Uberrime Aqua-King Aquaman-Themed Silicone Fantasy Dildo 1

Uberrime Aqua-King Aquaman-Themed Silicone Fantasy Dildo

Ever want­ed to cry imme­di­ate­ly after a cathar­tic orgasm? Because that's how the Uberrime Aqua-​​King makes me feel. And not nec­es­sar­i­ly cry­ing dur­ing an intense orgasm, or feel­ing depressed afterward.…

Zalo Marie G-spot vibrator review featured image banner

Zalo Marie Rococo-themed G-spot vibrator review

Everything about Zalo's vibra­tors and their Versailles-​​inspired pre­sen­ta­tion embod­ies "extra." Not least, the Zalo Marie's ornate box almost looks like there should be paint­ings of hap­py cherubs all over it. Inside…

Top 10 Sex Toys & Products for Partner Play 3

Top 10 Sex Toys & Products for Partner Play

ANY SEX TOY CAN BE A COUPLE'S TOY IF YOU USE IT WITH A PARTNER. Some toys, though, are more con­ve­nient to com­bine with par­tic­u­lar part­nered activ­i­ties than oth­ers. These…

3 Reasons I Want More Body Mods 5

3 Reasons I Want More Body Mods

New Year's res­o­lu­tions should be fun! The more high-​​spirited you are about them, the more like­ly you are to keep them. Fortunately, mod­i­fy­ing one's appear­ance can be just as fun…

Desirables Dalia Porcelain G-spot Dildo Review featured image banner

Desirables Dalia porcelain G-spot dildo review

Centuries from now, archae­ol­o­gists will exca­vate my tomb and find sex toys. Thousands of sex toys— some entire­ly intact. My Blush Gaia Eco biodegrad­able vibra­tor might break down, but my…

Zolo Twist Anaconda penis masturbator cup review 7

Zolo Twist Anaconda penis masturbator cup review

"Best orgasm I've had in a while just now using the stro­ker," my boyfriend texted me on Christmas morn­ing. "It last­ed a while and was intense. Maybe part­ly because I'm…