Lora DiCarlo Baci review: air pulse micro-robotic massager

The Lora DiCarlo Baci is one of the most powerful clitoral air pulse massagers I've ever tried — and I've tried many over the years.

They all work for me, but this one takes me into, "OMFG, I might need to cry after­ward!" pow­er ter­ri­to­ry. It's a best­seller among the long-​awaited Lora DiCarlo sex toys, and for a good reason!

Lora DiCarlo Baci review: air pulse micro-robotic massager 1

Perhaps the most noto­ri­ous toy in the line­up is the Baci's sib­ling: the Lora DiCarlo Osé. Its name fit­ting­ly means bold, risqué, or inde­cent in Italian. Behind the Osé is a com­pelling back­sto­ry of an under­dog tack­ling injus­tice and cen­sor­ship in the indus­tri­al design world.

But the dual stim­u­la­tion mas­sager itself is expen­sive and not prac­ti­cal for most con­sumers' bud­gets. In con­trast, the Lora DiCarlo Baci actu­al­ly lives up to the lux­u­ry price tag — expen­sive but for many, a far more worth­while pur­chase than the Osé.

UPDATE: Lora DiCarlo sex toys are no more. Read my mega-​guide to air pulse mas­sagers to find some­thing that works for you. Or stay on this page if you want to learn some vibra­tor history.

Enter the Lora DiCarlo Baci air pulse massager

"Baci" means "kiss­es" in Italian, which gives you an idea of what this robot­ic sex toy does. It's an external-​only air pulse mas­sager that blows and sucks air, osten­si­bly to mim­ic the sen­sa­tion of oral sex.

While it doesn't live up to all of the hyper­bol­ic claims, it does blow many of its com­peti­tors out of the water while not cost­ing much more.

Lora DiCarlo Baci review: air pulse micro-robotic massager 2

Oh, and the name doesn't suck. If you like the con­cept behind the Womanizer as a toy, you'll like­ly love the Baci by Lora DiCarlo.

In other words, I think the Lora DiCarlo Baci is beyond worth it.

However, my endorse­ment car­ries the same caveats as with any oth­er sex toy.

  1. The Baci by Lora DiCarlo does NOT mim­ic human touch. Please get that idea out of your head.
  2. It's NOT for every­body, and while it's high­ly ver­sa­tile, there are some rea­sons not to get one.

My hon­est Lora DiCarlo Baci review will fur­ther inves­ti­gate the company's claims. I enjoy it and would read­i­ly rec­om­mend it for many peo­ple with vul­vas, but I want read­ers' expec­ta­tions to be realistic.

Lora DiCarlo Baci vs. Womanizer Premium

How the luxury clitoral air pulse toys actually feel in use

I'm will­ing to set aside my frus­tra­tions about the Lora DiCarlo Baci's mar­ket­ing because the actu­al toy's motor is LEGIT.

Lora DiCarlo Baci vs. Womanizer Premium top view

It's not enough to say that the Baci deliv­ers cli­toral air pulse mas­sagers more pow­er­ful than the Womanizer. You're prob­a­bly won­der­ing how much more strength its motor has.

I can feel the dif­fer­ence and hear the Baci mov­ing at a low­er pitch. There's a far more rumbly air pulse qual­i­ty, with a deep­er tim­bre and high­er ampli­tude — a big­ger range of motion. It's like the dif­fer­ence between a respectable mid-​sized G‑spot vibra­tor and a full-​on wand. There's no con­test here. It hard­ly even seems fair. Just bear in mind that the noise lev­el is proportionate.

The Lora DiCarlo Baci's 1st set­ting is com­pa­ra­ble to the Womanizer Premium's 2nd. And the latter's 12th and high­est inten­si­ty is com­pa­ra­ble to the Baci's 7th out of 10. In oth­er words, the Lora DiCarlo Baci is 70% more pow­er­ful than the Womanizer, accord­ing to my clit.

Though there's much sub­jec­tiv­i­ty when it comes to vibra­tor inten­si­ty, that's not a dif­fer­ence to scoff at. The Lora DiCarlo Baci's wider range of inten­si­ties makes it a far more prac­ti­cal invest­ment for users look­ing for the most lux­u­ri­ous, best cli­toral air pulse toy.

UPDATE: Womanizer has released a revamped Premium 2, and it's bet­ter and stronger than ever. The Premium 2 is far stronger than the Lora DiCarlo Baci. However, I stand by what I said about the Baci feel­ing rum­bli­er at low­er set­tings. See my guide to cli­toral air pulse mas­sagers for more details.

Lora DiCarlo Baci vs. Womanizer Premium bottom view

Other differences between the Lora DiCarlo Baci vs. other clitoral air pulse massagers

You may have noticed that the Lora DiCarlo Baci lacks the stereo­typ­i­cal shape that pres­sure wave toys are known for: that of an ear ther­mome­ter or pore clean­er. That can be a good or bad thing, depend­ing on what you're look­ing for.

