Le Wand Arch stainless steel G-spot & A-spot dildo review

The Le Wand Arch gives me yet another reason to love stainless steel dildos!

[Image: Le Wand Arch stainless steel G-spot dildo with etched logo visible]

Many met­al sex toys I've tried are god-​tier (or at least close to it) by fierce pres­sure and effort­less momen­tum. These heirloom-​quality beasts bul­ly the orgasms out of my vagina.

I might repeatedly say "insta-​come" in my reviews of stainless steel dildos, but only because it's true.

My G‑spot and A‑spot much pre­fer firm sex toys for their inten­si­ty (though my cervix appre­ci­ates squish­able mas­sagers, too).

Fast facts about the Le Wand Arch

[Image: Le Wand Arch dildo side-lying next to the Le Wand Contour's small end and njoy Pure Wand's shaft]

The Le Wand Arch is a double-​ended, stain­less steel dil­do. It's 8.5" long and car­ries some seri­ous heft, mea­sur­ing 1.87 lbs. The Le Wand Arch even out­weighs the njoy Pure Wand's 1.5 lbs, despite being slight­ly thin­ner at the head.

One end fea­tures a slight­ly flat­tened head for delec­table G‑spot stim­u­la­tion, while the oth­er fea­tures a rip­pling swell for A‑spotting. Every body is a lit­tle dif­fer­ent, so I'll dis­cuss the pros and cons of either ends' shapes later.

At its max­i­mum diam­e­ter, it's 1.44", and tapers down to 1" at the neck. The head is about the girth of the aver­age human penis — but bear in mind that since stain­less steel is less for­giv­ing than flesh cock, you might feel fuller with the Le Wand Arch.

How does the Le Wand Arch's swelling side fee?

My house sounds banshee-​bedeviled in under one minute.
Think of the Le Wand Arch's taper as kind of like the Desirables Dalia's thick end … but better.

[Image: Le Wand Arch stainless steel dildo, Desirables Dalia ceramic / porcelain dildo, and LELO Mona 2 G-Spot vibrator head shape comparison]

You could even take it a step fur­ther and call it kin­dred to the LELO Mona 2's shape. In oth­er words, it has a sim­i­lar moderate-​but-​filling swell, with more sub­stan­tial heft for va-va-VOOM.

The slight curve and longer insertable length (rel­a­tive to the Mona) mean I can go in even deep­er with the Arch for simul­ta­ne­ous A‑spot and G‑spot mas­sage. Its brava­do, in con­junc­tion with the mild rib­bing, results in an ante­ri­or orches­tra that's both potent and complex.

How the Le Wand Arch's flat end feels against my G-spot

It's a beau­ti­ful­ly bal­anced shape — the head is slight­ly flat­tened but with­out too severe of a curve. The Le Wand Arch's mid­dle ground between sharp­ness and round­ness is deli­cious. It's not my favorite, but my usually-​picky G‑spot gets along with it well.

UPDATE: I've com­piled a mega-​guide to stain­less steel dil­dos. Read my more cur­rent thoughts on the Le Wand Arch and how it com­pares to my oth­er favorites. <3

Comparison to other firm G‑spot toys

Think of pubic bones and G‑spot dildos as a spectrum of shapes.

[Image: a comparison of the Le Wand Arch, Le Wand Contour, and njoy Pure Wand's round vs. flattened head shapes.]

At one extreme, the LELO Ella and Blush Wellness G Ball are SUPER squared off, and the Blush Hop Cottontail a lit­tle less so. Then we have the Le Wand Arch and Le Wand Contour in the mid­dle. Then we have the super bul­bous njoy Eleven, with its round­ed head stark­ly pop­ping out of the shaft.

I find that when rigid toys have flat heads AND a dra­mat­ic curve, the issue is with aim­ing too far past my pubic bone. It's like the toy's designed only to knead a spe­cif­ic sec­tion of your front wall, and you can't aim any shal­low­er than that. As such, I gave my (dis­in­fect­ed!) LELO Ella to a friend.

