Why Sose's Mirage G-Spot Vibrator Is Magical(ly Familiar)

Sose Mirage G-spot vibrator, Opal partner vibrator, and Caress silicone bullet

Silky G‑spot mas­sagers make multi-​talented crowd-​wowers — when they're done right:

  • A curved shaft and swelling head hook the G‑spot
  • A firm but flex­i­ble shaft adapts to accom­mo­date many bodies
  • Rumbly vibra­tions hit the cli­toris from both inside and outside
  • Abundant insertable length can aim at shal­low and deep eroge­nous zones — go for the G‑spot, A‑spot, or cervix, maybe even all with one stroke!
  • Double-​ended designs like the Sose Mirage allow users to explore what works for them.

Every body is a lit­tle dif­fer­ent, but Mirage's ver­sa­tile vibe is quite the stand­out gen­er­al­ist. Sose's Opal and Caress cli­toral vibra­tors, mean­while, were for­get­table buzz buddies.

Get the scoop on Sose vibra­tors, from the “meh” to the mar­velous Mirage.

Sose Mirage silicone rechargeable G-spot vibrator

(If you think you've seen these sil­hou­ettes before, you're prob­a­bly right. More on that in a bit.)

Sose Mirage Double-Ended G Spot Vibrator Review

Sose's Mirage mas­sager shape and size — 7” long by 1.4” wide — are a hap­py medi­um for all of my hot spots. Pick your pen­e­tra­tion penchant:

  • A hook that curves around the pubic bone's dip to grip and pull the G‑spot
  • A flat head that kneads the front wall, a bit fur­ther past the bone
Squared hook G-spot vibrator head shape

The for­mer fits my bits quite well, both dur­ing the “push” and “pull” strokes — thank the super pro­nounced head. While every body is dif­fer­ent, Mirage's shaft allows some adjusta­bil­i­ty with angling for explo­ration and breezy blend­ed orgasm bliss.

If you're look­ing for an external-​only vibra­tor, you also have options. The head's edge con­cen­trates vibra­tions for pin­point stim­u­la­tion, while its flat face dif­fus­es them over a broad­er area.

Go deep or don't. Mirage can do it all.

Curved and hooked G-spot vibrator shape and packaging

Fast Facts & Measurements

  • 7” total length — deli­cious for depth and for shal­low hot spots
  • 1.4” max­i­mum diam­e­ter around the head and 1.1” at the neck 
    • The bold con­trast means it'll dig into the front wall with gusto!
  • 1 but­ton con­trols 3 steady speeds and 5 patterns
  • Moderately rumbly/​zingy vibra­tions — about 115 to 145 Hz
  • 120 min­utes of charg­ing gets you 60–120 min­utes of playtime
  • Giftable pre­sen­ta­tion — stur­dy box with velvet-​like flocked foam and draw­string can­vas pouch
  • Suitable for begin­ners because its shape lets you explore — become BFFs with your G‑spot!

Who Is the Sose Mirage For?

Think about where some­one would hook on your front wall while fingering.

Sose Mirage curved G-spot vibrator with one button

This vibrator's shape is best for some­one whose G‑spot — the area on the front wall where the inter­nal cli­toris and ure­thral sponge can be stim­u­lat­ed simul­ta­ne­ous­ly — feels most eroge­nous either:

  • Right where the pubic bone dips and the ribbed area recedes
  • On the smooth area a lit­tle past the pubic bone

Many users will love Mirage!

However, if your sen­si­tive spot is shal­low­er — on the pubic bone — you'll like­ly want a G‑spot vibra­tor with a more round­ed and less squared-​off head.

Sose Caress, Mirage, and Opal silicone vibrators

What Other G‑Spotty Vibrators Would I Recommend?

My Verdict on the Sose Mirage G‑Spot Massager

Sose's Mirage mas­sager makes me cum quick­ly, whether I'm blud­geon­ing my womb or going just past the tip. My G‑spot can't ignore the strik­ing sen­sa­tions from the intense­ly angled head — but the shaft's flex­i­bil­i­ty accom­mo­dates a wide range of bodies.

The con­trol pan­el isn't as luxe as I'd like for the price. But because of the shape, mod­er­ate­ly rumbly vibes, and mind­ful­ly demure pack­ag­ing, Mirage is a beau­ti­ful begin­ner basic that I'd feel com­fort­able gift­ing to a friend.

Sose Caress and Opal silicone clitoral vibrators

Sose Opal & Caress Clitoral Vibrator Review

I'll keep this sec­tion brief. Here's the “Too long; didn't read” version:

  • Sose's Caress bul­let has a tip, flut­tery flap, and focused node, so you have options for tar­get­ing or dis­pers­ing vibra­tions. It's okay — fair for the price.
  • Opal is thin and cups the mons pubis so you come clos­er to your part­ner dur­ing mis­sion­ary inter­course. Its shape makes sense, but its motor makes it a waste of money.
  • Both bear resem­blances to Dame Products (Kip and Pom, respec­tive­ly) and are rounded-​off ren­di­tions (read: less pin­point vibra­tion) with sim­pler controls

The Sose Caress and Dame Kip have a sub­stan­tial price dif­fer­ence, but nei­ther makes my favorite bul­let. Meanwhile, I only have so many fucks to give about the Sose Opal. Recommendations are com­ing up soon.

Sose Opal clitoral vibrator next to Mirage and Caress

How Do These Vibes Feel In Use?

Sose's Opal vibra­tions are quite buzzy and damp­ened by the thick sil­i­cone. At least it's qui­et, I guess? Unlike Opal, though, the peace­ful Pom has a point­ed “beak” for focus­ing the gen­tle vibra­tions. I can appre­ci­ate the latter's par-​for-​course strength-​to-​size ratio a bit more.

Sose's Caress mas­sager strength is more dis­tinct, thanks to the firm pres­sure from the edges and bump. The vibra­tion slight­ly flut­ters, bring­ing it clos­er to the Dame Kip, but not quite. Kip’s edges can draw sharp eye­lin­er wings; Caress's can't. The motor is too mild for me to find the flut­tery por­tion quite use­ful. Still, the oth­er land­marks are respectable.

Sose Caress bullet vibrator

Clitoral Vibrators I'd Recommend Instead

If you're con­sid­er­ing Sose's Opal, ask your­self if you care more about price or vibra­tion sen­sa­tions, and go from there.

Spectrum Essentials’ Compact Vibe makes a slim addi­tion to part­ner play and is about as strong while cost­ing way less. We-Vibe's Touch X is also svelte but far­rrrrr stronger and rum­bli­er with bet­ter con­trols. Yeah, its price is in the lux­u­ry ter­ri­to­ry, but the dif­fer­ence is worth it if you care about power.

If you're con­sid­er­ing Sose's Caress, the Je Joue Amour is a no-​brainer alter­na­tive. It costs just a few dol­lars more but also deliv­ers more impact—more intense vibra­tions, up-​and-​down but­tons, deep­er pitch, you name it.

The final ver­dict on Sose's vibra­tor line­up is clear.

Closing Thoughts On Sose Massagers

Sose demon­strates poten­tial with the Mirage. It's undoubt­ed­ly the stand­out star with its ver­sa­tile design, mod­er­ate motor, and sump­tu­ous shape — a tier below Dame Products’ Arc.

Sose Mirage vibrator packaging

(Let's give cred­it where it's due, even though copies of fan­tas­tic designs are pret­ty par for the course.)

Opal and Caress, mean­while, can stay on the shelves.

This post was spon­sored. Opinions expressed are writ­ten by me, as always.

Sose silicone vibrator packaging

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