Category: External Vibrators

Hot Octopuss Atom Vibrating Cock Ring Review 2

Hot Octopuss Atom Vibrating Cock Ring Review

The soon­er I review the Hot Octopuss Atom cock ring, the soon­er I am free from the mis­ery of test­ing it. My boyfriend's and my griev­ances toward it prob­a­bly peaked…

Iroha Zen Matcha textured mini-vibrator review 3

Iroha Zen Matcha textured mini-vibrator review

If you're a clitoris-​​owner who's ever envied the tex­tures inside Tenga's penis-​​strokers, you're in luck. The Iroha Zen is a mini-​​vibe that resem­bles a Tenga 3D Zen sleeve, but small­er, phal­lic, and…

VeDO Bam Mini Bullet Vibrator Review 8

VeDO Bam Mini Bullet Vibrator Review

VeDO was def­i­nite­ly on my radar when Peepshow Toys offered me a VeDO Bam Mini for review. I read so many rave reviews about the chunki­er VeDO BAM bul­let and had…