Category: Reviews

Review: b-Vibe Anal Training & Education plug kit 1

Review: b-Vibe Anal Training & Education plug kit

Butt stuff is one of the great equal­iz­ers— every­one has a butt. But I didn't write a guide to it for so long because the folx at b‑Vibe can (and do) present anal play far more cohe­sive­ly and with more…

SelfDelve Aubergine / Eggplant girthy silicone dildo review 2

SelfDelve Aubergine / Eggplant girthy silicone dildo review

"The egg­plant agrees: it's REALLY start­ing to feel like sum­mer," I wrote in an Instagram cap­tion. After all, the only thing more delight­ful than an eggplant-​​shaped dil­do is one that changes col­ors in heat. The SelfDelve Eggplant's girth and swell…

[Image: njoy Eleven stainless steel dildo review banner]

njoy Eleven 2.75 lb stainless steel dildo review

My reunion with my toy suit­case wouldn't have been com­plete with­out kiss­ing my njoy Eleven and sob­bing. "I'll nev­er leave you again. Be with me. I want to be buried with you when I die." (To my future children…

[Image: Zalo Sweet Magic Desire and Temptation thruster review]

Zalo Sweet Magic Desire thrusting dildo and Temptation bullet review

I can't just use my pow­er drill-​​sounding fuck­ing machine when­ev­er I want. One week, I'm liv­ing with my boyfriend, and the next, I'm in an Airbnb with a stranger and her 4‑year-​​old kid. Discretion mat­ters, friends. And self-​​thrusting dildos…

Mini-Reviews: Dame Kip & BMS Mini Swan Rose 7

Mini-Reviews: Dame Kip & BMS Mini Swan Rose

Some days, I'm lazy with mas­tur­ba­tion and want a clit vibe through my panties. Conveniently, bul­lets like the Dame Kip and BMS Mini Swan Rose car­ry a fan­tas­tic fun-​​to-​​size ratio for that. Though they're very dif­fer­ent and tar­get dif­fer­ent audiences,…

Uberrime Dildos mini-reviews: Dragon Claw, Splendid Large, and Amo 8

Uberrime Dildos mini-reviews: Dragon Claw, Splendid Large, and Amo

There are few things in this world I love col­lect­ing more than glossy, hand-​​marbled sil­i­cone dil­dos. Here are three by Uberrime Dildos that give me heart-​​eyes-​​emoji feels every time I look at them: Uberrime Splendid Large dual-​density sil­i­cone G‑spot dildo…