Review: Velvet Thruster Prime, Nanci (FKA Abbey), Sammie, Teddy GS

Velvet Thruster's latest handheld fucking machine designs bring us the hard-​and-​fast power I know and love, and more.
Velvet Thruster attachments: Abbey, Teddy TX, Frankie, Jackie, Walter, Sammie
Left to right: Velvet Thruster Nanci FKA Abbey, Teddy TX, Frankie, orig­i­nal Jackie, Walter, Prime Sammie
These new handheld fucking machines are bringing us:
  • Major improve­ments on the orig­i­nal — swap­pable heads and a sleek­er, water­proof exterior
  • Positioning add-​ons, like a long reach han­dle and a suc­tion cup base
  • NEW SELF-​THRUSTING DILDO DESIGNS, for both their big­ger Velvet Prime and mini models 
    • A hard­core G‑spotting attach­ment and a girthi­er rep­re­sen­ta­tion­al one

That last bul­let point espe­cial­ly got me excit­ed. Because I, Cy Smash of Super Smash Cache, sculpt­ed the Velvet Thruster Nanci (FKA Abbey) and Teddy GS's clay model!

Velvet Thruster Teddy GS and Abbey original design sculpt
Photo from ANME 2019: Nanci and Teddy GS design in mod­el­ing clay next to old Jackie attachment

And they've added a big­ger self-​thrusting dil­do design to the line: the Prime Sammie.

My brain is little more than confetti flying and champagne popping right now.

Both the Velvet Thruster Nanci/​GS and Sammie shapes made me come with­in sec­onds. I can't promise the same for you, but I'm upfront about how intense the sen­sa­tions are. I only need four dif­fer­ent let­ters, to sum up how I feel about the new Velvet Thrusters:

  • WTF (but in the best way possible)

But you know I wouldn't just leave it at that. There's a lot of ground to cov­er in this review of the Velvet Thruster Prime, Sammie, Nanci FKA Abbey, and Teddy GS.

Original Velvet Thruster vs. Prime with attachments and Teddy
Clockwise from the bot­tom left: OG Velvet Thruster with VixSkin Colossus, Walter self-​thrusting anal beads, Frankie, Teddy, and Velvet Prime base

Table of Contents

What stayed the same and what changed

The Velvet Thruster Prime has entered the chat!

The makers doubled down on what I loved before and took constructive criticism seriously.

This hand­held fuck­ing machine offers a sim­i­lar stroke length to the orig­i­nal (3") and almost the same top speed: 136 thrusts per minute.

You get 6 set­tings instead of 10, though. Velvet Thruster's most pop­u­lar attach­ments are still avail­able with the Thruster Prime, and of course, there are new ones! More on them later.

Velvet Thruster original vs. Prime with swappable self-thrusting dildo attachments
Original lilac base vs. white Prime handle
Here are all of the Velvet Thruster heads now available:
  • Jackie, the average-​sized rep­re­sen­ta­tion­al dildo
  • Frankie, for fanat­i­cal front wall texture
  • Walter, AKA self-​thrusting anal beads
  • Sammie, the super girthy one
  • Nanci, FKA Abbey, the daz­zling­ly deli­cious G‑spotter
  • Edward, the long and gen­tly curved one

Velvet Co. con­sid­ered doing the swap­pable attach­ments before, and I got a taste of it in 2018. However, the full-​fledged cre­ation didn't hit the mar­ket until this 2020, baked to per­fec­tion. The fit­tings lock into place, snug­ly against the base unit's grooves.

UPDATE: I've made a more com­pre­hen­sive Velvet Prime attach­ment com­par­i­son and rank­ing post, includ­ing the new­er Prime Edward!

Velvet Thruster accordion pleat self-thrusting dildo's swappable attachment bottom
Velvet Thruster Prime vs. original Thruster

YESSSS, the Velvet Thruster Prime retains its intense, starry-​eye-​inducing thrust­ing pow­er while being qui­eter than the orig­i­nal. Delicious. Remix my guts, omg. Its sound is still loud and mechan­i­cal, sure. But we're not veer­ing into the deci­bel range of, "Are you drilling holes in the wall for your eth­er­net cable?"