Positioning and versatility


For one, the Lora DiCarlo Baci's flat bot­tom can rest against sur­faces with­out rolling. It's easy to strad­dle and press and grind your vul­va against the stim­u­la­tor. That is, if you're rel­a­tive­ly thin or have sup­port to keep your­self slight­ly elevated.

The Baci's sil­i­cone is on the firmer side, and it doesn't have much of a "cushy" lip for com­fort, unlike the Womanizers and Satisfyers. It also lacks a han­dle and can be a bit less intu­itive to aim.

As well, I was con­cerned about how clunky the Baci would be to hold at first, con­sid­er­ing how big it looked in pic­tures. However, its sides are tapered and nes­tle well into my scooped palm. I'm a VERY petite per­son, and it's not awk­ward for me to hold at all. The mod­els that Lora DiCarlo used are like­ly extreme­ly thin, too, exag­ger­at­ing the toy's slightly-​bulky body.

Pairing with penetration

And not every­one will appre­ci­ate the vulva-​hogging flat face. It offers some exter­nal stim­u­la­tion, but I think its abil­i­ty to stim­u­late the inter­nal cli­toris is over­stat­ed. If you want a pres­sure wave toy that will leave more room for pen­e­tra­tive play, con­sid­er a We-​Vibe Melt instead. It's not as pow­er­ful, but it's pow­er­ful enough for me and far more versatile.

Lora DiCarlo Baci vs. Womanizer Premium side view

Lora DiCarlo Baci nozzle/"mouth" size

Another con­sid­er­a­tion is how big your clit is. The We-​Vibe Melt's and Womanizers' noz­zles are about 0.4" across, where­as the Lora DiCarlo Baci's is 0.55" across and 0.75" long. As such, the Baci may be a bet­ter fit for you if your cli­toral glans is a bit wider than average.

However, I'd still sug­gest you con­sid­er using it over the cli­toral hood instead of direct­ly if your exter­nal clit is on the long side. The Baci's inter­nal suc­tion tube is a bit short­er than the Womanizer's.

UPDATE: My com­par­i­son guide to cli­toral air pulse toys ranks over 20 of them on fac­tors such as

  • How big the open­ings are
  • How seam­less­ly they fit into intercourse
  • Which ones give you the most bang for your buck

The Lora DiCarlo Baci's "mouth" is still among the widest. Find out how the oth­ers compare.

What is the Baci by Lora DiCarlo supposed to do?

Ah, let's get to the only thing I real­ly dis­like about the Baci: the mar­ket­ing. I'll quote the Lora DiCarlo Baci specs page from SheVibe here:


Mimics Lips And Tongue — uses patent-​pending micro­ro­bot­ics to sim­u­late human movement.

Stimulates The Full Clitoris — patent-​pending full cov­er­age design stim­u­lates both vis­i­ble and hid­den parts of the clitoris.

Totally New Sensations — two types of cli­toral stim­u­la­tion com­bine to feel like noth­ing you’ve felt before, no need for vibration.

Lora DiCarlo Baci review: air pulse micro-robotic massager 3

If your bullshit meter isn't beeping yet, allow me to tare your scale.

No, there's no super soft structure on the Lora DiCarlo Baci that can feel like lips or a tongue.

No sex toy can yet do every­thing a tongue can, but oth­ers like the Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure and NU Sensuelle Trinitii sim­u­late the up-​and-​down flick­ing. And they're far more tongue-​like than the Lora DiCarlo Baci.

No, the Lora DiCarlo doesn't stimulate the full clitoris.

Yes, you could grind up against it and press against the cru­ra, but it won't replace inter­nal cli­toral stim­u­la­tion via a dil­do or a rumbly and pow­er­ful wand like the Doxy Die Cast for me.

No, it's not like nothing I've felt before!

Like I said in my hon­est Lora DiCarlo Osé review, a per­son­al mas­sager doesn't have to be rev­o­lu­tion­ary to be the best. Such is the case with the Baci. Could we tone down the mar­ket­ing, though?

Lora DiCarlo Baci review: air pulse micro-robotic massager 4

My verdict on the Lora DiCarlo Baci

The Lora DiCarlo Baci gives me some of the best orgasms out of any air pulse mas­sager. YES, con­sid­er get­ting one if your clit fits in the open­ing. It offers a wide range of set­tings, from light kiss­es to a full-​on pow­er tool in a rel­a­tive­ly small package.

While the mar­ket­ing claims are exag­ger­at­ed, a pur­er truth is that no oth­er pres­sure wave stim­u­la­tor motor I've tried came close to the Lora DiCarlo Baci at the time that it came out. I'm a fiend for deep pen­e­tra­tion, yet out-​of-​this-​world orgasms from exter­nal stim­u­la­tion alone are entire­ly reach­able with the Baci — putting it among the best cli­toral mas­sagers I've tried.

Lora DiCarlo Baci review: air pulse micro-robotic massager 5

Get the Baci by Lora DiCarlo from SheVibe

Lora DiCarlo Baci review: air pulse micro-robotic massager 6

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