Category: Dual Stimulator

Review: Happy Rabbit Curve Thrusting Rabbit & G-Spot Stroker 1

Review: Happy Rabbit Curve Thrusting Rabbit & G-Spot Stroker

There's a self-​​thrusting rab­bit vibra­tor that sat­is­fies my inter­nal and exter­nal cli­toris simul­ta­ne­ous­ly — hands-​​free. I didn't imag­ine this day (nor myself) com­ing so soon with the Lovehoney Happy Rabbit…

Nalone Pure X2 Inflatable Silicone Rabbit Vibrator Review 3

Nalone Pure X2 Inflatable Silicone Rabbit Vibrator Review

Yes, a body-​​safe, inflat­able rab­bit vibra­tor for aspir­ing size roy­al­ty! Not many toys car­ry the Nalone Pure X2's com­bi­na­tion of fea­tures: I LOVE big toys, and I can­not lie; inflatable…

Xcitme Sym-B Sensual Collection interchangeable vibrator system review 11

Xcitme Sym-B Sensual Collection interchangeable vibrator system review

An all-​​in-​​one vibra­tor sys­tem with swap­pable heads that rrrum­ble. The Xcitme Sym‑B Sensual Collection's attach­ments offer mul­ti­ple afford­able alter­na­tives to LELO's recharge­able vibra­tors — with­out sac­ri­fic­ing strength. Its ver­sa­til­i­ty and…

New Sensations: 8 Unique Sex Toys to Try 14

New Sensations: 8 Unique Sex Toys to Try

Dildos have been around for prac­ti­cal­ly for­ev­er — at least 28,000 years. Early vibra­tors orig­i­nat­ed as med­ical devices in the 1700s. Since then, new sex toys have come a long…