3 Ways I've Changed Since Started as a Sex Blogging Superhero

Let me re-introduce myself: I'm Cy from Super Smash Cache. My blog has a long list of accolades — going as far back as #56 on Kinkly's Sex Blogging Superheroes of 2016.
That one seemed to pop out of nowhere when I was taking a break Despite the 1‑year hiatus, I haven't stopped learning about sex (or sex blogging), and I don't think I ever will.
Never stop learning. My biggest mental block against starting my blog again was the fear that I'd look back on my old posts and cringe. Nowadays, I'd be more concerned if nothing my past self wrote made me cringe. If I cringe, it's because I learned something new.

So how much have I changed since 2015, the start of my blog?
1. I like even bigger toys and fisting.
Huge insertions were something I had always found hot, but assumed wasn't for me to do. After all, I was sore and bruised after my first time using a dildo with a 2" max diameter. I gradually learned to relax and take bigger and more rigid objects for a while, but the distinct point where I changed my mind about fisting was when I got fingered with three fingers for the first time. All I could think afterward was, "Oh my gosh! Why didn't I try it sooner? I've been missing out!"
As well, listening to Bex's first experience of being fisted made it seem more real. The first-person narrative framed it as an actual possibility for me to experience, instead of observing from the third person. Once I found someone I trusted to do it with me, the rest was history.
2. I value my sex blogging time more.
"You get free sex toys for blogging? That sounds amazing!" That's a significant oversimplification. For one, writing is labor. A good sex toy review might take 8 hours of work in total. If I worked the same amount of time at one of my jobs, I'd make more money than or as much the toy is worth. It's not free; it's compensation for work.
Second, I'd be sending the affiliates or sponsors traffic through my blog links and helping them make money. If I weren't getting a toy or commission out of it, they would pay me for ad space on my blog. A toy for a blog post isn't free; it's a two-way street and more accurately called a trade.
I burned out in my first year because I felt lukewarm about many of the products I reviewed. When I appreciate the significant time commitment of writing a blog post, I'm more apt to say "no" to make room for "fuck yeah!"
3. I understand that I don't have to justify myself to people.
I don't often use porn. I refuse to take hormonal birth control. I can come via breathing and clenching. I prefer to come via pressure on my cervix and cul-de-sac, so I care more about length than girth during intercourse. I usually come way faster than my partner, multiple times, and we tend to finish at the same time.
I'm more than aware that I'm an outlier. At one point, I couldn't resist arguing with internet strangers and justifying the validity of my orgasms and preferences. The subtext of their view was that they knew my experiences better than I did, and while that's just plain wrong, I don't have to engage with it. Further, the time spent arguing would be better spent sharing information with those who are a.) built similarly to me, or b.) looking to learn something from others' differences.
Or, you know, just having great orgasms. Do your own thing and touch grass; it'll be okay.
What stayed the same?
1. I think debates about the validity of the G‑spot are bullshit.
"The G‑spot" is just a slang term for a specific region of the internal clitoris, and I refuse to go into the semantics of calling it a "spot" more than I already have.
2. I love cervical orgasms.
The A‑spot, the posterior fornix, and the cervix are all part of what I consider the most underrated erogenous area. Clench, cum, repeat; it's my ultimate switch for mind-bending orgasms that turn me into a puddle of heart-eyes emojis.
"But doesn't it hurt you when something is near your cervix?" Not necessarily. For the most part, things slide easily behind my cervix, so that's not a factor unless something rams it right away.
It's also not a masochistic kink— it feels good to me. I understand that for many people with vaginas, a penis against the cervix hurts, but that doesn't mean that fingers or a thin toy stimulating the surrounding area are entirely off the table.
I love the cervix so much that it's now part of my sex blogging tagline.
I can't think of a better niche for my blog than a.) reviews of toys that stimulate my cul-de-sac and cervix, or b.) sexy stories involving orgasms from huge insertions and cervical stimulation. That's the one thing I can say for sure about the future of my blog.
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I love this so much — and man oh man do I relate to the tedium of writing lukewarm reviews. The line about making yourself cringe is SO TRUE, and I'm happy to see you staying true to yourself. The new slogan/header/whole thing is adorable. Glad to see you back!
Glad you're back. Have you played around with a speculum?
I have not! It felt like too much work to sanitize a speculum every day. Maybe in the future, I will.