California Exotics Marvelous Flicker Tongue-Shaped Vibrator

[Image: Cal Exotics Mini Marvels Marvelous Flicker tongue vibrator side view]

The Marvelous Flicker was rumbly for the price, and the most notable of California Exotics' Mini Marvels line of recharge­able sil­i­cone mini-​vibes. I was drawn to its tongue-​shaped body, pointy tip, and tar­get­ed vibrations.

This tongue vibra­tor is petite, travel-​locked, and water­proof. The tongue part is about 3.75" long, but it's decid­ed­ly an exter­nal toy; pen­e­tra­tion doesn't do it justice.

UPDATE 2025: We have bet­ter options for the price nowa­days. Get the We-​Vibe Touch X or Je Joue Duet instead.

The Cal Exotics Marvelous Flicker's flickering vibration sensation

My first thought upon turn­ing on this vibra­tor was "YAAAASSSS!" It's one of the rum­bli­er vibra­tors I've tried and whisper-​quiet. I could even see the rum­ble; the tip of the "tongue" shows a lot of move­ment up and down.

[Image: holding the Cal Ex Mini marvels Marvelous Flicker in my hand]

It doesn't feel like the flick­er­ing of oral sex. Just as the Eroscillator doesn't feel like a fin­ger mov­ing back and forth, the Marvelous Flicker doesn't feel like a tongue flick­ing. However, at the time, it was deli­cious­ly rumbly for the price.

What if you do want a vibrator that flickers?

Get one of these fluttery vibrators instead:

Okay, back to the Cal Exotics Marvelous Flicker

There are three steady set­tings and sev­en pat­terns. The low­est set­ting and pointy tip give ample pow­er for me to get off. With panties on, it's espe­cial­ly appre­cia­ble if I press down and use the flat face of the tongue for broad­er stim­u­la­tion. Using it either way (pointy tip or broad face) gives me the long back-​to-​back orgasms I've come to love.

[Image: Cal Exotics Marvelous Flicker packaging]

The pointy tip shines most in the faster speeds, where the orgasms aren't only lengthy, but also intense. I find that the sec­ond steady speed max­i­mizes the best of both worlds. Reaching orgasm is quick, I eas­i­ly keep up the plateau to come again and again, and the con­cen­tra­tion of flick­er­ing in the tip deliv­ers a sur­pris­ing degree of explosiveness.

Pattern settings I can actually use

Both inter­nal­ly and exter­nal­ly, I enjoy vibra­tion pat­terns with quick puls­es and drops in pow­er that aren't too long and dras­tic. The Marvelous Flicker sat­is­fies these cri­te­ria. Some pul­sa­tion set­tings are slow­er than oth­ers, but the paus­es are nev­er long enough that I think, "why does this set­ting even exist?"

Controlling and charging the Marvelous Flicker

To turn the Marvelous Flicker on, you have to hold down the top but­ton for two sec­onds. This con­trol func­tions as an auto­mat­ic trav­el lock so that an acci­den­tal nudge won't be enough to make it buzz.

The oth­er but­ton is the one con­trol for scrolling through the ten set­tings. This inter­face is not ide­al for me, as I'd pre­fer to have the option to nav­i­gate both ways instead of loop­ing back to the pre­vi­ous func­tion. However, because my refrac­to­ry peri­od isn't much of an issue with this toy, I don't find myself want­i­ng to turn it down after orgasm.

The Marvelous Flicker uses a USB charg­ing cord. For fast charg­ing, I sug­gest an out­let adapter rather than a com­put­er. 2.5 hours of charg­ing gives you between 40 min­utes and 4 hours of play­time, depend­ing on what speed set­ting you use.

California Exotics Mini Marvels Marvelous Flicker tongue vibrator charging

My verdict on the Cal Ex Marvelous Flicker

The choice between using its flat face and its pointy tip makes it suit­able for a broad­er range of users, from cli­toral light­weights like me to pow­er princess­es (not quite enough for pow­er queens).

UPDATE: You don't have to give up strength, ver­sa­til­i­ty, or afford­abil­i­ty! The Je Joue bul­lets give you all three.

If you're dead set on hav­ing as much pow­er as you can in a clit vibe, the BMS Swan Maximum Bullet is for you. If you want a more afford­able one to use with light pres­sure, con­sid­er the Marvelous Flicker. It gives you sim­i­lar vibra­tion strength to Kip or Pom by Dame Products, but with sim­pler con­trols and a small­er price tag.

If you want to go all-​in on a pow­er­ful tongue-​like, flick­er­ing vibra­tor, though, get the Empowered Queen, Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure, or NU Sensuelle Trinitii.


This toy was sent to me by TooTimid​.com in exchange for my hon­est review. All views expressed are entire­ly my own.

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4 Responses

  1. Kalliopeia says:

    I dig the pink-​haired pin­up girl on the box. Too often, box art is just Conventionally Attractive Woman Posing Sexily, and I'm over it. Nice to see some creativity.

  2. Denise Smith says:

    love that it is qui­et love the look of it

  1. April 20, 2018

    […] inter­est­ed in that flappity-​flap-​porno-​lingus action that doesn’t real­ly work. Then I read Cy’s review and knew I had to give it a […]

  2. June 18, 2018

    […] inter­est­ed in that flappity-​flap-​porno-​lingus action that doesn’t real­ly work. Then I read Cy’s review and knew I had to give it a […]

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