Pink Punch Sunset Mushroom review: remote control egg vibrator

Pink Punch Planet promis­es an oth­er­world­ly expe­ri­ence — and their Sunset Mushroom remote con­trol vibra­tor deliv­ers retro-​futuristic immer­sion in a small package.

Sunset Mushroom with heart retrieval cord and charging/storage case

Aesthetics weren’t always notable to me when shop­ping for sex toys, but the Pink Punch Sunset Mushroom was the last step in my con­ver­sion. It’s cute and ver­sa­tile and packs a punch.

Bluetooth remote con­trol love eggs have changed a lot with­in my time review­ing toys. It used to be that if you want­ed a pow­er­ful remote con­trol panty vibe, you’d have to splurge to get a decent “vroom.”

That’s not the case any­more — Pink Punch Toys’ Sunset Mushroom gives you what would have been con­sid­ered a lux­u­ry back in the day, but with­out the lux­u­ry price. (Use code CY30 to take 30% off at Pink Punch Toys!)

Packaging, presentation, and charging case

Pink Punch Toys’ pack­ag­ing is a whole-​ass expe­ri­ence, with drip­py peach pas­tels and gra­di­ents all over the stur­dy box. Pull the rib­bon loop to reveal:

  • The FRIGGIN’ CUTE charg­ing case
  • Stylish pink USB‑C cord
  • User’s man­u­al
  • A “thank you” note with a QR code to down­load the app
  • STICKERS in the same beachy-​peachy art style as the box
Pink Punch Sunset Mushroom inside inductive charging and storage case with packaging

The charg­ing sta­tion is about 4.9” long by 2.9” wide by 2.0” deep, like a case for golf pen­cils or false eye­lash­es. Its top reads “PINK PUNCH” in a Powerpuff Girls-​esque font, evok­ing nos­tal­gia for fel­low Y2K babes.

Inside is the vibra­tor itself and a retrieval cord with a lit­tle heart.

Pink Punch Sunset Mushroom shape and size

Finally, we’re open­ing the shell that encom­pass­es the Pink Punch Sunset Mushroom mas­sager. Clear, eff­ing hard sil­i­cone sur­rounds the peach-​to-​pink fad­ed phallus.

While I wouldn’t per­son­al­ly wear it as a pen­dant as Pink Punch sug­gests, I agree it’s teeny-​tiny enough for that!

Think of the Sunset Mushroom less as a G‑spot vibra­tor and more as a vibrat­ing egg with a styl­ized retrieval han­dle and cord. Could you thrust it? Maybe, but there’s lit­tle room to grip it with your fingers.

It’s all about set­ting it and sur­ren­der­ing to the ebb and flow of a partner’s whims for you.

Pink Punch Sunset Mushroom Love Egg inside retro-futuristic inductive charging case

Here are the Pink Punch Sunset Mushroom’s measurements:

  • 3.35” long
  • 0.45” min­i­mum diameter
  • 1.38” max­i­mum diameter
  • 3.70” long remov­able retrieval cord with a lil heart loop at the end!

Look how cute it is.

Vibration quality and comparison to competitor

With panty vibra­tors, in par­tic­u­lar, some desired qual­i­ties are at odds. I think the Sunset Mushroom nice­ly balances:

  • Discretion — dain­tier vibra­tors do bet­ter in this department
  • Remote con­trol func­tion­al­i­ty — hav­ing enough room to con­tain the com­po­nents for Bluetooth com­pat­i­bil­i­ty. As well it’s just more con­ve­nient to con­trol a love egg with a remote instead of reach­ing down every time you want to press the but­ton on the toy.
  • Power — it has to be strong enough to have fun with, duh!
  • Price for every­thing you get

This cute mush­room vibra­tor is on the buzzy and zingy side, rang­ing from 73 to 141 Hz. In lay terms, it’s high-​pitched and won’t give you a deep, throb­bing bass. But its raw strength is enough to splash quite a bit when dipped in water. More impor­tant­ly, it can make me cum dur­ing inter­nal and exter­nal use.

I like how the notch under the mush­room tip focus­es the vibra­tions on my cli­toris. And my G‑spot is def­i­nite­ly satisfied. 

Another key takeaway?

This vibra­tor is stronger than the OhMiBod Esca 2 (which is about the same price).

While there are undoubt­ed­ly more robust, higher-​end options, the Pink Punch Sunset Mushroom is among the best love egg-​style panty vibes you can get for $70.

Settings and Bluetooth remote control vibrator

One but­ton cycles through 3 steady speeds and 5 pat­terns, plus you get even more options with the Pink Punch Bluetooth remote con­trol app. You can install it via the app store or an APK for Android devices.

Most of the pat­terns have a ded­i­cat­ed screen where you can turn them up and down in inten­si­ty. The graph­ics are super fes­tive with the neon lights on black form­ing ros­es, mixed drinks amid light­ning bolts, and of course, drip­ping mushrooms!

One of the first pages prompts you to name your Sunset Mushroom vibra­tor. I chose the title “Amanita” after the hal­lu­cino­genic fly agar­ic mush­room.

