BMS Factory Swan Wand Classic Review: big, rechargeable vibrator

Ever want­ed to insert the Magic Wand? Yes? The Swan Wand will be a sweet treat for you — not only boast­ing Hitachi-​level earth­quake pow­er, but also boast­ing a 2" thick head.

[Image: BMS Factory Swan Wand Classic pink in a drinking glass. The girthier end has a delicious diameter of 2"]

One end deliv­ers broad exter­nal stim­u­la­tion or XTRAHUNG, girthy G‑spot pres­sure — and the oth­er one is a more mod­est 1.5" wide.

It is decid­ed­ly not for the faint of the vagi­na. Thanks to its pow­er, ver­sa­tile shape, ridicu­lous­ly long bat­tery life, and con­sis­tent­ly pos­i­tive reviews from pow­er lovers, it is a no-​brainer for size queens and peo­ple with clitorises.

Update: I have a new post about wands, where I do an even MORE IN-​DEPTH com­par­i­son of the Swan Wand to the Magic Wand Rechargeable, along with some of the oth­er best wand massagers!

Using the BMS Factory Swan Wand Classic Externally

The Swan Wand is pow­er­ful and rumbly, per­fect if you're going for lots of broad stim­u­la­tion. It's been one of my most-​used vibes for the pow­er and the 8‑hour-​long bat­tery life; it was always ready.

BMS Factory Swan Wand speed settings

There's plen­ty to love about the three thud­dy steady set­tings. The slow­est vibra­tion set­ting is a qui­et, 25 Hz purr that shakes my inter­nal cli­toris. The sec­ond speed is plen­ty to take me over the edge if the first one hadn't already made me insta-​come. I rarely need the third set­ting, which is 75 Hz.

It's like going from 25 miles per hour to 65 to 100. Instead of press­ing the but­tons, though, you can also hold them to grad­u­al­ly ramp up the speed — akin to oth­er BMS toys like the Pillow Talk Sassy and Cheeky. But way more rumbly. The BMS Factory Swan Wand Classic's vibra­tion qual­i­ty is almost par with the Hitachi Magic Wand Plus and Rechargeable. Its speeds don't go up as fast, but the back-​and-​forth move­ment is just as deep.

Wand vibration patterns

The pat­terns menu fea­tures puls­es, waves, and esca­la­tions that I haven't seen else­where and add to the expe­ri­ence– while a lot of oth­er toys' pat­terns are hit-​and-​miss, all I could see myself using all four of the pat­tern options on the Swan Wand. There's an excel­lent rea­son for this: the pat­terns go up and down, but they don't tank in speed! There's always some sub­stan­tial amount of vibra­tion even when the pat­terns dip. It nev­er drops so low that I lose my orgasm. I think the Swan Wand is per­fect for edging.

The BMS Factory Swan Wand Classic for Internal Use

The thin­ner end is a ver­sa­tile­ly mod­er­ate curve that's steep enough to grind against many people's G‑spots, while gen­tle enough to not snag or pinch against the pubic bone. It's also suit­able for deep­er pen­e­tra­tion to press on the ante­ri­or fornix /​ A‑spot. All of that is great, and I can't gloss over it.

[Image: BMS Swan Wand Classic, BMS Pillow Talk Sassy, We-Vibe Nova, LELO Mona 2]

However, the star of the show is the fat end. It irri­tates my ure­thra upon inser­tion, but once it's in, the tricky part is over. UPDATE: I've used way big­ger toys now, like the Vixen Creations Randy, VixSkin Gambler, and Tantus Bishop Super Soft XL. The Swan Wand doesn't hurt my ure­thra anymore.

I hard­ly have to do any­thing to feel tran­scen­den­tal­ly blissed out. Tiny, tiny thrusts. The self-​perpetuating pres­sure when I clench around the stiff resis­tance dur­ing an orgasm, mak­ing me come again and again. It's all about get­ting the stretch and resis­tance in the right places with min­i­mal effort.

My verdict on this big and rumbly insertable vibrator by BMS Factory

[Image: BMS Factory Swan Wand Review banner]

I see reviews that say this toy is worth the price tag even if you can't take the fat end, but as some­one with a very dis­cern­ing cli­toris, I can't agree. I wouldn't have bought the Swan Wand for just the thin­ner insertable end. For size queens, there aren't many big insertable vibra­tors with this kind of pow­er on the market.

If you want a pure­ly exter­nal wand, I high­ly rec­om­mend the Doxy Die Cast or Magic Wand Plus. They're among the best mains-​powered wand massagers.

The BMS Factory Swan Wand, though? It's about as big and rumbly as you can go for a recharge­able G‑spot vibrator.

Get the Swan Wand in hot pink at Spectrum Boutique and use my coupon code, SUPER

The discount applies sitewide, so use it for everything else you want at Spectrum, too! Shop now.

Or do some com­par­i­son shop­ping and take a look at oth­er pow­er­ful recharge­able wand vibra­tors.

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1 Response

  1. Kalliopeia says:

    I know this was pub­lished before it came out, but I'm curi­ous as to how this com­pares to the Rave.

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