5 Ways Companies Screw Over Reviewers & Cam Models 2

5 Ways Companies Screw Over Reviewers & Cam Models

The busi­ness of blog­ging involves alliances and col­lab­o­ra­tions with com­pa­nies. How do you nav­i­gate that? Though many sex shops are delights to work with, psy­chic vam­pires also run ram­pant in…

FemmeFunn Cadenza self-thrusting dildo pulsator review 11

FemmeFunn Cadenza self-thrusting dildo pulsator review

If jack­ham­mer­ing your G‑spot sounds appeal­ing to you, then you can't miss this review of the FemmeFunn Cadenza.  It's anoth­er hand­held fuck­ing machine, made by the same peo­ple who brought…

SVAKOM Coco slim beginner G-spot vibrator review 22

SVAKOM Coco slim beginner G-spot vibrator review

Even though I review a lot of BIG toys here, I can still appre­ci­ate going back to basics. A petite and budget-​​friendly G‑spot vibra­tor has mass appeal, espe­cial­ly for those…

I'm Ready to Start Dating. Now What? 24

I'm Ready to Start Dating. Now What?

I went on dates with 22 peo­ple with­in 13 months between rela­tion­ships. People get exhaust­ed, just hear­ing that sta­tis­tic. While meet­ing peo­ple to date is often sim­ple, it’s not nec­es­sar­i­ly easy —…

BMS Addiction David Affordable Pack & Play Dildo Review 27

BMS Addiction David Affordable Pack & Play Dildo Review

Affordable dual-​​density dil­dos are always excit­ing, but there are so many oth­er rea­sons why I'm over the moon for this har­ness­able pack and play. The BMS Addiction David's pos­able core…