5 Characteristics of the Best Sex Shops 17

5 Characteristics of the Best Sex Shops

I've worked with many great sex shops over the years, and many shit­ty ones. It's no mys­tery: the retail­ers I link to over and over again are the ones who…

Uberrime Praesto, Tantus Sport, & Silc Arts Renaissance dildo reviews 20

Uberrime Praesto, Tantus Sport, & Silc Arts Renaissance dildo reviews

3 BEAUTIFUL, beginner-​​friendly G‑spot dil­dos In this fast-​​blast round-​​up, there's a lit­tle something-​​something old (the Tantus Sport), some­thing new (the Silc Arts Renaissance), noth­ing bor­rowed (I wouldn't be com­fort­able with…