Review: Svakom Nymph, Ella, and Tyler Vibrators 1

Review: Svakom Nymph, Ella, and Tyler Vibrators

"Svakom is what hap­pens when you bat­ter, over-​​salt, and deep-​​fry some­thing that's sup­posed to be fan­cy." "Really?" I respond­ed to my review­er friend. "I thought of it as the reverse:…

4 Commandments for Size Queens With Vaginas 3

4 Commandments for Size Queens With Vaginas

"Let's just say she's 'open' to new things," some­one com­ment­ed on a viral video of my sex toy col­lec­tion. Big dil­dos are among the most polar­iz­ing and stig­ma­tiz­ing toys for…

Review: Happy Rabbit Curve Thrusting Rabbit & G-Spot Stroker 5

Review: Happy Rabbit Curve Thrusting Rabbit & G-Spot Stroker

There's a self-​​thrusting rab­bit vibra­tor that sat­is­fies my inter­nal and exter­nal cli­toris simul­ta­ne­ous­ly — hands-​​free. I didn't imag­ine this day (nor myself) com­ing so soon with the Lovehoney Happy Rabbit…

What’s the Difference Between Dildos & Vibrators? 8

What’s the Difference Between Dildos & Vibrators?

How to Pick What Best Suits Your Needs WRITTEN BY SUPER SMASH CACHE /​​ ILLUSTRATIONS BY SARAH WILLIAMSON If you’re over­whelmed by a plea­sure boutique’s gad­gets and giz­mos, you’re not alone.…

6 Reasons Chastity Cock Cages Can Be Hot 9

6 Reasons Chastity Cock Cages Can Be Hot

Chastity play and cock cages may seem bru­tal and oth­er­world­ly to the vanil­las. "Do peo­ple ACTUALLY get turned on by that?" one might think. But the kink is more common…

7 Factors in Picking the Right Menstrual Cup 12

7 Factors in Picking the Right Menstrual Cup

Overnight men­stru­al pro­tec­tion with­out leaks Pads and tam­pons con­sis­tent­ly failed to con­tain my heavy flow, and I used to resign to sleep­ing on a black tow­el every month. Until I…

Review: Fun Factory Bouncer, B-Balls, and LuzArte Bubbles 13

Review: Fun Factory Bouncer, B-Balls, and LuzArte Bubbles

Run up the stairs. Hula-​​hoop. Belly dance. Hop in place. We're explor­ing toys with bumps and beads and inter­nal balls that move with your body for hands-​​free, battery-​​free sen­sa­tion. First…

Nalone Pure X2 Inflatable Silicone Rabbit Vibrator Review 18

Nalone Pure X2 Inflatable Silicone Rabbit Vibrator Review

Yes, a body-​​safe, inflat­able rab­bit vibra­tor for aspir­ing size roy­al­ty! Not many toys car­ry the Nalone Pure X2's com­bi­na­tion of fea­tures: I LOVE big toys, and I can­not lie; inflatable…

5 Ways Companies Screw Over Reviewers & Cam Models 20

5 Ways Companies Screw Over Reviewers & Cam Models

The busi­ness of blog­ging involves alliances and col­lab­o­ra­tions with com­pa­nies. How do you nav­i­gate that? Though many sex shops are delights to work with, psy­chic vam­pires also run ram­pant in…