Blush Novelties Exposed Nocturnal review: powerful bullet vibrator

Blush Novelties Exposed Nocturnal most powerful lipstick bullet vibrator review

"No oth­er vibra­tor of this size com­pares to the orgasm-​inducing vibra­tions of [the Exposed Nocturnal] bul­let," says Blush Novelties' website.

The claim is so brazen that it would be mean­ing­less if any oth­er com­pa­ny had stat­ed it. As a fan­girl of Blush Novelties, I took the mar­ket­ing with a pinch of salt. However, I wasn't sur­prised to con­firm it as only slight­ly exag­ger­at­ed. Yes, even in the pres­ence of what many would con­sid­er the most potent bul­let vibra­tor in exis­tence: the We-​Vibe Tango.

Lest you revoke my sex toy review­er card, there is a draw­back. The Blush Exposed Nocturnal bullet's high­est speed is stronger than the Tango's. However, its pitch isn't as deep… among oth­er dif­fer­ences that may or may not be decid­ing fac­tors for you.

UPDATE: The Exposed Nocturnal bul­let has been phased out and replaced by Limited Addiction bul­let. It's essen­tial­ly a revamped Exposed Nocturnal — a 2.0 ver­sion, with low­er, rum­bli­er speed set­tings. Read my new­er guide to the best bul­lets for more details!

The Exposed Nocturnal bullet's power

Blush Novelties Exposed Nocturnal most powerful lipstick bullet vibrator review

It's not as rumbly as the Tango— if the Tango's range of motion were a 10, I'd give the Exposed Nocturnal a 7. However, the Exposed Nocturnal bul­let still sounds like fire­crack­ers when turned on and left on a hard surface.

If I were com­fort­able with squirt­ing, the Nocturnal bul­let prob­a­bly would make me squirt with­out pen­e­tra­tion. That's an hon­or privy to only four oth­er cli­toral vibra­tors in my col­lec­tion. UPDATE: both the Fun Factory Volta and Eroscillator have tak­en me over the edge.

On its first steady set­ting out of 5, the Exposed Nocturnal's vibra­tion speed is some­where between the Tango's 2nd and 3rd speed. If the faster vibra­tions sound like a dream, then the Nocturnal bul­let will delight you. And that's for not even half the cost of the Tango.


Using it direct­ly on my cli­toris is unthink­able to me. Unlike the Tango or Pillow Talk Sassy, the Nocturnal bul­let doesn't leave me with much of an option for ramp­ing up. I'm a lazy mas­tur­ba­tor who rarely takes her under­wear off for clit-​only jack-​off ses­sions. And I still often find myself using just the Exposed Nocturnal's first speed with light pres­sure so that I don't get overwhelmed.

The Nocturnal also has 5 pat­terns, but I find them either too high-​pitched or not the right rhythm to do much for me.

This bullet's pow­er cer­tain­ly works bet­ter for me when I have pants and a pan­ti­lin­er on. While the Exposed Nocturnal isn't ver­sa­tile or suit­able for every­body, it real­ly can't be beat­en as a pow­er­ful, budget-​friendly bul­let vibrator.

UPDATE: For those want­i­ng more ver­sa­til­i­ty from a cli­toral bul­let, check out my com­par­i­son of the best bul­lets on the mar­ket today.

A perk of the Nocturnal bullet

Blush Novelties Exposed Nocturnal most powerful lipstick bullet vibrator review

There's a sig­nif­i­cant fea­ture that makes me like the Nocturnal bul­let a lit­tle more than the Tango: the Nocturnal HAS. TWO. BUTTONS. One for turn­ing the speed up and one for turn­ing it down. For me, speed con­trol is a big deal because it increas­es the like­li­hood of mul­ti­ple orgasms.

If I'm using the Exposed Nocturnal through enough of a buffer, I can use the sec­ond (or third!) set­ting, orgasm, imme­di­ate­ly turn the speed down, and back up as the next orgasm builds. And repeat. With the Tango, I'd have to press the sin­gle but­ton 8 times to go down a speed. That's a poten­tial mood-​killer and not very con­ve­nient— for the most part, my orgasms with the Tango are one-and-done.

