Review: 10-Setting Tongue-Shaped Clitoral Vibrator via BestVibe 4

Review: 10-Setting Tongue-Shaped Clitoral Vibrator via BestVibe

Full lips and tex­tured tongue? Use the edge for pin­point stim­u­la­tion or enjoy shal­low pen­e­tra­tion with it. A tongue-​shaped vibra­tor with tex­ture and a flex­i­ble rim This sil­i­cone tongue-​​shaped vibra­tor allows the…

New Sensations: 8 Unique Sex Toys to Try 5

New Sensations: 8 Unique Sex Toys to Try

Dildos have been around for prac­ti­cal­ly for­ev­er — at least 28,000 years. Early vibra­tors orig­i­nat­ed as med­ical devices in the 1700s. Since then, new sex toys have come a long…

How to Have Clean Anal Sex: 4 Considerations 8

How to Have Clean Anal Sex: 4 Considerations

Shit hap­pens. We all know that the anus's pri­ma­ry pur­pose is that of an exit. Understandably, clean­li­ness is among the biggest con­cerns about anal sex. It's only sec­ond to per­haps picking…

The Polite Way to Break Up (With Your Therapist) 9

The Polite Way to Break Up (With Your Therapist)

It's not easy to share your dark­est thoughts with some­one and trust that they'll under­stand — let alone advise with a har­mo­nious bal­ance between accep­tance and growth. And when a…

How to "Date Yourself" 11

How to "Date Yourself"

After British Vogue inter­viewed Emma Watson, the media fix­at­ed on the 20 sec­onds where she talked about being sin­gle and "self-​​partnered." It was a con­ver­sa­tion where she spoke about mental…

4 Common Misconceptions About Sex-Positive Bloggers 13

4 Common Misconceptions About Sex-Positive Bloggers

When I reveal that I'm a sex toy review­er, I some­times hear vari­a­tions of "Really?! But you're so quiet/wholesome/[insert anoth­er syn­onym for demure]!" On a bad day, I might clap…