Xcitme Sym-B Sensual Collection interchangeable vibrator system review

An all-​in-​one vibrator system with swappable heads that rrrumble.

The Xcitme Sym‑B Sensual Collection's attach­ments offer mul­ti­ple afford­able alter­na­tives to LELO's recharge­able vibra­tors — with­out sac­ri­fic­ing strength.

[Image: pink Xcitme Sym-B Spark, Kiki on charging dock, and Luma head among leaves and a glass cactus candleholder]
Xcitme Spark /​ Sym‑B with Kiki /​ Luma

Its ver­sa­til­i­ty and pow­er are the cake, while its stur­dy pack­ag­ing is the icing on top. All of these fea­tures com­bined make it delight­ful­ly giftable, espe­cial­ly to some­one just start­ing to explore vibrators.

What the Xcitme Sym-B Sensual Collection comes with

Attachments and settings

Inside the stur­dy box, there's a Sym‑B controller/​handle, mag­net­ic charg­ing cord, dis­creet dock with cov­er, Luma G‑spot vibra­tor attach­ment, and Spark dual stim­u­lat­ing rab­bit head. Xcitme also includ­ed a VIP card for users to get the Kiki pin­point cli­toral vibra­tor attach­ment for free (just pay for shipping).

The heads screw on and off, so it's almost like you're get­ting three recharge­able vibra­tors for the price of one. They each come with 5 steady speeds and 5 pat­terns — mix­able and match­able and con­trolled by 3 but­tons: cycle pat­terns, on/​off, and cycle speeds.

[Image: Xcitme Sym-B Sensual Collection packaging]
Sturdy black pack­ag­ing with foam insert for Xcitme Spark /​ Sym‑B han­dle /​ Luma /​ Doc (charg­ing dock) /​ Kiki's sep­a­rate box
Yay power!

What espe­cial­ly excites me (hah) is how the Sym‑B vibes main­tain their zing in use — trans­fer­ring vibra­tions well through the silicone.

UPDATE: Love Not War's inter­change­able vibra­tor heads are pret­ty dang rumbly for the size — more so than the Sym‑B — and the Love Not War series' alu­minum base can be recy­cled. You heard it here!

In any case, here's a run-​down of the Luma, Spark, and Kiki attachments.

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Xcitme Sym-B Luma rechargeable G-spot vibrator

[Image: Blush Novelties genderqueer pride purple white and green striped silicone butt plug next to Xcitme Sym-B with Luma attachment, Kiki attachment, and purple LELO Mona 2]
Blush Novelties Avant Pride P6 plug /​ Xcitme Sym‑B with Luma and Doc /​ Kiki attach­ment /​ LELO Mona 2

My favorite Xcitme Sym‑B attach­ment is by far the Luma. It fea­tures a rigid neck and volup­tuous swell, rem­i­nis­cent of the LELO Mona 2, with a mod­er­ate 1.4" max­i­mum diam­e­ter and 4.75" insertable length.


That's about a half-​inch short­er than the Mona, but plen­ty for my G‑spot. Like the LELO Mona, the Xcitme Sym‑B Luma also has a pointy tip for tar­get­ed cli­toral stimulation.

(If you want an entire­ly silicone-​covered vibra­tor for A‑spot stim­u­la­tion, con­sid­er a Cloud 9 G‑Spot Slim 7 Inch instead)

Side-​by-​side, the Luma has a more dras­tic dip and less grad­ual taper than the Mona. My G‑spot is usu­al­ly picky when it comes to firm vibra­tors, but gets along with both well. They press nice­ly into my front wall, both in the actu­al pubic bone dip and just past it.


The rumbly vibra­tions can shake my inter­nal cli­toris or exter­nal cli­toris, depend­ing on what mood I'm in. When I dip the Xcitme Sym‑B Luma head halfway in water (yes, it's water­proof!), it hel­la splash­es. Not as much as the BMS Factory Pillow Talk Sassy, but more than the LELO Mona 2.

Xcitme Sym-B Sensual Collection interchangeable vibrator system review 1
Pink Xcitme Sym‑B Luma vibrat­ing and splash­ing in water!

