Acier Capo excels at.

UPDATE: Don't just take my word for it. A read­er raved about their love for the L'Acier Capo — it was like they couldn't stop cum­ming on it!

Take 20% off L'Acier met­al dil­dos with code SUPER20

Further reading

This post was spon­sored. L'Acier gift­ed me the items reviewed, but the opin­ions expressed are my own.

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