Category: Reviews

Je Joue Uma Review: Rumbly Mid-Sized Vibrator 1

Je Joue Uma Review: Rumbly Mid-Sized Vibrator

On paper, the Je Joue Uma looked like every­thing I was look­ing for. The Je Joue Uma has many hall­marks of a ver­sa­tile toy. It has a bulging, gen­tle curve that can hit inter­nal eroge­nous zones but won't snag on…

[Image: Bodywand Midnight corded vibrator]

Bodywand Midnight review: powerful wand vibrator with dial control

Wand-​​style vibra­tors are for pow­er queens. Could my cli­toral con­sti­tu­tion with­stand the deli­cious dev­as­ta­tion promised to me? In 2015, I tried the Bodywand for the first time — intim­i­dat­ed by its pow­er but assured by its grad­ual dial control.…

California Exotics Embrace G Wand review: triple motor rechargeable vibrator 2

California Exotics Embrace G Wand review: triple motor rechargeable vibrator

The ver­sa­til­i­ty cov­ers all bases for me. It's deli­cious for quick­ies and long ses­sions alike. It's like when you're rel­ish­ing a meal and move from appe­tiz­er to main course to dessert and think, "Damn, any one of those dish­es would have hit the spot on its own, but the meal is so ele­vat­ed as a whole because every­thing adds on to every­thing else and synergizes."

Crystal Delights Crystal Twist Review: Spiral-Shaped Glass Dildo 4

Crystal Delights Crystal Twist Review: Spiral-Shaped Glass Dildo

The Crystal Delights Crystal Twist stands proud­ly on dis­play when I have friends over. I have no shame. Between its unortho­dox­ly sexy curves and iri­des­cent gleam, it's not hard to tell why I flaunt it as one part tro­phy, part…

We-Vibe Tango review: most powerful bullet vibrator 5

We-Vibe Tango review: most powerful bullet vibrator

The We-​​Vibe Tango is near­ly uni­ver­sal­ly laud­ed among sex blog­gers as the most pow­er­ful cli­toral vibra­tor of its size class. The pow­er of even the low­est set­ting baf­fles my friends. It sounds like fire­crack­ers when I put it in a…

Tantus Magma & Splash review: dildo with drip textures 6

Tantus Magma & Splash review: dildo with drip textures

The drips are in a league all their own. I'm the umpteenth per­son to say that there is noth­ing like the Tantus Splash. The orig­i­nal dil­do has been dis­con­tin­ued but rein­car­nat­ed in red and black as the Tantus Magma. What…