It's not all sun­shine and rain­bows, though. The Exposed Nocturnal's but­tons aren't easy to dis­tin­guish from each oth­er by feel alone. In con­trast, the Hot Octopuss Amo's con­trol pan­el, on the side of the bul­let, is high­ly intuitive.

I can con­scious­ly recall that the pointy tip lines up with the + but­ton, but that's hard­ly some­thing I'm think­ing about when I orgasm.

Nocturnal vs. Tango: other differences

Aside from rum­ble and con­trols, the Nocturnal and Tango bul­lets dif­fer in oth­er ways: size and noise.

Blush Novelties Exposed Nocturnal most powerful lipstick bullet vibrator review
The Nocturnal bul­let inside Tantus Tsunami. Shown next to We-​Vibe Tango.

Most notably, the Nocturnal bul­let is a lit­tle big­ger. At 0.9" wide, I can still lube it up and fit it into my Tantus Tsunami's bul­let cav­i­ty and retrieve it. However, that doesn't mean it'll fit in every Tantus bul­let cav­i­ty— the Leisure's, for exam­ple, is slim­mer. If you have issues with grip, insert­ing the Exposed Nocturnal inside a bul­let cav­i­ty is prob­a­bly ill-​advised, unless you're putting it inside a Lock-​On-​compatible dil­do.

The Exposed Nocturnal is also loud­er than the Tango. You could prob­a­bly get away with using the first two set­tings in the show­er behind a closed door. I can't oth­er­wise rec­om­mend it for some­one who wants a qui­et and dis­creet sex toy, though. Blush's Nocturnal bul­let isn't an appro­pri­ate sub­sti­tute for the Tango in all aspects, but it does come close.


So let's go back to the claim that no oth­er bullet's pow­er com­pares. As far as the absolute lev­el of pow­er goes, I'm inclined to agree. Blush Novelties' Exposed Nocturnal is the most pow­er­ful mini-​vibe I have ever come across. And because of the two-​button con­trol, I'll almost cer­tain­ly use it more often than the Tango.

If you're will­ing to sac­ri­fice some speed to get deep­er vibra­tion, how­ev­er, you'd be hap­pi­er with the We-​Vibe Tango's range of motion or the Hot Octopuss Amo's low purr. It comes down to how picky you are about the type of pow­er you use.

However, if you're some­one like me:

  • a lazy masturbator
  • loves pow­er­ful, pin­point vibration
  • in a fuck­ton of stu­dent debt and try­ing to save

…know that the folks at Peepshow Toys weren't fuck­ing around when they said that the Exposed Nocturnal is very pow­er­ful. It's not that I thought they were lying— I didn't expect such a cheap mini-​vibe to be one of the best vibra­tors I'd ever tried.

Blush Novelties Exposed Nocturnal review: powerful bullet vibrator 1

UPDATE: We have way bet­ter options nowa­days. Read my new­er guide to the best bul­lets to see how the Blush bul­lets mea­sure up!

Thank you, Peepshow Toys for send­ing me an Exposed Nocturnal bul­let in exchange for my freely giv­en and hon­est review! As always, I only say what I con­sid­er to be the truth. Even if it goes against the grain. Including if I want­ed to like a toy. And also if it straight up sucks.

Blush Novelties Exposed Nocturnal review: powerful bullet vibrator 2

If you want to see more writ­ing in the future, you can sup­port Super Smash Cache by buy­ing me a cof­fee or by clear­ing your cook­ies and then buy­ing sex toys through my links. My affil­i­ate links bring me a com­mis­sion at no extra cost to you. You might even save a lit­tle money!

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2 Responses

  1. Jeff says:

    Easily the largest pow­er to size ratio in our arse­nal. Maybe one day we'all get a TANGO…then again maybe not.

  2. DizzyD says:

    I bought this toy last Black Friday sale. For that price I want­ed to try it and see for myself if it was real­ly that pow­er­ful. It is. It is more buzzy than the Tango, but it’s a pow­er­house. With but­tons! I love the buttons!

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