One-​button interface

Here’s the order of the set­tings when you use the button:

  1. Low steady speed (about 73 Hz)
  2. Medium con­stant rate (about 123 Hz)
  3. High steady speed (about 141 Hz)
  4. Slow ramp­ing up from zero to top speed
  5. High (117 Hz) whole note, low (83 Hz) whole note
  6. Fast thrum (I like this one a lot!)
  7. 1–2‑3–4‑5 66666666666666 — 5 short puls­es and one long
  8. Quick puls­ing and thrum­ming esca­la­tion to the top speed

Bluetooth vibrator remote control

And here are the cor­re­spond­ing screens for each rhythm in the app. You can com­bine each pat­tern with vari­a­tions in inten­si­ty by swip­ing up or down:

  1. Lottery (slot machine ani­ma­tion) — ran­dom­ly picks one of the fol­low­ing settings
  2. Cocktail — fast thrum — same as #6 above
  3. Shroom — steady, con­tin­u­ous vibration
  4. Fingers — 1–2‑3–4‑5 66666666666666 — 5 short puls­es and 1 long, and same as #7 above
  5. Passion (car on road ani­ma­tion) — quick puls­ing and thrum­ming esca­la­tion to top speed — same as #8 above

In addi­tion to short-​range play, a part­ner can use the Pink Punch app to com­mu­ni­cate with your device and con­trol it from afar.

Charging and battery life of the Sunset Mushroom

There are two sep­a­rate LED indi­ca­tors: one for charg­ing the dock and one for the toy. Two hours brings the case to a com­plete charge.

From there, you can pow­er the Sunset Mushroom three times via induc­tion. 30 min­utes of charg­ing gives you 1 hour of con­tin­u­ous playtime.

Of course, if you’re using a panty vibra­tor for the ele­ment of sur­prise, you’ll prob­a­bly have spans of inac­tiv­i­ty, teas­ing, and high inten­si­ty. So your mileage may vary.

How to make the most of a panty vibrator

I have some fur­ther gen­er­al best prac­tice tips for remote con­trol love eggs:

  1. A skirt or loose pair of shorts is ide­al; thick pants could hin­der the connection
  2. Make sure to charge it reg­u­lar­ly; the link will get spot­ty if there’s a low battery
  3. A clos­er range is more sta­ble — think of walk­ing along­side a part­ner or being seat­ed near them
  4. Being in a club or bustling envi­ron­ment helps, too. The sound will be a lot less noticeable.

My verdict on the Pink Punch Sunset Mushroom

The Pink Punch Toys Sunset Mushroom has ful­ly con­vert­ed me into one of thooooose peo­ple who gush over a toy’s aesthetics.

Sunset Mushroom and Dee's Big Daddy Danny
Featured: Sunset Mushroom and Dee's Big Daddy Danny

I used to scoff at the likes of the infa­mous, so-​called “soul-​snatching” rose mas­sager. It was fine, but I wasn’t enamored.

Slowly but sure­ly, my heart warmed up. While the Pink Punch Sunset Mushroom vibra­tor isn’t the absolute strongest in its cat­e­go­ry, it’s up there among the top con­tenders for its price bracket.

And it has plen­ty of things going for it that get my stamp of approval.

Pink Punch Sunset Mushroom pros
  • It’s adorable AF
  • It’s strong, espe­cial­ly for the size and price! The Sunset out­per­forms some more expen­sive panty vibes I used to love.
  • The case and the toy design itself are dis­creet and stur­dy for travel
  • The ele­ments are well-​designed and put togeth­er with­out break­ing the bank
  • And dammit, the app’s alien planet-​themed graph­ics won me over!
Pink Punch Sunset Mushroom cons
  • Not the rum­bli­est, but for the price, that's fine
  • Expensive at reg­u­lar price… but you have Pink Punch Toys dis­count code here, so have at it!

Take 30% off the Pink Punch Sunset Mushroom with code CY30. The dis­count takes it to a lit­tle over $69 (nice), giv­ing you a beau­ti­ful bang-​to-​buck ratio for all the features!

I’m still wow-​ed by how much remote con­trol love eggs have changed in the past three years. The Pink Punch Sunset Mushroom is a love­ly exam­ple of some­one step­ping up their game — mechan­i­cal­ly, tech­no­log­i­cal­ly, and aes­thet­i­cal­ly. There’s style and sub­stance here; this vibrat­ing remote con­trol love egg is one of the best of its class.

Use dis­count code CY30 for 30% off Pink Punch Toys.

Pink Punch Sunset Mushroom review: remote control egg vibrator 7

This post was spon­sored by Pink Punch Toys. Opinions expressed are my own.

Further reading: bespoke silly shape sex toys

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2 Responses

  1. Alex says:

    That is just too cute! I also real­ly like the portable charg­ing case, I wish more com­pa­nies would offer some­thing like that for their toys.

  2. Trix says:

    I’d been think­ing Super Mario, but Powerpuff Girls makes sense too!

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