The but­ton place­ment is also now at the sides — and sen­si­bly so. It used to be that the Velvet Thruster's but­tons were at the bot­tom, ren­der­ing them inac­ces­si­ble if I propped it up against a hard sur­face. Not any­more, though! And it's water-​resistant, as a lux­u­ry toy like the Velvet Thruster should be.

New Velvet Thruster positioning add-ons

Positioning aids screw on to the port at the bot­tom of the Velvet Thruster Prime:

  • A steeply angled han­dle for hold­ing dur­ing solo play
  • A suc­tion cup to mount your com­pact fuck­ing machine
  • A straight han­dle for part­ner play

Review: Velvet Thruster Prime, Nanci (FKA Abbey), Sammie, Teddy GS 1

Review: Velvet Thruster Prime, Nanci (FKA Abbey), Sammie, Teddy GS 2

Review: Velvet Thruster Prime, Nanci (FKA Abbey), Sammie, Teddy GS 3

The Velvet Thruster is powerful, but because of that, the original wasn't always the easiest to hold.

To direct its pow­er prop­er­ly, you'll want one of two things:

  1. Hands of steel to hold it, or
  2. A secure base to mount it on

Otherwise, the han­dle may wag with­out the inner por­tion mov­ing much. I pre­fer to mount and ride it, cowgirl-​style. Use the suc­tion cup to attach it to a wall or sta­bi­lize it against a bed. It's flex­i­ble enough for you to adjust the angling com­fort­ably as you please. Or use the long-​reach han­dle to insert it into a Liberator Wanda slot and sit on it.

That's where the new Velvet Thruster positioning accessories come into play.

Designs that help me be lux­u­ri­ous­ly lazy with mas­tur­ba­tion can also be game-​changing for peo­ple with lim­it­ed mobil­i­ty or reach. I can't speak for everyone's expe­ri­ences, but I do know that some­one want­ed The Thruster to be a tool to help dis­abled peo­ple expe­ri­ence pleasure.

The one down­side, though, is that the Velvet Prime's but­tons can be a bit hard to push. I real­ly have to dig in my fin­ger­tip and nail.

Velvet Thruster mini Teddy TX, original Jackie, and Prime Sammie XL

Left to right: Teddy TX mini, orig­i­nal lilac Jackie, and Sammie XL on Prime

I LOVE the range of options available!

Velvet Thruster is certainly expanding its audience.

The Thruster Prime is more for peo­ple who know they absolute­ly want a ver­sa­tile fuck­ing machine. Its ide­al user wants to invest, to try all the posi­tions, and to have options. The mini thrusters are for those who are on a tighter bud­get or want to stick to one contraption.

Mini Velvet Thruster models

They're small­er than the respec­tive Velvet Prime mod­els, of course, mak­ing them more travel-friendly.

Velvet Thruster measurements and size comparison

NameShapeDiameterDildo LengthStroke LengthThrusts Per Minute (Max)
WalterBeaded0.85" – 1.35"7"3"136
SammieRealistic, XL1.85"7.25"3"136
NanciG-Spot1" – 1.5"7.25"3"136
Teddy TXRealistic1.5"5"2.5"125
Teddy XL Realistic, XL1.5"5.75"2.5"125
Teddy GSG-Spot1" – 1.5"5.75"2.5"125

See my Velvet Prime attach­ment com­par­i­son and rank­ing post for more in-​depth thoughts on how they feel in use!

Velvet Thruster Prime self-thrusting silicone dildo attachments: Walter, Abbey G-spot, Frankie, Sammie XL
Walter, Nanci FKA Abbey, Frankie, Sammie

A peek at the new Velvet Thruster designs

Sammie vs. Jackie/​Teddy TX

While the Jackie dil­do is 6" long by 1.5" diam­e­ter, the Sammie's is a waaaay hefti­er 8" x 1.9".