That's com­mend­able for such a ver­sa­tile vibra­tor — most users will adore it, aside from the hardi­est pow­er queens. And if you want a rigid neck for aggres­sive G‑spotting, you'll reach for the Xcitme Sym‑B Luma more often than the BMS Pillow Talk Sassy.

Sym-B Spark dual-stimulating rabbit vibrator attachment

Let's get this part over with

I don't care for the Sym‑B Spark much. Its shape isn't bad for vagi­nal use, but the exter­nal arm's flex­i­bil­i­ty is not an excel­lent match for my clit-​vag gap. Power-​wise, the inter­nal stim­u­la­tor has the same rum­ble as the Luma, but the out­er part is one step below "meh."

Better matches for my anatomy

Dual stim­u­la­tor align­ment is tricky. There will be oth­er Xcitme Sym‑B rab­bit attach­ments in the future, but this one is a miss for me. Historically, I've pre­ferred rab­bit vibra­tors with tight but adapt­able grip, like the We-​Vibe Nova Classic (❤️❤️); or a short­er and more tar­get­ed cli­toral prong, like the Fun Factory Darling Devil.

[Image: holding pink Xcitme Sym-B Luma, Kiki, and Spark attachments in my hand among leaves and pink flowers]
Practical considerations

If you're look­ing for a rumbly prostate mas­sager, the Sym‑B Spark's exter­nal arm serves as a stop­per, so it doesn't get lost in someone's rec­tum. But vagi­nal­ly, I'd pre­fer to use the Luma and not deal with the cli­toral arm.

Xcitme Sym-B Kiki pointy and flexible clitoral vibrator

The Xcitme Kiki clit vibe attach­ment reminds me of many toys I've enjoyed in the past.

It has a flex­i­ble tip with edges for con­cen­trat­ed vibra­tion, a round­ed bump for adding pres­sure, and tex­tures for cli­toral grind­ing if that's your thing. If it's not, there's a rel­a­tive­ly smooth and flat face on the oth­er side for broad stimulation.

[Image: jade green Dame Pom flexible vibrator next to Sym-B Kiki rechargeable clitoral vibrator and Mini Marvels by Cal Exotics]
Dame Pom /​ Xcitme Sym‑B Kiki and Doc /​ Marvelous Flicker
Familiar feelings…

This shape offers many options and reminds me of the Cal Exotics Marvelous Flicker, Dame Pom, and Blush Aria bul­let with tongue sleeve. They all flex in my hand and sand­wich eas­i­ly between bod­ies dur­ing PIV part­ner play.

…but better!

What makes the Kiki stand out, though, is the motor's loca­tion. The Marvelous Flicker and Aria Tongue are strongest near their bases. However, as with oth­er Sym‑B vibra­tors, the Kiki cli­toral massager's move­ments are con­cen­trat­ed in the head's round­ed bump.

The most potent part is, unfor­tu­nate­ly, buried under a bit more sil­i­cone than the Luma, but the Xcitme Sym‑B is still more pow­er­ful than the three clit vibes I men­tioned before.

Moreover, its appeal is more in its flex­i­bil­i­ty and ver­sa­til­i­ty. The design­ers knew what they were doing!

[Image: pink Xcitme Sym-B Luma rechargeable G-spot vibrator dipped in water and splashing]

My verdict on the Xcitme Sym-B Sensual Collection

The price tag is a steal for every­thing you get: a tex­tured rab­bit, a sol­id G‑spot vibra­tor, and a clit vibe. The Sensual Collection is excel­lent for any­one who seeks vibra­to­ry explo­ration of the CUV com­plex, both inside and outside.

There is one down­side:  the cus­toms label says, "mas­sager."

But if you don't mind that, the Sym‑B Sensual Collection is a dreamy investment.

Usually, vibra­tors with inter­change­able heads deliv­er muf­fled sen­sa­tions, because the focus is on the sil­i­cone sleeves. In con­trast, the Sym‑B Luma, Spark, and Kiki empha­size what mat­ters most in a vibra­tor: the motor's rum­ble and range.

[Hey! This post was spon­sored. All opin­ions expressed are my own and freely given.]

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