Review & FAQ: Tantaly Cecilia Sex Doll Torso 1

Review & FAQ: Tantaly Cecilia Sex Doll Torso

Imagine a sitcom-​​like laugh track in the back­ground as my boyfriend and I unboxed Tantaly's Cecilia sex doll. Rather, I lift­ed the box flaps, peeked inside, and imme­di­ate­ly closed it,…

Review: Leather Riding Crop from Passion Craft Store 2

Review: Leather Riding Crop from Passion Craft Store

Hit me, baby, one more time. Kinksters have co-​​opted rid­ing crops for per­cus­sive main­te­nance of humans, but many of the old design prin­ci­ples still stand. Riding crops are like a hybrid…

Review: Pris Toys Gemini silicone dual stimulation dildo 10

Review: Pris Toys Gemini silicone dual stimulation dildo

More adven­tures in rabbit-​​style insertable per­vert­ibles! Gemini by Pris Toys is the fifth dou­ble pen­e­tra­tion dil­do I've test­ed this past month. That's my horni­ness lev­el as I approach com­plete COVID…

California Dreaming Santa Cruz Coaster thruster review 12

California Dreaming Santa Cruz Coaster thruster review

BIG NEWS: I've found The One. No, I'm not get­ting mar­ried, but I'm just as star-​​crossed to have dis­cov­ered my rab­bit vibra­tor soul­mate. The Santa Cruz Coaster thrust­ing dual stim­u­la­tor fits…

Boobs vs. Butts & Bisexual Lighting 14

Boobs vs. Butts & Bisexual Lighting

"In the end, boobs are noth­ing more than fake ass­es. And if I had to choose between the orig­i­nal and the imi­ta­tion, of course I would choose the original." —…

Strap-On-Me vanilla silicone squirting dildo and vagina-friendly cum lube

Review: Strap-On-Me Large silicone ejaculating dildo

I can't wait to get double-​​stuffed once the COVID-​​19 pan­dem­ic is under con­trol. In the mean­time, I can use an ejac­u­lat­ing dil­do with my boyfriend. Romantic, right? The Strap-​​On-​​Me squirting…