Before the Sammie came out, I loved mod­i­fy­ing my Velvet Thruster Teddy and Jackie with a VixSkin Colossus exten­sion sleeve to add girth and squish. That's an extrav­a­gant pair­ing, though, and not prac­ti­cal for the aver­age consumer's budget.

Velvet Thruster Jackie with VixSkin Colossus vs. Prime Sammie vs. Teddy and Teddy XL
Left to right: Original Jackie with VixSkin Colossus next to Teddy TX and Sammie XL Thruster Prime
How does the Velvet Thruster Sammie feel?

With the Sammie, that dip under the coro­na and the vein­ing pull at my G‑spot and front wall like crazy. I come. I clench. The G‑spotting is inten­si­fied. I come again near­ly imme­di­ate­ly. I clench harder.

Continue the feed­back loop with ample stretch­ing and yum­my cervix mas­sage. I'm usu­al­ly a fiend for deep pen­e­tra­tion — and get a lot of that with the Sammie — but that some­how takes the back­seat. It's dyna­mite for front wall stim­u­la­tion, in charge with its spell­bind­ing inter­nal cli­toral pressure.

Closing thoughts on the Velvet Thruster Prime Sammie

The Velvet Thruster shop ver­sion is a bit squishi­er than the one I have, which is prob­a­bly a plus for most users. But oh gosh, I love the Velvet Thruster Sammie's shape. I have noth­ing neg­a­tive to say about it.

Velvet Thruster Nanci FKA Abbey & Teddy GS

We need a more nuanced conversation about the G‑spotty Nanci FKA Abbey and Teddy GS design.

Using those Velvet Thruster mod­els was every bit as spell­bind­ing as I hoped. However, G‑spots and pubic bones vary a lot. Let's talk about who they are and aren't for.

I sculpt­ed the clay mod­el for the Nanci and Teddy GS at an influ­encer con­sult­ing meet-​up in July 2019.

Take a behind-​the-​scenes peek at the Velvet Co. meeting.
Influencers sipping cocktails at a meeting!

Taking inspi­ra­tion from oth­er designs I loved, I want­ed a broad but round­ed head. ("So you're mak­ing an njoy Eleven?" anoth­er toy review­er asked.) Velvet Co. 3D scanned and mod­i­fied the form.

The end result deviated slightly from my original vision.

The Velvet Thruster Nanci and Teddy GS have a stronger hook and sharp­er, more squared-​off head. Their release was orig­i­nal­ly sched­uled for spring 2020 but post­poned due to COVID. Fast for­ward and here we are!

Velvet Thruster Nanci FKA Abbey and GS modifications

How do I feel about the Nanci and Teddy GS?

I had my qualms about head shape until I actually used it! It's been nothing but love ever since.
Velvet Thruster Sammie XL Prime and Teddy GS handheld fucking machines
Thruster Prime Sammie and Teddy GS self-​thrusting G‑spot dildo

G‑spot toy shapes I like tend to be round­ed off — or at least bendy to get into my pubic bone's dip and rub the most sen­si­tive part of my front wall.

Flat and square G‑spotting heads are super com­mon in Toyland — much to my dis­may. While many oth­er review­ers adored the likes of the LELO Ella, Picobong Moka, Blush Wellness G Ball, and Fun Factory Stronic G, none of those worked for me. They aimed too far past my pubic bone, miss­ing my G‑spot. Most of them are too firm and restrict­ing, espe­cial­ly if their shafts are steeply curved.

The key to the Velvet Thruster Teddy GS and Nanci FKA Abbey's success is in their flexibility.

The top­most 2.5" or so of the inserta­bles are entire­ly sil­i­cone. With some force, you could bend them 90 degrees in either direc­tion. The Velvet Thrusters' "skele­ton" doesn't start until about mid-​shaft under the dil­do attach­ment. You don't have to wor­ry about the shape fit­ting the pubic bone per­fect­ly.

Velvet Thruster Teddy GS self-thrusting G-spot dildo/handheld fucking machine head flexibility
The Velvet Thruster Teddy GS/​Nanci G‑spotting head bends a loooot.

