VeDO Bam Mini Bullet Vibrator Review

VeDO Bam Mini Bullet Vibrator Review 1

VeDO was def­i­nite­ly on my radar when Peepshow Toys offered me a VeDO Bam Mini for review. I read so many rave reviews about the chunki­er VeDO BAM bul­let and had high hopes for the Bam Mini… per­haps too high.

VeDO BAM vs. Bam Mini

VeDO Bam Mini Bullet Vibrator Review 2

Not least, I raised an eye­brow at a review's claim (on the prod­uct page) that the big­ger BAM rivals the Tango. "It's real­ly kind of remark­able… buzzi­er than the Tango but still plen­ty rumbly and plen­ty strong," added Kate over at Girly Juice.

As the names would sug­gest, the VeDO Bam Mini is small­er than the "reg­u­lar" BAM. The mini is 3.8" long and 0.8" wide, while the "reg­u­lar" BAM is 3.25" long by 1" wide and has a wider, flat­ter cap. Both are too big to insert into toys with bul­let cav­i­ties. There's also a price dif­fer­ence; the mini is, of course, dinki­er and cheap­er. They are, how­ev­er, both rechargeable.

Buttery, mod­er­ate­ly drag­gy mat­te sil­i­cone cov­ers both toys' hard ABS plas­tic bod­ies. Their silicone's fin­ish gives them more sur­face trac­tion than, say, a hard plas­tic bul­let. That's not a huge deal to me, because I use vibra­tors over my cli­toral hood with­out lube, but good to note for those who like cli­toral friction.

But how does the VeDO Bam Mini feel?

It's buzzy…

While more than aware that you get what you pay for, I was dis­ap­point­ed with the cheap­er Bam Mini. Maybe I'm just too spoiled by how good the Blush Gaia Eco is.

See, upon turn­ing on the bul­let, hear­ing the mosquito-​like pitch, and feel­ing it in my hand, my first thought was, "What even is this?"

It's one of the buzzi­er vibra­tors I've tried. If you blind­fold­ed me, held the VeDO Bam Mini against my skin, and asked me what kind of bat­ter­ies it ran on, I would have guessed one AA or maybe two AAAs.

The VeDO Bam Mini is a lit­tle more pow­er­ful than vibra­tors that run on one N‑cell or AAA-​cell bat­tery, so it has that going for it, I guess. It's way stronger than the typ­i­cal shit­ty watch-​battery vibes. And it's not more pow­er­ful than the Pink B.O.B. vibra­tor I hat­ed, but it's also not near­ly as irritating.

VeDO Bam Mini Bullet Vibrator Review 3

…but the pointy tip saves it and makes it okay.

The dif­fer­ence is that I can actu­al­ly have accept­able orgasms with the Bam Mini because the tip is pointy enough to focus the vibra­tions when I press hard. It's also pow­er­ful enough that the 4th and 5th pat­terns (out of 7) are con­sis­tent enough to get me off, so that def­i­nite­ly counts for something.

All in all, I'm a lit­tle more than luke­warm about the VeDO Bam Mini. As some­one who can orgasm quick­ly with a fin­ger, I could see using this bul­let when I'm too lazy to did­dle and look­ing for some­thing gentle.

Closing thoughts and further reading

So let's say you're someone like me:
  • You orgasm fair­ly quick­ly with­out toys.
  • You're look­ing for a basic bul­let vibra­tor to save your hand and wrist some effort.
  • Your bud­get is tight.

I think the VeDO Bam Mini is okay for its price tag. It is weak and buzzy, but my clit is sen­si­tive. And there is a place for gen­tle toys in my col­lec­tion.

Update: See also the fol­low­ing read­ings for some more pow­er­ful budget-​friendly vibrators.


I received this item in exchange for my thor­ough, hon­est, and unbi­ased review. I do use affil­i­ate links through­out my posts. However, if I don’t care for a toy, I’ll let you know, even if it goes the grain, or even if I want­ed to like the toy. Thank you, Peepshow Toys, for send­ing me this product!


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8 Responses

  1. Alex Duba says:

    Very inter­est­ing!

  2. Taleesha says:

    How long does it take the bam mini Vibrator to charge with­out it dying The first 3mins lmao?

  3. G says:

    All your reviews are so good to read.

  4. Trix says:

    I appre­ci­ate the alter­na­tives given!

  5. Kalliopeia says:

    I'm impressed that the big­ger ver­sion is still only $34. For decent vibra­tions, that's an awe­some price. (To be fair, $24 should be good for a recharge­able bul­let, but being that vibra­tions are impor­tant in a vibrator…)

  6. Denise Smith says:

    i have tried bul­lets before my thing was they were not strong enough to get a orgasm but i love the vibes so may be i will try this one

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