Where the Le Wand Arch succeeds

[Image: Le Wand Arch next to Le Wand Contour and njoy Pure Wand stainless steel dildos]

The Le Wand Arch's shaft has a gen­tler curve, and its head is more round­ed. It doesn't man­date that you press the flat head on your front wall — instead, you can press the "cor­ner" into your G‑spot and have a lit­tle more stim­u­la­tion on your pubic bone. Depending on how you tilt the Le Wand Arch, you have way more options.

UPDATE: While I love oth­er stain­less steel dil­dos more nowa­days, we love hav­ing a vari­ety of G‑spotting heads in this household.

Also, its flat head's swell isn't so defined that it snags on my pubic bone. If you've his­tor­i­cal­ly had issues with that, the Le Wand Arch may be eas­i­er to use, espe­cial­ly if you turn it side­ways to remove it.

The Le Wand Arch's weight and firmness deliver in the vigor department.

But its weight and mirror-​like fin­ish are double-​edged swords.

The minor downsides of the Le Wand Arch

Let's start with the ele­phant in the room: at 1.87 lbs, this thing is mas­sive. I adore how that trans­lates to pum­mel­ing my front wall, but not every­one will enjoy thrust­ing it.

Further, if you have one end insert­ed and want to switch to the oth­er, I rec­om­mend hav­ing a tow­el or sex blan­ket near­by. You got­ta dry off the "han­dle." Otherwise, you'll have a mis­er­able time try­ing to grip, thanks to the rel­a­tive lack of length and fric­tion. A small sil­i­cone band (like a stretchy cock ring) may also be help­ful here.

[Image: another look at the Le Wand Arch's flattened and flared head shape]

My verdict on the Le Wand Arch stainless steel dildo

For many users, I'll be recommending the Le Wand Arch as a luxurious introduction to stainless steel sex toys for a looong time.

It's still true that the njoy Pure Wand is the best G‑spotter, and the NS Firefly Glass G Wand is one of the most A‑spotty toys for my body. However, as far as all-​arounders go, the Le Wand Arch tar­gets a far more exten­sive range of inter­nal eroge­nous zones — and more zeal­ous­ly than the Desirables Dalia.

One sit­u­a­tion I'd rec­om­mend the Desirables Dalia, how­ev­er, is if you need a more mat­te and slight­ly grainy tac­tile tex­ture than the Le Wand Arch can offer.

UPDATE: Read about how the Le Wand Arch com­pares to oth­er top stain­less steel dil­dos.

Bury me with the Le Wand Arch when I die. Fuck yeah.

I'll have the most met­al tomb in sex blog­ger his­to­ry. The Le Wand Arch deserves that kind of treat­ment after all it's done for me (and how much I have come on it).

[Image: Le Wand Arch stainless steel G-spot dildo among roses and tropical plants]

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4 Responses

  1. D. Dyer says:

    Thank you for this review, this sounds like a great intro­duc­tion to stain­less steel toys and will I think make an excel­lent gift for a friend of mine who’s look­ing to expand into that area.

  2. Betty says:

    Thanks so much for this well-​written review! It helped me decide to pur­chase and I great­ly enjoy this toy.

  3. Kat says:

    Hey SSC!
    I love your reviews! I was won­der­ing if you plan to post reviews for any of the oth­er stain­less steel toys from Le wand. 

    I’ve been search­ing for more options out­side of Le wand and Njoy, but I haven’t come up with much. Do you know of any oth­er com­pa­nies pro­duc­ing qual­i­ty steel toys? 

    Thank you!!!

    • HI Kat! For now, I don't plan on review­ing any oth­er Le Wand stain­less steel toys.

      I wish I could tell you more, but stain­less steel toys are SUPER niche out­side the con­text of kink. I don't imag­ine it's cheap for a com­pa­ny to get start­ed forg­ing full-​on dils with it, you know?

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