SelfDelve Aubergine / Eggplant girthy silicone dildo review

[Image: Self Delve Aubergine / Eggplant dildo among asparagus, bell peppers, and cucumber]

"The egg­plant agrees: it's REALLY start­ing to feel like sum­mer," I wrote in an Instagram cap­tion. After all, the only thing more delight­ful than an eggplant-​shaped dil­do is one that changes col­ors in heat.

The SelfDelve Eggplant's girth and swell enticed me. I already knew that I would love the stretch and the brag­ging rights of con­sum­ing this egg­plant vagi­nal­ly. But I wasn't expect­ing the SelfDelve Eggplant dil­do's straight taper to enam­or my G‑spot as much as it did. But it was the only sex toy I brought with me on my ANME 2019 busi­ness trip for a cou­ple of reasons.

First, it's a real-​life euphemism emo­ji, yet dis­creet enough to look like some gener­ic decor. "HOW DID YOU MAKE IT LOOK LIKE AN EGGPLANT?" a stoned friend asked me in awe. And the includ­ed stor­age is also incon­spic­u­ous: a large, blank met­al canister.

[Image: the Self Delve Eggplant / Aubergine dildo is thermochromic. It changes colors from purple and green to blue and yellow when exposed to warmth.]

Second, the SelfDelve Eggplant is one of my favorites in my review-​queue to use at the moment. At 8" long and 2.4" max diam­e­ter, it's an aubergine dream befit­ting of size roy­al­ty. It's blunt­ly volu­mi­nous for sure— if you're using the big end, there's no such thing as a grad­ual stretch. Once the broad­est part is past my pubic bone, how­ev­er, its glossy sil­i­cone is all smooth sail­ing and end­less, intense orgasms. The squish also makes the big end's girth more man­age­able and the small end's sharp "stem" pli­ably gentle.

G-spotting with the SelfDelve Eggplant

[Image: Self Delve Aubergine / Eggplant dildo among other vegetables]

My G‑spot would usu­al­ly scoff at a straight taper like this one, demand­ing a more swoop­ing and bul­bous curve. Such eye-​rolling was the case with the Je Joue Uma and the thin­ner end of the Desirables Dalia. But both of those oth­er toys are rigid and stub­born and don't get along with my G‑spot. The SelfDelve Eggplant, in con­trast, has the per­fect sil­i­cone den­si­ty for me. It's squishy enough to con­form to my pubic bone's dip and tes­sel­late against my G‑spot, while fat and firm enough to give my G‑spot intense resistance.

The SelfDelve Eggplant silicone's squish

If I had to guess SelfDelve silicone's Shore rat­ing, I'd give it a 6A or 7A. It's soft­er than Tantus's Super Soft sil­i­cone and any Uberrime dil­do I've tried, includ­ing the Fire and Ice edi­tion Night King. In oth­er words, the SelfDelve Eggplant is medium-​firm by fan­ta­sy stan­dards, but soft com­pared to what I would usu­al­ly use. And I wouldn't have it any oth­er way. The bal­ance in firm­ness is fan­tas­tic to clench around dur­ing orgasm. I grip on it like a vise, com­press­ing the SelfDelve Eggplant and feel­ing it rebound between my vag's cud­dling con­trac­tions. And repeat.

A girthy all-arounder for both shallow and deep penetration

[Image: the Self Delve Aubergine / Eggplant dildo has a very slight curve to it]

And for deep pen­e­tra­tion? My A‑spot and cervix are pleased. It's not often that I love a dil­do for both G‑spot stim­u­la­tion and deep pen­e­tra­tion, but the SelfDelve Eggplant ticks all the box­es. Once it's in, there's no escap­ing the pres­sure and the bulging for­ward tilt. Perfect for when I'm crav­ing some­thing excep­tion­al­ly thick, and more mas­sive than the Vixen Randy, but just a bit less intense than the VixSkin Gambler. Many users will find this dil­do too girthy for deep pen­e­tra­tion. For me, that's not a con­cern, since my A‑spot is a bit shal­low­er than my cervix.

Other thick SelfDelve dildos to check out

SelfDelve Aubergine / Eggplant girthy silicone dildo review 1

Those who want a slight­ly less chunky vegetable-​themed dil­do should con­sid­er SelfDelve's straight cucum­ber, which has a max diam­e­ter of 2". The SelfDelve Pepper is also 2" across at its fullest, but its shape is far more unique. It fea­tures a pointier tip for fornix mas­sage and asym­met­ric tri­an­gu­lar shaft, fun for twist­ing like the Xenuphora. But if you like thick­er inserta­bles and broad front wall stim­u­la­tion, the SelfDelve Aubergine /​ Eggplant might be for you.

My verdict on the SelfDelve Eggplant / Aubergine

[Image: the Self Delve Aubergine / Eggplant dildo blends in well in a box of produce]

I wasn't expect­ing to enjoy it as much as I do. I mere­ly want­ed an egg­plant dil­do at first. But I'm thrilled about let­ting the aes­thet­ic sway me to give the SelfDelve Eggplant a chance. It's what the Emojibator egg­plant vibra­tor wants to be when it grows up. And unlike a cer­tain, cursed Emojibator cre­ation I've tried in the past, I don't sole­ly keep the SelfDelve Aubergine around for its nov­el cute­ness. It's non-​representational and visu­al­ly at a sweet spot on the elegant-​kitschy axis, yes. But also, this dil­do sat­is­fies my sen­so­ry crav­ings for glossy sil­i­cone and gar­gan­tu­an girth.

The SelfDelve Aubergine /​ Eggplant fills me up in a dif­fer­ent way than the njoy Eleven, Vixen Randy, or VixSkin Gambler. And after all of the toys I've col­lect­ed, that was just what I need­ed: a seri­ous­ly effec­tive and (to many) intim­i­dat­ing design that doesn't take itself too seri­ous­ly. If you've ever fan­ta­sized about fuck­ing your­self with veg­eta­bles, SelfDelve's designs can ful­fill that. But with all of the perks of sil­i­cone dildos.

Find the SelfDelve Eggplant / Aubergine and other whimsical vegetable dildos at Spectrum Boutique!

[Image: Self Delve Fly Agaric / Amanita muscaria mushroom butt plug]

That includes the Amanita mus­caria mush­room, banana, slen­der curved cucum­ber, aspara­gus, corn, and more! Take 10% off your whole order at Spectrum Boutique with coupon code SUPERSMASH10

Thanks for read­ing! Let me know in the com­ments what SelfDelve sil­i­cone sex toy you'd like to see me review next.

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8 Responses

  1. D. Dyer says:

    Both want one of these for myself and want to give one to a friend, it’s an egg­plant she might have a use for.

  2. G says:

    i can't remem­ber if i've men­tioned this before but i like how you give recs for sim­i­lar ones but that are slight­ly different!

  3. C says:

    That thing is gigan­tic. There’s no way I could use that — but I love that it changes colours, that’s cool as hell. Also I love sil­ly gim­micky toys so the egg­plant design is fun too.

  4. Jeff says:

    Art imi­tat­ing life imi­tat­ing art…or some­thing like that.

  5. G says:

    Love the pic­tures here!!

  6. Make sure to your veg­eta­bles! ? So curi­ous to feel how soft it is!

  7. Trix says:

    I've been curi­ous about the corn for a while!

  8. Oreon says:

    Those are some inter­est­ing and cute 'dils.' Cheers for the review. Squish is always nice to have.

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