Category: Insertable Vibrators

Zalo Marie G-spot vibrator review featured image banner

Zalo Marie Rococo-themed G-spot vibrator review

Everything about Zalo's vibra­tors and their Versailles-​​inspired pre­sen­ta­tion embod­ies "extra." Not least, the Zalo Marie's ornate box almost looks like there should be paint­ings of hap­py cherubs all over it. Inside…

Iroha Zen Matcha textured mini-vibrator review 6

Iroha Zen Matcha textured mini-vibrator review

If you're a clitoris-​​owner who's ever envied the tex­tures inside Tenga's penis-​​strokers, you're in luck. The Iroha Zen is a mini-​​vibe that resem­bles a Tenga 3D Zen sleeve, but small­er, phal­lic, and…