Hot Octopuss Kurve review: rumbly G-spot vibrator with squishy tip

Hot Octopuss's vibrations are rumbly AF across the board, and now you can — at last — find them in a luxuriously squishy G‑spot vibrator.
Hot Octopuss Kurve Squishy and Rumbly G-Spot Vibrator Review Banner

Their focus was first on guy­bra­tors penis vibra­tors, then came their deli­cious­ly deep bul­lets, then more recent­ly, the Hot Octopuss Kurve.

As with one of its old­er sib­lings, the Hot Octopuss Kurve fea­tures TWO motors, which Hot Octopuss calls "Treble and Bass Technology." One motor inside the Hot Octopuss Kurve is deep and rumbly (38 – 62 Hz), while the oth­er emits a pierc­ing buzz (42 – 94 Hz).

Hot Octopuss Treble and Bass Technology

Rumbly or bitingly zingy vibration quality? Or both? You decide!
Top view of the Hot Octopuss Kurve's contoured head and vibrator control panel with six buttons

I've seen Treble and Bass tech­nol­o­gy before in the Hot Octopuss Jett cord­ed bul­let pack. Jett's mar­ket­ed as a penis vibra­tor, but you can also take the bul­lets out of the sil­i­cone sleeve to use cli­toral­ly. And it's eas­i­ly the best AA-​battery bul­let set I've ever tried — when you dip the bass bul­let in water, it makes a SERIOUS splash on the high­est setting.

I would have rec­om­mend­ed the Hot Octopuss Jett or Amo instead of the clas­sic We-​Vibe Tango to plen­ty of users. The new and upgrad­ed Tango X has come out since then but in no way takes away the Jett or Amo's shine:

  • A rich purring vibra­tion qual­i­ty damn near the gold stan­dard of petite vibrators
  • Comprehensive con­trol panels
  • Hella ver­sa­til­i­ty
  • Fairly afford­able price tags for how lux­u­ri­ous they feel

These are some of the deep­est, bass-​like vibra­tions on the mar­ket, and the new­er Hot Octopuss Kurve's sen­sa­tion is no devi­a­tion. Below is a video of me dip­ping the Hot Octopuss Kurve's tip into water, while both motors are on the high­est intensity.

(Let's all pre­tend the Hot Octopuss Queen Bee nev­er exist­ed, though.)

Hot Octopuss's ear­li­er prod­ucts demon­strat­ed ways vibra­tions can feel good on penis­es, too. Now that they've proven their point, they're expand­ing on con­ven­tion­al con­cepts — with a twist.

What makes the Hot Octopuss Kurve G-spot vibrator unique?

Again, I had high expec­ta­tions going in. Look at the silky-​smooth sil­i­cone, rumbly vibra­tions (FIVE STEADY SPEEDS AND FOUR PATTERNS), great con­trols (SIX BUTTONS! EASY TO PRESS!), and beau­ti­ful­ly brand­ed exte­ri­ors. That's typ­i­cal for Hot Octopuss.

But that's not all; there are three oth­er stars in this show.

In addition to two independently controlled motors, the Hot Octopuss Kurve also features a soft gel cushion in the tip.
Squishing the Hot Octopuss Kurve G-spot vibrator's soft gel head

The squish is only on the front-​facing, G‑spotty side, like a tiny pil­low, instead of all around. I love dual-​density dil­dos, but with a G‑spot vibra­tor, con­tain­ing the squish is a good call. It means it's soft where it mat­ters, and the hard shell can trans­fer vibra­tions unmuf­fled at oth­er parts.

My boyfriend can eas­i­ly feel vibra­tions through my flesh if I'm using the Hot Octopuss Kurve while we're spoon­ing. (That may also be because I'm a petite per­son with a bony vul­va, but still, the rum­ble is noth­ing to scoff at.)

The bad news is that the Hot Octopuss Kurve isn't for those who need strong AND pin­point stim­u­la­tion. For my per­son­al tastes, though, it's pow­er­ful enough that the shaft or tip can sat­is­fy my cli­toris, too. The Kurve's strength strad­dles the line between tra­di­tion­al G‑spot vibra­tors and com­pact mini-​wands.

Note that I spec­i­fied the Hot Octopuss Kurve's shaft. That's because its zingy Treble motor is focused at the tip, while the rumbly Bass is a bit fur­ther down in the toy's "neck."

I was a little skeptical of the motor placement at first, but I find that they synergize well in use. I like using both at the same time.

Plus, the round­ed han­dle is easy enough to hold even when I'm using it back­ward against my vulva.

Looking past the Hot Octopuss Kurve's "Ooh, shiny!"

There's plen­ty to love about the Hot Octopuss Kurve's flashier fea­tures. The "Treble and Bass" dual motors. The dual-​density gel tip. The handle's gra­di­ent is a deep wine red, almost match­ing my old hair as the Amo did!

