California Exotics Marvelous Flicker Review: flickering tongue-shaped vibrator

[Image: Cal Exotics Mini Marvels Marvelous Flicker tongue vibrator side view]

The Marvelous Flicker is rumbly for the price, and the most notable of California Exotics' Mini Marvels line of recharge­able sil­i­cone mini-​vibes. I was drawn to its tongue-​shaped body, pointy tip, and tar­get­ed vibrations.

This tongue vibra­tor is petite, travel-​locked, and water­proof. The tongue part is about 3.75" long, but it's decid­ed­ly an exter­nal toy; pen­e­tra­tion doesn't do it justice.

The Cal Exotics Marvelous Flicker's flickering vibration sensation

My first thought upon turn­ing on this vibra­tor was "YAAAASSSS!" It's one of the rum­bli­er vibra­tors I've tried and whisper-​quiet. I could even see the rum­ble; the tip of the "tongue" shows a lot of move­ment up and down.

[Image: holding the Cal Ex Mini marvels Marvelous Flicker in my hand]

It doesn't feel like the flick­er­ing of oral sex. Just as the Eroscillator doesn't feel like a fin­ger mov­ing back and forth, the Marvelous Flicker doesn't feel like a tongue flick­ing. However, I'd con­sid­er it a unique type of vibra­tion that I very much appre­ci­ate. It's one of the few clit toys that give me the "have-​to-​pee" sen­sa­tion of being close to squirting.

Update: Fuck yes, get the Fun Factory Volta. It flut­ters AND it has made me squirt.

What if you do want a vibrator that flickers?

Get one of these fluttery vibrators instead:

Okay, back to the Cal Exotics Marvelous Flicker

There are three steady set­tings and sev­en pat­terns. The low­est set­ting and pointy tip give ample pow­er for me to get off. With panties on, it's espe­cial­ly appre­cia­ble if I press down and use the flat face of the tongue for broad­er stim­u­la­tion. Using it either way (pointy tip or broad face) gives me the long back-​to-​back orgasms I've come to love.

[Image: Cal Exotics Marvelous Flicker packaging]

The pointy tip shines most in the faster speeds, where the orgasms aren't only lengthy, but also intense. I find that the sec­ond steady speed max­i­mizes the best of both worlds. Reaching orgasm is quick, I eas­i­ly keep up the plateau to come again and again, and the con­cen­tra­tion of flick­er­ing in the tip deliv­ers a sur­pris­ing degree of explosiveness.

Pattern settings I can actually use

Both inter­nal­ly and exter­nal­ly, I enjoy vibra­tion pat­terns with quick puls­es and drops in pow­er that aren't too long and dras­tic. The Marvelous Flicker sat­is­fies these cri­te­ria. Some pul­sa­tion set­tings are slow­er than oth­ers, but the paus­es are nev­er long enough that I think, "why does this set­ting even exist?"

Controlling and charging the Marvelous Flicker

To turn the Marvelous Flicker on, you have to hold down the top but­ton for two sec­onds. This con­trol func­tions as an auto­mat­ic trav­el lock so that an acci­den­tal nudge won't be enough to make it buzz.

The oth­er but­ton is the one con­trol for scrolling through the ten set­tings. This inter­face is not ide­al for me, as I'd pre­fer to have the option to nav­i­gate both ways instead of loop­ing back to the pre­vi­ous func­tion. However, because my refrac­to­ry peri­od isn't much of an issue with this toy, I don't find myself want­i­ng to turn it down after orgasm.

The Marvelous Flicker uses a USB charg­ing cord. For fast charg­ing, I sug­gest an out­let adapter rather than a com­put­er. 2.5 hours of charg­ing gives you between 40 min­utes and 4 hours of play­time, depend­ing on what speed set­ting you use.

California Exotics Mini Marvels Marvelous Flicker tongue vibrator charging

My verdict on the Cal Ex Marvelous Flicker

The first cli­toral vibra­tor review I ever wrote was for the We-​Vibe Tango, a pow­er­ful bul­let vibe wide­ly con­sid­ered one of "the unbeat­able three." My tastes have changed to tol­er­ate more pow­er since I tried the Tango four years ago. However, I find the Marvelous Flicker far more beginner-​friendly. The choice between using its flat face and its pointy tip makes it suit­able for a broad­er range of users, from cli­toral light­weights like me to pow­er princess­es (not quite enough for pow­er queens).

UPDATE: You don't have to give up strength, ver­sa­til­i­ty, or afford­abil­i­ty! The Hot Octopuss Amo gives you all three.

If you're dead set on hav­ing as much pow­er as you can in a clit vibe, the We-​Vibe Tango is still for you. If you want a more afford­able one to use with light pres­sure, con­sid­er the Marvelous Flicker. It gives you sim­i­lar vibra­tion strength to Kip or Pom by Dame Products, but with a small­er price tag. If you want to go all-​in on a pow­er­ful tongue-​like, flick­er­ing vibra­tor, though, get the Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure, NU Sensuelle Trinitii, or Fun Factory Volta.


This toy was sent to me by TooTimid​.com in exchange for my hon­est review. All views expressed are entire­ly my own.

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4 Responses

  1. Kalliopeia says:

    I dig the pink-​haired pin­up girl on the box. Too often, box art is just Conventionally Attractive Woman Posing Sexily, and I'm over it. Nice to see some creativity.

  2. Denise Smith says:

    love that it is qui­et love the look of it

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  2. June 18, 2018

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