Review: VUSH Myth G-spot vibrator & Rose 2 bullet 4

Review: VUSH Myth G-spot vibrator & Rose 2 bullet

2016 called. It wants its Millennial Pink, rose gold, and com­mer­cial­ized well­ness girl­bossi­fi­ca­tion self-​​love back. I per­son­i­fy VUSH vibra­tors as some basic-​​bitch Millennial drink­ing cel­ery juice, sport­ing thick eye­brows gradient-​​filled and…

Artistic diagram of menstrual cycle phases and uterus

How Each Menstrual Cycle Phase Affects My Sex Life

If some­one says that cis women are wildest dur­ing their peri­ods, they've nev­er seen me sex toy shop­ping and booty-​​calling dur­ing ovu­la­tion. One of my Instagram fol­low­ers com­mis­er­at­ed: You're not…

How discreet is your online sex toy shopping? 8

How discreet is your online sex toy shopping?

Raise your hand if you’ve ever been vic­tim­ized by sex toy pack­ages declar­ing, “VIBRATING MASSAGER” or “HEALTH CARE GADGETS.” I’ll wait. I’ve been there and done that, and I’m not…

Q&A: What's it like to be a male escort? 10

Q&A: What's it like to be a male escort?

For me per­son­al­ly, [being a good man] means fac­ing and resolv­ing bias­es that I may have regard­ing the idea of gen­der equal­i­ty and help­ing oth­er men resolve them, too. Guest…