Category: Articles & features

2 Spicy Outfits I'm Wearing to Dirty Show 22 in Detroit 1

2 Spicy Outfits I'm Wearing to Dirty Show 22 in Detroit

My pho­tog­ra­phy will be dis­played at Detroit’s upcom­ing, world-​​class Dirty Show art exhi­bi­tion! I guess even erot­ic art crit­ics love my col­lec­tion. 🙂 The event takes place over two week­ends, and thanks to Zoey from The White Unicorn shop, I…

"Pillow Princess": 5 Ways I'm Reclaiming the Title 2

"Pillow Princess": 5 Ways I'm Reclaiming the Title

The orgasm ratio between me and my male part­ners is eas­i­ly over 10:1 — 10 of mine for every one of theirs. I'm hav­ing a good time, and so are they. So why does the inter­net seem to hate Pillow Princesses…

CHRISTMAS 2021 THROWBACK: flavored lube, penis strokers & plugs 3

CHRISTMAS 2021 THROWBACK: flavored lube, penis strokers & plugs

Among the perks of the sex blog­ger life: gift box­es from busi­ness part­ners! <3 This hol­i­day sea­son, XOXTOYS​.ca sent me a pack­age full of sexy stock­ing stuffers — the lit­tle things that add a dash of spice to play­time. The…

How discreet is your online sex toy shopping? 4

How discreet is your online sex toy shopping?

Raise your hand if you’ve ever been vic­tim­ized by sex toy pack­ages declar­ing, “VIBRATING MASSAGER” or “HEALTH CARE GADGETS.” I’ll wait. I’ve been there and done that, and I’m not thrilled about the expe­ri­ence. Discreet sex toy ship­ping is essential…

Q&A: What's it like to be a male escort? 5

Q&A: What's it like to be a male escort?

For me per­son­al­ly, [being a good man] means fac­ing and resolv­ing bias­es that I may have regard­ing the idea of gen­der equal­i­ty and help­ing oth­er men resolve them, too. Guest writer intro­duc­tion incom­ing! The escort­ing indus­try gets a bad rap…

Velvet Thruster Nanci Prime Relaunch Banner

RELAUNCH: Velvet Thruster Nanci Prime (FKA Abbey) & Teddy GS

The future of fuck­ing is here with the Velvet Thruster! With so many new high-​​tech sex toys, how do you choose a suit­able insertable for you? That’s where sex toy crit­ics like me come in. We’re unit­ed in our pas­sion for pleasure…

7 Questions to Unfuck Your Love Life & Yourself 6

7 Questions to Unfuck Your Love Life & Yourself

Can you jour­nal your way to a more ful­fill­ing, bet­ter love life? I cer­tain­ly think so. It takes a degree of intro­spec­tion to dis­cern one's own: … along with their part­ners' to see if they're com­pat­i­ble and in align­ment. Consider this…

Jute Rope & Wax Play BDSM Sensation Kit Review 7

Jute Rope & Wax Play BDSM Sensation Kit Review

Yes, BDSM can be slow and sen­su­al! Sliding rope and drip­ping wax against a partner's body can make a pas­sion­ate scene on its own — or it can lead up to some­thing more explo­sive. Do you have the patience and…

Porn for Women: 6 Traits I Love Seeing! 8

Porn for Women: 6 Traits I Love Seeing!

Plenty of women watch porn. And, when what women want is a core con­sid­er­a­tion (instead of an after­thought), we con­sume even more visu­al smut. There’s a lot of nuance in what entails “porn for women.” After all, we all have…

Panam Palmer Cosplay Photos (Cyberpunk 2077) 14

Panam Palmer Cosplay Photos (Cyberpunk 2077)

Because why wouldn't I want to be Night City's sassi­est nomadic heart­throb? This Panam Palmer cos­play is prob­a­bly my first some­what seri­ous attempt at cos­tum­ing, and I'm so excit­ed to just have this jack­et, with all its print­ed details, stitching,…

5 Ways Sex Toy Companies Make More Budget-Friendly Toys 15

5 Ways Sex Toy Companies Make More Budget-Friendly Toys

Affordable sex toys are the future of the indus­try. Nowadays, you can eas­i­ly find a rumbly, body-​​safe vibra­tor with a vel­vety fin­ish for under $50. If you're cut­ting costs, it has to come from some­where. That could mean mate­ri­als, labor,…

5 Top Types of Sex Toys for People With Penises 17

5 Top Types of Sex Toys for People With Penises

Sex toys aren't just for cis­women! There's a pletho­ra of sex toys for penis­es out there, from stro­kers and sleeves to pumps and prostate mas­sagers. If you're look­ing to upgrade to sen­sa­tions beyond your hand, you've come to the right…