Fun Factory Be One Couples' Finger Vibrator Review

You'd be for­giv­en for expect­ing anoth­er glow­ing Fun Factory toy review, but their Be One fin­ger vibra­tor is the combo-breaker.

[Image: Fun Factory B1 on its side 3/4 view to show the tip's forward curve and the "dips" where the fingers rest]

My vagi­na kept eject­ing their self-​thrusting Stronic Real because it made me come so ridicu­lous­ly quick­ly and often — I had to keep push­ing it back in. The Fun Factory Bootie butt plug was among my picks for the best beginner-​to-​intermediate anal toys. And I typed, "brb going to lie in bed and cry" in my notes about the Volta when it made me squirt.

But as we move towards Fun Factory's small­er exter­nal vibra­tors, the com­po­nents lose their gravitas.

2024 UPDATE: Daaaaamn, do Fun Factory's new­er Vim and Laya III live up to the hype!

Unlike the Volta, the old­er Laya II didn't fea­ture the same G5 motors as the big­ger Fun Factory vibes. It was good enough that I gave it to a friend as her first vibra­tor, but I wasn't starry-eyed.

And the Fun Factory Be One? I could sum up my feel­ings toward it in one word: "No."

The moment I turned on the Fun Factory Be One, my initial optimism was replaced with a sigh and a shake of the head.

[Image: the Fun Factory B1 resting between my fingers]

It's like when you get a glass of water that you want­ed to be room tem­per­a­ture, but it's just a lit­tle bit warmer and tastes fun­ny. Nothing earth-​shattering, nor shock­ing. You're just a lit­tle miffed and wish the world could be a shade better.

I should have known bet­ter. Many review­ers who loved the Volta also hat­ed the minia­ture Volita due to its lack of pow­er. Thus, I was fool­ish to expect any­thing good from the even tinier Fun Factory Be One.

This thing is about 2 cm at the bot­tom, where it flares to curve over the fin­gers, and less than 1 cm at the tip. The motors in both ends suck. There are 4 speeds and 1 teas­ing pattern.

But that's not rel­e­vant if you're not going to buy the Fun Factory Be One any­way. Please don't.

It's like some­one com­bined Fun Factory's flut­tery vibra­tions with the surface-​level nature of the VeDO Bam Mini. Can it get me off? Yeah. Is its pow­er accept­able for the size? Sure. And while the Be One can fit between bod­ies dur­ing inter­course with­out much bulk, so can a tried-​and-​true bullet.

[Image: a profile view of the Fun Factory B1, showing the curve]

Consider this for perspective: the We-Vibe Tango, the gold standard of rumbly bullet vibrators, doesn't cost much more.

Thus, I'm not excit­ed about the Fun Factory Be One's exis­tence. I'd instead steer my read­ers towards one of the following:

  1. A cheap­er fin­ger vibe that's on the buzzy side, but will give you more bang for your buck
  2. A wear­able bul­let that's way rum­bli­er and with­in the Be One's price range
If you're looking for the former, consider the VeDO Yumi.

The VeDO Yumi isn't as pow­er­ful, but much more dis­creet, and its curves make it more ver­sa­tile for cou­ples' play.

If you want to invest a little more money into a finger vibrator with a purring rumble, get a BMS Swan Maximum bullet or Je Joue Classic Bullet.

The Je Joue Classic Bullet and BMS Swan Maximum come with flex­i­ble fin­ger straps. Je Joue's ver­sion con­tend with the We-​Vibe Tango, but that doesn't mat­ter to me when its pitch is so deep. It's one of the rum­bli­est cli­toral vibra­tors you can get for the price. BMS's Swan Maximum, mean­while, blew my old stan­dards away.

BMS Swan Maximum Bullet powerful vibrator with silicone cuff
BMS Swan Maximum bullet vibration quality when dipped in water
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