Shots Chrystalino Champ Review: Cobalt Blue Glass G-Spot Dildo

Shots Chrystalino Champ Review: Cobalt Blue Glass G-Spot Dildo 1

The Chrystalino Champ is the Jack-​of-​All-​Trades sex toy I wish I had when I was younger. Especially now that I love pen­e­tra­tion, I can tru­ly appre­ci­ate this sex toy's abil­i­ty to hit so many inter­nal hot spots.

This glass dil­do, part of Shots' Chrystalino line, is a sleek, S‑curved, cobalt blue beau­ty. At the end of its 7" length, the tapered 1.4" diam­e­ter head fea­tures an inter­me­di­ate between two com­mon G‑spot dil­do designs: the flat hook, and the asym­met­ric egg-on-a-stick.

The mod­er­ate girth and shape make it a ver­sa­tile begin­ners' toy for a vari­ety of inter­nal eroge­nous zones, with­out being extreme­ly spe­cif­ic to any par­tic­u­lar one. You can use the Chrystalino Champ for explor­ing your G‑spot, PS-​spot (per­ineal sponge), and cer­vi­cal orgasms via the PFE zone (pos­te­ri­or fornix). As well, its hooked end makes it safe for anal use.

Chrystalino Champ for G-spot sensation

The Chrystalino Champ's head resem­bles an elon­gat­ed egg rest­ing on a straight shaft. The long but bul­bous design puts it at the mid­dle of a spec­trum between flat hooked G‑spot toys, and the very com­mon egg-​on-​a-​stick design on G‑spot explo­ration toys. I find that this com­bines the ben­e­fits of the extremes.

It's pre­cise enough that using it would have helped me find my G‑spot when I was younger. I insert, pull until the head meets some resis­tance just past the pubic bone, and jig­gle in place while clench­ing my pelvic floor mus­cles. That's all there is to it.

Chrystalino Champ cobalt blue glass G-spot and A-spot dildo review

There are plen­ty of toys that can stim­u­late my G‑spot now that I know where it is, but toys help­ful for find­ing one's G‑spot are fewer.

If you don't know where your G‑spot is, don't think of it as being any set num­ber of inch­es inside the vagi­na. That advice did noth­ing to help find my G‑spot. Instead, think of it as where the rip­pled, bul­bous struc­ture behind your pubic bone dips in and meets the deep­er, smooth rest of the front wall. If you feel around where the two meet, that's the gen­er­al area where you can access the most sen­si­tive part of your inter­nal clitoris.

G‑spot stim­u­la­tion with the Chrystalino Champ is easy and straight­for­ward, but not direct or intense. It's not a toy I can eas­i­ly tilt to push into my G‑spot. If the njoy Pure Wand or Jopen Comet Wand were a 10 for G‑spot inten­si­ty, I'd prob­a­bly give the Chrystalino Champ a 4. It's not a single-​purpose, mas­ter G‑spotting assailant, but it's much more ver­sa­tile. That's decid­ed­ly part of its charm.

Shots Chrystalino Champ Review: Cobalt Blue Glass G-Spot Dildo 2

Comparison with other G-spotting heads

Flat hooked G‑spot dil­do heads, like the LELO Ella and Picobong Moka, knead the front wall of the vagi­na, past the pubic bone. For many peo­ple with vagi­nas, this is where they can most eas­i­ly access their G‑spot and inter­nal cli­toris. However, this design focus­es its stim­u­la­tion too far past my pubic bone to work for me.

The Chrystalino Champ also kneads the front wall of the vagi­na, but its round­ed pro­file offers more "oomph" where flat hooked toys usu­al­ly miss. It also pulls on the ure­thral sponge with every out-​stroke. Further, even if you like flat hooked toys, this dil­do is still worth a try because it kneads more sur­face area.

Shots Chrystalino Champ Review: Cobalt Blue Glass G-Spot Dildo 3
Shots Chrystalino Champ Review: Cobalt Blue Glass G-Spot Dildo 4

And because it's bul­bous, it's more intu­itive than some more gen­tly tapered G‑spot toys. For exam­ple, I enjoy the Je Joue Uma for G‑spot stim­u­la­tion, espe­cial­ly with the vibra­tions on. However, my vagi­na tends to suck the vibra­tor in so that the nar­row­est part of its neck rests at the tight­est por­tion, where the pubic bone pro­trudes more.

The Uma's G‑spotting tip tends to go in deep­er than my G‑spot and there's a lit­tle more resis­tance try­ing to aim it at the right depth. The Chrystalino Champ's neck has an eas­i­er time stay­ing where I want it.

Targeting other erogenous zones

There are so many ways to use the Chrystalino Champ, with its abil­i­ty to focus on dif­fer­ent inter­nal eroge­nous zones. These areas include my cer­vi­cal for­nices and my per­ineal sponge (PS-​spot). The design can be espe­cial­ly help­ful for some­one just explor­ing their vagi­na (though it has the poten­tial for prostate stim­u­la­tion too).

Chrystalino Gallant next to Chrystalino Champ. Both are made of beautiful blue glass.

The 7" total length makes it long enough to stim­u­late the areas around my cervix. The Champ's bul­bous but tapered pro­file makes cervix stim­u­la­tion both easy and com­fort­able. Combined with the slick sur­face and rigid mate­r­i­al, the Champ is my go-​to if I want cervix stimulation.

I can also slide it against my A‑spot. While there are plen­ty of toys and penis­es that I love slid­ing behind my cervix, where there's more room, they just can't eas­i­ly fit or aim in front. With the bul­bous tip fac­ing my bel­ly but­ton side, it's a no-brainer.

Further reading: 6 Chrystalino Glass Dildos, Ranked and Compared!

Shots Chrystalino Champ Review: Cobalt Blue Glass G-Spot Dildo 5

Verdict on the Chrystalino Champ glass dildo

This glass dil­do is not only beau­ti­ful but also ver­sa­tile AF. It might not be the queen of G‑spotting, but it is the Jack of All Trades that I wish I had when I was younger and explor­ing my sexuality.

The one com­plaint is that I'm not super fond of the han­dle; it's far from ergonom­ic, and some may find it hard to grip. I under­stand that it's designed more for anal-​safe usage, but for vagi­nal pen­e­tra­tion, I'd rather have a more gen­tly curved han­dle. A thick­er han­dle would also make it eas­i­er to hold on to it.

My favorite use for the Champ is deep pen­e­tra­tion, but dur­ing shal­low pen­e­tra­tion, the bul­bous­ness makes for a sat­is­fy­ing "pop" as the head's entry abrupt­ly tran­si­tions to the neck.


I used affil­i­ate links in this post. They bring me a com­mis­sion at no extra cost to you. All opin­ions expressed are hon­est and my own.

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3 Responses

  1. Oreon says:

    Beautiful. This one might be worth a try too. Bonus points for blue glass!

  2. C says:

    This is beau­ti­ful! I’m still try­ing to fig­ure out my vagi­na and what it likes (esp my G‑spot), but I’m not sure how glass would feel. This looks unin­tim­i­dat­ing enough for me though, might be worth a shot!

  3. Kalliopeia says:

    I…honestly can't tell how I feel about the aes­thet­ics of this one. On one hand, the blue glass is gor­geous. But, like. Are we not going to acknowl­edge that it looks like a sperm. Because we all know it looks like a sperm, espe­cial­ly against that lacy background.

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