Logo on side of Hot Octopuss Kurve G-spot vibrator

But I'll get down to busi­ness and back to basics —

How does the shape perform?

The Hot Octopuss Kurve fea­tures (of course) a shal­low curve and about 5" of insertable length. Its head mea­sures 1.5" across. This toy's length is slight­ly below aver­age com­pared to cocks, but the shaft is firm, and its shape strate­gic for tar­get­ing my G‑spot and A‑spot.

Just make sure you have a clean­ing brush ready if you want to go deep since there's raised let­ter­ing on the side of the insertable portion.

There's also no flex­i­bil­i­ty aside from the tip, so thank good­ness the head isn't too squared-​off. I have a long his­to­ry of flat hooked toys' tips miss­ing my G‑spot, espe­cial­ly if the shafts are steep and unyielding.

It's for that rea­son that I knew the Arc by Dame Products wouldn't work for me. The Hot Octopuss Kurve, though, is nice­ly round­ed at the head, and its curve is gen­tle, mak­ing it a bet­ter fit for my anatomy.

Hot Octopuss Kurve vs. Blush Wellness G Ball/Noje V1 shape side-by-side

And, don't for­get: the gel moosh­es into my G‑spot's dips and ante­ri­or fornix, while the mat­te sur­face pro­vides just the right amount of drag.

Hot Octopuss Kurve vs. other G-spot vibrators I've tried

The Hot Octopuss Kurve is up there among the best G‑spot vibra­tors — def­i­nite­ly in the top three. Of course, my rank­ings are high­ly sub­jec­tive and depen­dent on one's needs, so keep read­ing to decide which G‑spot vibra­tor is the best for you.

Top 5 best G‑spot vibrators
  1. Je Joue G‑Kii — just let the review speak for itself, mkay?
  2. We-​Vibe Rave - stronger but also a lit­tle buzzi­er and poten­tial­ly harsh shape for some users
  3. BMS Factory Pillow Talk Sassy - afford­able but con­trols aren't as versatile
  4. Hot Octopuss Kurve — rumbly vibra­tions paired with a soft tip
  5. BMS Factory Swan Wand Classic - thud­dy AF with a nice curve, but not espe­cial­ly G‑spotty

All great G‑spot vibrators, with different target audiences

The Hot Octopuss Kurve vibrator has a rounded soft gel head over its hard plastic shell

The We-​Vibe Rave, and LELO Mona 2, for exam­ple, have more defined points for focus­ing vibra­tion. In con­trast, the Hot Octopuss Kurve is more about bass‑y breadth, shak­ing and knead­ing your inter­nal cli­toris as a com­plex, rather than focus­ing the sen­sa­tion. Its squish is cer­tain­ly unique and well-done.

Also worth not­ing is that while the We-​Vibe Rave is stronger by my stan­dards, some users would reg­is­ter the Hot Octopuss Kurve as more pow­er­ful because of its purring vibra­tion qual­i­ty. Both have huge speed ranges that will suit a vari­ety of moods, though.

My verdict on the Hot Octopuss Kurve G-spot vibrator


Leave it to Hot Octopuss to make one of the rum­bli­est G‑spot vibra­tors in existence.

Hot Octopuss Kurve control panel

Think of the Kurve's lux­u­ri­ous feel like the halfway point between a dual-​density dil­do and a con­ven­tion­al G‑spot vibra­tor. Such a com­bi­na­tion isn't for every­one, but it's hard to top if you're look­ing for vroom and squish in the right places.

Thank you again to Hot Octopuss for yet anoth­er beau­ti­ful design that puts a fresh spin on a sol­id clas­sic. I'll keep rav­ing from the rooftops about your rad­i­cal rumble.

Take 10% off the Hot Octopuss Kurve at Betty's Toy Box

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5 Responses

  1. nightingale says:

    I'm lit­er­al­ly going through your reviews and got 3 out of 4 toys from your top now lol. Was decid­ing between the Kurve and G‑Kii for the lat­est one and went with the first bc i already have oth­er Je Joue toys. G‑Kii total­ly still going to be next tho.

    I love it so so so much. Was skep­ti­cal about the motor place­ment as well, but daaamnnn i LOVE it.. Vibration feels almost like tap­ping, and i can feel it down to my knees. It feels sim­i­lar to Sassy's but in much bet­ter place and even rum­bli­er, at the vag entrance instead of deep on g‑spot. I wish i knew soon­er i'd like it THIS much. I also TOTALLY love pat­terns and was sad that Sassy doesn't have those (and Rave's shape is not my dai­ly treat) but now i'm fuck­ing delighted.

    I only kin­da wish there was no squish on the head but it's fine.

    Thank you so much for your reviews again.

  2. Trix says:

    I’d prob­a­bly use this exter­nal­ly because of the squishy tip, will need to keep sn eye out…

  1. April 19, 2021

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