Plus, the flex­i­bil­i­ty means plen­ty of options for aim­ing. That includes turn­ing the Velvet Thruster Teddy GS or Nanci back­ward for cervix or per­ineal sponge stim­u­la­tion. I pre­fer the slow­er speeds for my G‑spot and the faster speeds for deep pen­e­tra­tion to main­tain con­tact with my cer­vi­cal os.

I adore that I get pinpoint AND broad stimulation in different spots. The rounded part of the tip pushes, the flat face kneads, and the sharp hook pulls.

Velvet Thruster Nanci FKA Abbey and GS vs. Fun Factory Stronic G

The Stronic G, in contrast, doesn't bend as far back.
Fun Factory Stronic G flexibility
I swear, my BF tried to bend it back. It wouldn't go much far­ther, though.

Just 1" or so of the boxy head is sil­i­cone and not so much the shaft. It's silicone-​coated, but you can eas­i­ly tell where the hard plas­tic shell is under it. The jig­gly mag­net­ic thrust­ing can't push the Stronic G's head against my pubic bone as hard as I'd like.

Don't get me wrong — the Stronic G is pow­er­ful, but its half-​inch strokes and square tip don't jive with the boni­est part of my vagi­na. (I like the Stronic Surf a lot, though, since its shape fits more neat­ly against my wall. And the Fun Factory SUNDAZE uses the same tech­nol­o­gy for exter­nal stimulation.)

Velvet Thrusters, mean­while, use a bar­rel cam mech­a­nism for longer thrusts with more "oomph"; they're half a step short of pow­er tools.

The result? Velvet Thruster's Teddy GS and Nanci feature a strong shape in a springy material — a sensible middle ground between yielding and forceful.
Fun Factory Stronic G vs. Velvet Thruster Teddy GS for G-spot stimulation
Lilac Velvet Thruster Teddy base next to Pool Blue Fun Factory Stronic G.

My verdict on the latest Velvet Thruster models

If it's the intensity you seek, the new Velvet Thrusters may be just the thing.

I'd whole­heart­ed­ly rec­om­mend the Sammie to size roy­als who want a semi-​realistic fuck­ing machine.

As for the Velvet Thruster Abbey and Teddy GS, they're every­thing I hoped for in use, but they're not for everyone.

Those who have a his­to­ry of steep toys snag­ging and grind­ing on their pubic bones should steer clear. As well, some dil­do con­nois­seurs hate pin­point inter­nal stim­u­la­tion.

It's a trade-​off; I like feel­ing the sharp hook pulling inside me, but not every­one does.

Velvet Thruster Teddy GS vs. Fun Factory Stronic G for G-spot
Velvet Thruster Teddy GS vs. Fun Factory Stronic G

The Velvet Thruster Teddy GS and Nanci are not those who want sub­tle­ty. Nor is the Sammie.

But if you're internally screaming, "YES! GIVE ME MORE!" you're in luck. Velvet Co. has distilled its intoxicating essence into something even more formidable and fuckable.

Further read­ing: why the Velvet Prime Edward is now my favorite.

Velvet Thruster discount codes

Take 25% off the Thruster with dis­count code SUPER25

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6 Responses

  1. L says:

    With the longer vs short­er thrust lengths, is longer always bet­ter? Or does it risk over­shoot­ing your G‑spot rather than stay­ing rub­bing the right spot?

    • Longer isn't always bet­ter, but any­where between 1" and 3" is the Goldilocks "just right" for me. I also enjoy the Fun Factory Stronics for the rea­son you men­tion: it more or less stays in place.

  2. Selena says:

    Thanks for always point­ing out what toys are sim­i­lar to each oth­er in shape, and what doesn't work for you! I have the same issue as you in that the Lelo Ella always miss­es my g‑spot, so it's good to know what oth­er toys are sim­i­lar to it. It's a shame 'cause it's so pretty.

  3. Trix says:

    Is it silicone-​covered? When I test­ed one in a store, the thrust­ing shaft seemed so pli­able that I couldn't be sure.…

  4. I've always been inter­est­ed in sex machines and this'd be a great way to have that be afford­able and manageable!

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