California Exotics Embrace G Wand review: triple motor rechargeable vibrator

The California Exotics Embrace G Wand cov­ers all bases: effec­tive­ly volup­tuous form, vibra­tion range, and vari­ety. Just the shape would have been enough for me, but the vibra­tions take it to the next lev­el. It's like hav­ing your cake and eat­ing it, too.

California Exotics Embrace G Wand triple motor G-spot vibrator

Buttery-​smooth sil­i­cone cov­ers 3 (yes, THREE) motors. One motor is in the 1.5" diam­e­ter bulb, one in its flex­i­ble 1" diam­e­ter shaft, and one in the cli­toral bump. The vibra­tions are not Hitachi-​level pow­er­ful as the "wand" part of the name might sug­gest. They're mod­er­ate­ly rumbly. The three motors fea­ture 6 speeds, with 1 steady func­tion and 6 pat­terns of pul­sa­tion and esca­la­tion each. There are a total of 42 combinations.

Shape and design of the CalEx Embrace G Wand

The California Exotics Embrace G Wand's curve is deli­cious­ly ample and full for G‑spot thrust­ing. The shaft is flex­i­ble, mak­ing it a less intense alter­na­tive if you find the Jopen Comet Wand or njoy Pure Wand's rigid build unfor­giv­ing. However, it's bul­bous enough that if you don't already know where your G‑spot is, you're still very like­ly to find it with this vibra­tor if you tilt the han­dle back. The hap­py medi­um is ade­quate but not quite unrelenting.

I can take advan­tage of the 3 motors because my cli­toris is close enough to my vagi­na and my G‑spot is rel­a­tive­ly shal­low. Your mileage may vary. The Embrace G Wand is decid­ed­ly not a dual stim­u­la­tor for those with deep G‑spots or with clit-​vag gaps longer than 1.5". I wouldn't have rec­om­mend­ed it for that pur­pose any­way, because I feel like that would dis­tract you from the star of the show: the bul­bous G‑spot head.

California Exotics Embrace G Wand review: triple motor rechargeable vibrator 1

This toy can't do every­thing, but it can do a lot of things well. With my build, I can use this toy for intense G‑spot thrust­ing, or to have some­thing fill­ing deliv­er inter­nal and exter­nal vibra­tions. I can't com­bine G‑spot pres­sure and cli­toral vibra­tions simul­ta­ne­ous­ly with this toy.

To get pres­sure on my G‑spot, I'd be insert­ing too lit­tle of the shaft and tilt­ing the han­dle too far back for my clit to touch the hump. However, since the shaft is flex­i­ble, I can insert the shaft deep­er and push the han­dle up toward my clit.

Vibration functions

First things first: the steady vibra­tion starts in the mid­dle of the speed range, which I find sil­ly. You can turn it up and down from there with no prob­lem, but be aware of that.

There are three but­tons: two to turn the inten­si­ty up/​down, and one to turn the toy on/​off and tog­gle through the set­tings. The pat­terns switch from the inner­most motor to the shaft motor to the clit bump:

  • Steady vibra­tion in all three motors
  • Tip, shaft, bump alter­nat­ing slow
  • Tip, shaft, bump alter­nat­ing medium
  • Tip, shaft, bump alter­nat­ing fast
  • Two short puls­es, one long pulse, all three motors in unison
  • Waves of grad­ual esca­la­tion and decline, split time /​ out of phase
  • Short puls­es, all three motors in unison

I like using the fast alter­na­tions and puls­es for sta­tion­ary dual stim­u­la­tion, while the slow switch­es add "oomph" when G‑spot thrust­ing. The bot­tom to mid­dle steady speed set­tings work best for me exter­nal­ly, and the tight con­trols mean I can turn the speed up and down as needed.

The low to mid­dle set­tings give me a beau­ti­ful, almost con­tin­u­ous orgasm plateau when used exter­nal­ly. When just using it on my clit, I orgasm con­tin­u­ous­ly back-​to-​back and want to turn the inten­si­ty way down and then up a bit. Internally, it doesn't just make me insta-​cum; its bul­bous­ness gives me some­thing to clench around dur­ing orgasm. Clenching per­pet­u­ates the orgasms longer with every contraction.

Overall verdict on the Embrace G Wand

As a vibra­tor, the Embrace G Wand is a good fit for me. While the dimen­sions are anatomy-​specific, the toy is robust, unique, and ver­sa­tile enough to rec­om­mend to a range of peo­ple. Whether they're new to the expan­sive world of sex toys, or are famil­iar and look­ing for some­thing a lit­tle dif­fer­ent, this is some­thing to consider.

Would recommend to those...

  • seek­ing range and mod­er­ate power
  • who like inter­nal vibrations
  • who love or want to try patterns
  • who like G‑spot or prostate toys in general
  • who have a c‑v gap less than 1.5"
  • new to sex toys

Would not recommend to those looking for...

  • G‑spot pres­sure and clit pres­sure from the same toy.
  • Pinpoint cli­toral stimulation.
  • A lot of pow­er. Consider the BMS Factory Swan Wand.

For all three cat­e­gories, if you have a big­ger bud­get, you want to con­sid­er get­ting a LELO Mona 2 instead. Its vibra­tions are stronger than the Embrace G's, the body is made of rigid ABS plas­tic through­out, and the tip is pointy.

Ultimately, though, the Embrace G Wand is so unique for its price range that I wouldn't dream of replac­ing it with the oth­er toys I suggested.

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4 Responses

  1. dizzygirl812 says:

    I'm glad you like this one. I thought it was pret­ty great too. Thanks for the mention.

  1. October 27, 2015

    […] California Exotics Embrace G Wand ‑by Super Smash Cache […]

  2. October 27, 2015

    […] California Exotics Embrace G Wand ‑by Super Smash Cache […]

  3. October 27, 2015

    […] California Exotics Embrace G Wand ‑by Super Smash Cache […]

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